
Showing posts from April, 2010

sublimetext2 - Substitute for vim replace in Sublime -

I'm looking for an alternative to vim's "replace with character" command - in particular, I choose Example: is starting with i For example: Some text with an arbitrary number: 12358 99 8281 I would like an easy way to select 12358998281 and call it 99999999999 , results for creating I have an arbitrary number Here's some text: 99 99 99 99 99 9 (In vim, to select this cursor with 12358998281 , ve By pressing r9 ) I can do this by selecting the text, are able to ensure the "find" dialog, "in selection" and "by regex" Looking for it, then typing my character in the resulting multiselect. However, this is incredibly laborious, and it prevents me from doing this process on a multicast (for example, if 12358998281 exists in many parts of the file, then I will give it all the examples Instead of executing the above process, instead of executing the above process, copying it to the clipboard, and replacing i...

How to redirect from modal content if opened without main window? -

I have a little bit where all the pages are loaded in a modal window. But the search engine forwards the visitor to the subpages without the main window (for example, one) I'm curious, whether the sub-pages of sub-pages with visitors Is it possible to open instead? Do I try to include the content of the subpages in the main page and somehow call them through a bookmark (because I think I can not identify it from an html, even if it was opened in a modal window Ho), but I'm sure someone's experience can come with a fair idea. Thanks a lot! Thank you, this is a possible solution. function parentExists () {return (parent.location == window.location)? True False; } If (guardian ()) ....; Other {window.location.replace ("http: // ...... .COM"); }

magento - Magmi Image Upload Remore Url from PHP -

The URL is trying to upload an image with Maggie. does not work. The image is not visible back and forth. 'ski' = $ $ $ $ newProductData = array ('name' = & gt; (string) $ v] [title] & Gt; (string) $ v [manufacturer_item_id], // sku 'special_price' = & gt; ((real) $ v [recommended_retail_price]), // Special price 'price' = & gt; ('real') $ V [recommended_retail_price]), // value 'attribute_set' = & gt; 'Pharhad', // feature_set 'type' = & gt; 'Configurable', 'Store' = & gt; 'Admin', 'Description' = & gt; (String) $ v [title], // Full description 'short_description' = & gt; (String) $ v [title], // short description 'qty' = & gt; (String) 10, // class 'id' = & gt; $ V [category], // categories weight 'weight' => (String) '', // weight 'tax_class_id' = & gt; '2', // tax class i...

copy - Issue when merging 2 files into one file in batch -

I have a problem when merging 2 files in one file lines in the first file are 1 2 3 4 and the other The lines are 5 6 7. When I do this: copy test1.txt + test2.txt result.txt I get the lines below. Please check that 4 is 5. 1 2 3 45 6 7 I do not know why, I hope that 5 6 7 will continue as if from a new line: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This is a test case. I want to extend it on big files. I also try "type" and the same result. Of Can someone please advise? Thanks As stated in Mofi's comment, the last line of test1.txt is a new line Do not end up with either copy or attach a new line at the end of the file, so end of test1 will run at the beginning of test2. In your comment, you have solved the problem by saying: For in %% x (test * .txt) more "% x x" & gt; & Gt; New.txt can be made a bit more efficient by using: (%% x (test * .txt) in excess of "% % X ") and gt; New.txt By any means, the above functions are correct ...

shell - error in script containing grep -

मुझे निम्न कोड में GREP अमान्य विकल्प त्रुटि मिल रही है: फ़ाइल = $ ( $ F में $ f के लिए- $ 2 ($ echo | cut -d "_" -f2) खोजें) -एमटीएम -4 | ls -lt | grep "$ po" | पढ़ते समय Fn करें अगर [-s $ fn]; तो # चेक अगर फ़ाइल खाली नहीं है [-d tmp]; तो rm -r tmp फाई mkdir tmp सीपी -p $ fn / tmp / $ fn तोड़ फाई किया किया मूल रूप से मैं इस सूची जो मैं तो के माध्यम से पाशन को खोजने से हो रही है सॉर्ट करने के लिए कोशिश कर रहा हूँ यह एक PO के लिए नवीनतम गैर शून्य फ़ाइल लेने। फ़ाइल की सूची -rw-rw-r-- 1 loneranger loneranger 37 जुला 21 06:30 belk_po12345_20140721 है लॉग -rw-rw-r-- 1 loneranger loneranger 24 जुला 22 06:30 belk_po12345_20140722.log -rw-rw-r-- 1 loneranger loneranger 0 जुला 23 06:30 belk_po12345_20140723.log -rw-rw-r-- 1 loneranger loneranger 11 जुला 24 00:00 belk_po12348_20140723.log पीओ - ​​po12345 या po12348 इन रहे हैं ... मूल रूप से मैं इस सूची जो मैं तो लगता है से यह माध्यम से पाशन एक PO के लिए नवीनतम गैर शून्य फ़ाइल लेने हो रही सॉर्ट करने के ...

getClass() returning java.lang.Class [Reflection] -

Then after obtaining the parameter for a method via reflection: class & Lt; ? & Gt; [] Parameters = m.getParameterTypes (); And suppose I'm piping through the methods and I'm searching for a method with only one parameter: Params.length & gt; 1) {continue; } Parameter Length Length 1: Class When I try to print the parameter class with the getClass () method, it returns the java.lang.Class. However, when I get the Superclass GetSuperclass () method, it gives superclass. For example: System.out.println (par.getClass ()); Println (par.getSuperclass ()); Let us assume the parameters of the method "Player Death Avent" is a class, which extends the "Event" category. It is being said, the output may be: java.lang.Class org.mypackage.Event Is there any reason to do this? I have found a way along with GetCanonicalName, but I am very curious why this happens. Returns the class object for that example class ...

How do I get an html/css form to post to Gravity Forms? -

In WordPress's Landing Page Conversion Project, I have a Photoshop (.psd) that I started to convert to a basic HTML / I. CSS page, which includes a non-functional, but properly formatted form. Expand the project with the need to post user entries for Gravity Form plugin in WordPress. How do I need to modify my existing HTML / CSS form (since I have already created the styles) and submitted the entries in the WordPress Dashboard to the form of Gravity Form? I want to do this without starting from scratch, HTML and form styles. HTML / CSS version : WordPress Template Edition : Neither a Gravity Form Form Is integrated. By looking at the Gravity Form API, the simplest way, if you do not want to sacrifice your current style , Then your current form will be for the gravity form API. Post / Form / [Form ID] / Entries URI: / Gravity Formsp / Form / [Form Id] / Entries Description: Creates / Adds Forms for the specified ID form Input: A JSON string that contains ...

javascript - How to stall angular execution until JSON has been loaded? -

I have an angular application that needs to load app config data from some JSON, it is wrapped in a service, The problem that gets injected into the controllers is that I should wait until the controllers have successfully loaded json. In other words, load it synchronously. I want to request this json file and the app is not nothing until we get it back. I do not know what is the "proper angular" way to do this, suggestion? use angular Bootstrap () . var myApp = angular.module ('myApp', []); // Announce your remaining app, e.g. MyApp.controller (... angular.element (.document) .ready (function () {jQuery.getJSON ('/ api / my-app / config', function (data) {// what you want with `data` Angular.bootstrap (document.getElementById ('my-app'), ['myApp']);});}) Note :: Feel free to use any other method to get your config JSON, jQuery.getJSON () (document) .ready ( ) and AJAX calls, consider using the promises, so that they ...

sql - Mysql query issue with left join -

I have two tables and try to join them both on the basis of primary and foreign keys. But the problem is that in the second table there are duplicate lines in the foreign key. 1 table - category catid catname 1aa2bbb3ccc 2 table - answer ansid catid 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 should be the result catid catname Currently answer table 1 aaa yes 2bbb Yes 3 ccc no My query Skip to select category * category.catid = answers.catid Join Answer at text "> c.cidid, c.catname, in the case when the amount (a.catid is not empty)> gt and then 'no' and 'yes' As current_ As N_shansrs_tag a north Leave the Class C c.catid = a.catid group c.catid, c.catname

How do I print a Ruby regex variable? -

मैं एक नियमित अभिव्यक्ति का सिर्फ एक हिस्सा कैसे मुद्रित / प्रदर्शित करूं जो कि स्लैश के बीच है? आईआरबी & gt; Re = / \ Ahello \ z / irb & gt; इसका परिणाम है: पुनः है / (- - मिश्रण: \ एहेलो \ z) / "{/ code} जबकि मैं चाहता हूं: है / \ ahello \ z / ... लेकिन नहीं यह पागलपन कर रहा है: डालता है "पुनः है / # {re.to_s.gsub (/.*:(.*)\)/, '' 1 ')} /" यदि आप सीमांकक के बीच मूल प्रतिमान देखना चाहते हैं, तो source : IP_PATTERN = /(?:\d {1,3}} .){3}.d{1,3}/ IP_PATTERN # = & gt; /( {:3} "/(?:\\d {1,3}}।} {3} \\d {1,3} /" IP_PATTERN.to_s # = & gt; "(? -मिक्स: (?: \\ d {1,3} \\।) {3} \\ d {1,3})" यह वही है जो स्रोत दिखाता है: IP_PATTERN.source # = & gt; "(?: \\ d {1,3} \\।) {3} \\ d {1,3}" से: रिटर्न देता है पैटर्न की मूल स्ट्रिंग /ab+c/ix.source # = & gt; "एब + सी" ध्यान दें कि एस्केप अनुक्रम को यथासंभव रखा जाता है। /\x20\+/.source # = & gt; "\\ x20 \\ +...

Call Python function from Javascript code -

I want to call the Python function to Javascript because There is no option in javascript for whatever I want. Is this possible? Can you adjust the snippet below to work? Javascript part: var tag = document.getElementsByTagName ("p") [0]; Text = tag.inner HTML; // Here I would like to call Python Interpreter with Python Function arrOfStrings = openSomehowPythonInterpreter ("~ /", "Process paragraph (text)"); ~ / contains functions that use advanced libraries, which are not easy to write in JavaScript, import nltk # javascript Not in the DEF process paragraph (text): ... nltk calls ... returns LST # returns the list of strings (this will be converted to 'javascript' array) You only need to unplug your python Terrorism is a customizable Ajax request. You can do this with jquery, or just use javascript $ Ajax ({type: "POST", url: "~ /", data: {param: text}}) .d...

rest - Store thread-safe global request specific data with Rails -

बहुत सारे रेल ऐप मैं काम करता हूं कुछ अनुरोध विशिष्ट पैरामीटर ( request_api_version पर निर्भर करता है, client_ip , device_id , ...)। अब के लिए ये पैरामीटर प्रत्येक विधि कॉल में पास किए गए हैं। यह बहुत भारी है हालांकि मैं MyApp.request_api_version जैसे वैश्विक वैरिएबल के बारे में जानता हूं, लेकिन मुझे यह नहीं दिखाई देता है कि यह डेटा कहीं पर संग्रहीत करने के लिए एक धागा-सुरक्षित स्मार्ट तरीका है? अच्छा अभ्यास के रूप में (धागा-सुरक्षित, ...)। कोई अन्य विकल्प? tl; dr का उपयोग करें। लंबी संस्करण: रुबी में धागे के प्रकार की तरह व्यवहार करता है (वे [] और [] = ), और आप वर्तमान धागे को थ्रेड। कंवरेंट के माध्यम से एक्सेस कर सकते हैं। यह आपको कंट्रोलर में Thread.current [: client_ip] = request.ip की तरह सामान करने देता है, फिर client_ip = थ्रेड.current [: client_ip] अपने मॉडल में। यह तब तक बहुत अच्छा काम करता है जब तक कि ऐप सर्वर किसी दूसरे अनुरोध को संभालने के लिए किसी धागे को पुनः उपयोग नहीं करता। फिर अराजकता बन जाती है और ब्रह्मांड नष्ट हो जाता है (या कुछ चीज)।...

jquery - Active link menu switch weird behavior (Bootstrap) -

I'm surprised that there is not a tool to switch bootstrap between .active class The various links in the .nav bar So I searched and did some help and tried to apply this script to my menu: $ ('new li a'). ('Click', function () {warning ("class added" + $ (this) .Parent (). ('A'). Attr ('href'); $ (This) .Parent ). Parent (). ('Active'). ExitClaim ('active'); $ (this) .Parent (.) AddClass ('active');}); This is HTML: & lt; Nav class = "navbar navbar-default" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container-liquid" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "navbar-header" & gt; & Lt ;! - blah blah - & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "fall navbar-fall" id = "navbar-collapse" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "nav navbar-nav" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "active" & gt; & Lt; A href = "{{URL :: from (...

ios - Color of drawInRect:withAttributes: -

Was trying to fix some alerts in the iOS app and its update has been changed: [[Self text] Draw: Rectit with fonts: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: kFontSize]]; [[UIColor white color] set]; To do this: [[Self text] Draw Intersect: Rucket Attachments: @ {NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: kFontSize]}]; [[UIColor white color] set]; However now the color of the text is black ... how can I fix it? You need to add color to properties: NSDictionary * Attributes = @ {NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: kFontSize], NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor whiteColor]}; [[Self text] Draw intact: Ritch Attachments: Attributes]; With this approach, there is no need to set color in the old way.

Python: Tkinter not displaying my image or UI -

I am trying to create a user interface with an image in my top right corner This is my code: import as tkinter import urllib.request import64 as base64 b64 class my_ui (tk.Tk): def __init __ (self, parent): tk.Tk .__ init __ (self , Parents) self.parent = Parents self-interest () DRAF affinity (self): self. Grad () #Welcome Label = Vaccines Label (self, text = "welcome to my UI", anchor = 'center', FG = 'white', bg = 'blue') label. Grid (column = 0, line = 0, column = 2, line = 2, stick = = 'ew') # button button = vaccine button (auto, text = "button1", command = self.onButtonClick) button. Def OnButtonClick (auto): print ("you clicked the button!") If the __name__ == "__main__": App = my_ui (none) # Logo URL (column = 0, line = 3, sticky = 'w') - Just a smiley face URL = "" U = ur...

vba - My.Computer.Name Results in Run-time Error 424 -

( "on an Access form is required object is required to use My.Computer.Name, but a 424 Result in run-time error "). I have copied and pasted example code for My.Computer.Name from Microsoft's Office Dev website that generates a similar run-time error. I also tried My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists, with the same result. Any help would be greatly appreciated! check-out Basically, either 'more simple but easy to "spoof" the environment ( "compute name") use "as long as it works on your access server, should be used as long as' just' Computername () string dim stBuff string * 255 as the dim lAPIResult when as kernel32 "alias" GetComputerNameA "(ByVal lpBuffer string, ByRef n size) as long ceremony ComputerName (in)" a user's personal computer Rchar function GetComputerName need to get Lib whenever "Dim Elbifel long Lbfeln = 255 lAPIResult = GetComputerName (Stbf, Elbifeln) as Lebfel & ...

Removing \r\n from a Python list after importing with readlines -

I have saved a list of ticker symbols in a text file as follows: mmm ABT ABBV ANF .... Then I use the symbols in the Python list: share = open (text file) .Redline () However, when I look at the list in the window that is going to exit the end line line which I do not want: list: ['MMM \ r \ n', 'ABT' R \ n ',' abbv \ r \ n ',' anf \ r \ n ',' ace \ r \ n ',' acn \ r \ n ',' atti 'r \ n', 'adby \ r \ N ',' ADT \ r \ n ',' AMD \ r \ n ',' AES \ r \ n ', ..... Does anyone remove these unwanted characters? The easiest way to recommend? This basically works by redunes you post-process it stock = [x.rstrip (for stock in x) but I do not like to use the readlines share = open (textfile) .read (). Splitlines () / Pre> or better than: with open textfile (f: stocks = (). Splitlines () (This almost certainly will not make any difference here, bu...

Selenium Webdriver - using isDisplayed() in If statement is not working -

I am creating a script that was to search for records and then to update the records. On the search screen, a user has the option of viewing advanced search options. Toggle to show or hide advanced search is controlled by a button. & lt; A title = "search" href = "javascript: extended filter ()" & gt; IMG boundary = "0" align = "gram" alt = "advanced" src = "**** MASKED URL ****" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; The difference between the properties of the search button when it is showing or hiding advanced search img src: When Advanced Search is hidden IMG src "/ Styles /_Images/advanced_button.jpg "when advanced search appears, IMG src ends with" /Styles/_Images/basic_button.png " when I open the page Sometimes, advanced search options are visible, sometimes it is not. The value that I want to find appears in the Advanced section, so I have added the IF statement to work for my scri...

mysql - Hive 'cannot alter table' error -

An error occurs when I was loading data in a table and I appreciate your help. hive & gt; Load data in local patient '/ home / extratech / discoctimate / detection_10.txt' table; Copy of data from file: /home/Xperttech/Desktop/datagen_10.txt file copy: file: / home / extract / desktop / detection_10.txt Unable to change failed tables with default.patient exception to load data in data. Removal: Execution error, return code from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask 1 Although the data is inserted in the normal form. This only occurs when I use mysql for metastore when I switch back to the derby, then everything works fine. I'm sure mysql is running well and hive Login is successful. Hive log: 2014-07-24 20: 36: 55,136 error exec.ask (sessionState. Java: print ether (419)) - with the exception failed Unable to change table Org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: unable to change table on org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.alterTable (hiv...

javascript - Bring new page to the front -

I am trying to open a new page using in vb The problem is that the new page does not appear in front of how can I make the new page appear in front of the current page? Protected sub btnedit_Click (as the object, in the form of e EventArgs) btnedit.Click ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript (My, GetType (string), "OPEN_WINDOW", "varMatha = ( Screen.width / 2) - (760/2); var Mtop = (screen.height / 2) - (700/2); var newwin = ('& amp; ResolveUrl ("~ / webform / multimedia / Video / playlistadd.aspx mediaID =? "& Gvlist.Tag (gvlist.SelectedIndex) & amp;";) & amp; "', null,' height = 600, width = 750, position = yes, toolbar = No, scrollbar = yes, menu bar = no, location = no, resizable = no, top = '+ mtop +', left = '+ mleft +'); Newwin.focus (); ", true) End Sub To eliminate confusion, = newwin ('/ webform / Multimedia / Videos /

End of Statement Expected...VB.NET -

I am trying to open a new window from the client side: slower web address. Cleioscript Registrar startup script (mg gate type), "new page", web address, true) I hope to "end the error" in the line number. 2 ... Please help me I have tried all kinds of combinations. You String.Format , where quotation marks " should be specified: webaddress = String.Format (" (" "{0}" ")", "Http: // ")

if statement - bash/sh cron not writing -

Can anyone see what I did wrong here? This is an easy piece of my code that works fine. I have never tested it though. Maybe something just is not working on sh? If the detail opens the crane and looks for a similar line before writing. This prevents the duplicate. If ["` crontab-l | grape $ SCRIPT` "\ & gt; ""]; Then (crontab-el; echo "* / 10 * * * * cd / etc / mscript / sh & amp;"). Crontab - fi It does not write anything for the cron if the work within the statement works out to 100% by itself. In any way if the statement is broken. Here's another way to look at it: If ["` crontab -l | grep` "\ & gt; ""]; Then (crontab-el; echo "* / 10 * * * * cd / etc / mscript / sh & amp;"). If statement incorrectly works, then CrossTab - Fi Direction: The clause is executed, except if the script is already installed, it can be simplified: if! Cronat-l | Grep -q st...

Ruby Script using Octokit: Making API Calls -

I am trying to create a script that receives a list of all repositories from GitHub. GeetHub has a Ruby Gem named Okokit which I am trying to use, but I have lost a bit. The API is a reference. This shows that I can get this feedback using the GET request. I am trying to figure out how to use okoku gems. I'm new to Ruby, so I can be fully based on this question, but I appreciate some steps that how it could have been completed. If I should not use an octave for this, then the recommendation to make an HTTP request and parse the appropriate JSON response will also be appreciated. I still have a code: #! / Usr / bin / ruby ​​is required 'ocokit' client = okcokit :: :: login = & gt; '',: Password = & gt; '' User = user.login You already have the code The following is written, you can get all the repositories for the user who is the credentials you are using when authenticating the client: client.respositories ...

sql server - Trigger on table -

I'm interested in learning about triggering execution in SQL Server. I have a INSERT trigger for a table and I include 10 records from another table. How often are the triggers called? Once or 10 times? And how many records will be available in the INSERTED table? For your INSERT statement the trigger is called one time .except table / Html>

objective c - How to create a small button with a large tappable area -

I want to create a close button which will look like a circle with X in the x code I have the size of the button and Width made big so that the touchable area is bigger (50x50 with just 22 fonts). I create a button, change the title to X and then set the following: [self.closeButton.layer setBorderWidth: 2.0f]; [Self. Close button Player setborderroller: [[UIColor whitecolor] CGColor]]; [Self. Close button Player setcorn radius: self. Close button.boundsskies Wth / 2]; The circle limit is very far away from X. Can I bring the boundaries on the axes to X, but can not reduce the size of the clickable area? Assign an image to a button and make the tappable area as you want, then above the button, below Set the image's position in the button by setting the button's inset value as left, right. Change its value according to your needs You can set the inset value from the inset builder as shown in the image. Change the price and see the difference to keep your image a...

html - Bootstrap is very slow how to make it faster -

मेरी साइट है: मेरी वेबसाइट धीमे है bootstrap.css और js लोड करने का समय: 3.56 s ( पिंगदाम द्वारा ) bootstrap.css: 97.9 केबी बूटस्ट्रैप। जेएस: 28.7 Google pagespeed चेकर द्वारा संपीड़ित 80.8KiB (82% की कमी) को बचा सकता है। संपीड़ित||content/themes/desgnspycy/js/jquery-1.js 59.3KiB (64% कमी) को बचा सकता है। संपीड़ित 20.9KiB (73% की कमी) को बचा सकता है। संपीड़ित 10.8KiB (74% की कमी) को बचा सकता है। संपीड़ित 5.9KiB (70% की कमी) को बचा सकता है। मैं मोबाइल अनुकूलक सीएसएस के लिए बूटस्ट्रैप का उपयोग करता हूं लेकिन मेरी साइट लोड टाइम कम कोई भी सुझाव है। एक अन्य सुझाव सामग्री वितरण नेटवर्क या CDN का उपयोग कर रहा है, जो आपकी फ़ाइलों को bootstrap और jQuery जैसी मेजबानी करता है। इस तरह, यदि कोई उपयोगकर्ता पहले से ही उस साइट पर जा चु...

java - I want a JLabel to appear after pressing a JButton -

I need help for this code, I'm trying to create a simple cookie clicker type game, I have mostly code, but for some reason, when I try to add jlabal to the frame, it creates an error, I expected that none of you can help me New enough, thanks for the help! // variable clicked constant intrate = 0; Private Flow layout layout; Private Container Container; Public Static Zero Main (String [] Args) {// Declaring buttons, panels etc ... Button button = New pocket ("click"); Zpean panel = new zpn (); Panel.add (button); Last Jeffrey Frame = New Jeffram ("button pressed"); Frame.setSize (400, 200); Frame.setVisible (true); Frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Frame.add (panel); // Action Listener Code Button AddActionListener {New Zenith ActionPerfed (Action Event E) {// When the Click Button is clicked on the click ++; System.out.println ("Pressed button" + clicked + "bar!"); }}} You can add a JLabel and Then the Update but...

amazon web services - Connect Elastic Load Balancer instance to back-end database -

I have an application hosted on Amazon AWS with a backend database. The web application is controlled by elastic load balancer with autoclacing. MySQL databse is on another example in the same area. The problem is that the connection can only be established if I connect to the MySQL security group to add rules to 3306 to Or if I add an individual IP address of each example, however, if I assign "AutoScale security group" or "Load Balancer Security Group" then this does not work. Is it not going to work if I allocate security to the security group where the example belongs to the MySQL security group? Thank you, I finally created this with the help of Amazon tech support for developers The issue has been resolved It is known that back-end instances are accessible only through Amazon Private IP address. I was always trying to use it through my public IP address.

javascript - raphael move set multiple times -

I have a set of circles, rectangular and text I take it to a specific location I can (50 points to the right) like this: object.entireSet.transform ("T50,0"); And it works just fine Now I want to move it again (right again 50 points) Object wholeSet.transform ("T50,0"); But the object remains in one place. If I want to take it as I want, then I have to type the command like this object.entireSet.transform ("T100,0"); So I think that Raphael somehow remembers the original change (0,0) change and hence (T050) will always go to the same point. Do you know how to reset the change, so the following code object.entireSet.transform ("T50,0"); // First Step Object Entertainment. Transform ("T50,0"); // second move will be the result of an object for the point (x, y) to the point (x + 50, y) and then (x + 100, y)? You can find the solution in the document: set.transform ("T50,0"); Set.transform (...

java - fill select in struts2 -

I'm trying to fill my struts 2 with this method, but I have all these empty dropdowns. This is my verb method private list & lt; String & gt; District List = New Array's & lt; String & gt; (); Public string get_DistrictList () {try {currentCon = ConnectionManager.getConnection ()); Statement stmt = (Statement) Present Con.createStatement (); Rs = stmt.executeQuery ("Select District_ID, district_name from district"); Whereas (rsnext ()) district list.ed (rsgetstring ("district_name")); DistrictList.add (rs.getString ("district_id")); } Hold (exception e) {System.out.println ("error from DAO:" + E); } Return Success; } My JSP & lt; S: Select label = "select district" id = "district_list" headerKey = "- 1" headerValue = "select district" list = "district list" list = "district_id" value = "district_name" tooltip = "select district...

jquery - javascript: string.replace doesn't work -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 34 उत्तर मेरे साथ थोड़ा समस्या है जावास्क्रिप्ट / jquery में एक स्ट्रिंग की जगह सबसे पहले कोड: HTML: & lt; fieldet & gt; & Lt; किंवदंती & gt; संपर्क व्यक्ति & lt; / किंवदंती & gt; & Lt; div id = "cm_contactPersons" & gt; & Lt; fieldet id = "cm_% ईमेल%" & gt; & Lt; किंवदंती & gt; & lt; span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-right" & gt; & lt; / span & gt; % ईमेल% & lt; / कथा & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "फॉर्म-समूह" & gt; & Lt; label = "cm_% email_inputFirstname" class = "col-sm-2 control-label" & gt; फर्स्टनाम & lt; / label & gt; & Lt; div class = "col-sm-10" & gt; & Lt; input type = "text" class = "form-control" id = "cm_% email% _inputFirstname" मान = "% firstname%" प्लेसहोल्डर = "" आवश्यक & gt; &...

smartgwt - GWT : Draw lines in Tree widget background -

I know that one image is set as the tree's background and it has the option to repeat it if needed. But I want to draw horizontal lines in the background of the tree so that it looks like a table. The horizontal line should fit in the full width of the tree. How can I do this in GWT? help please. This should work Add this class to your tree item: .gwt-tree table {table-layout: fixed; Width: 100%; } .gwt-tree table TD: first-child {width: 18px; } .myTreeItem {margin-left: 0! Important; Padding: 3px 3px 3px 39px; } .myTreeItem, .myTreeItem & gt; Table {boundary-bottom: solid 1px # 464646; }

database - How could I remove unnecessary characters in SQL -

I need a query that can remove unnecessary characters (for example, not necessarily a previous semia As an example) stored string in my database table. such as EMAIL_ADD, abc @, def @,, Some will be updated like this: EMAIL_ADD abc @, def @ Remove a specific unwanted character by using the tripling option with the TRIM () function Given the end of the string, in your case a comma is present at the end. updated tagname SET EMAIL_ADD = TRIM (with 'training from EMAIL_ADD')

NPM install PhantomJS error on centOS 6.2 -

[root @ dev ~] # एनपीएम इंस्टॉल करें phantomjs npm http Phantomjs ... npm http 200 एनएमपी ERR! सीबी () कभी नहीं बुलाया! एनपीएम ERR! ओके: सेंटओएस 6.2 (फाइनल) ओएस: P> समस्या क्या है? इस के अनुसार: sudo yum install gcc gcc-c ++ git openssl-devel freetype-devel fontconfig-devel git क्लोन git: // सीडी फाटोमज जीआईटी चेकआउट 1.9 ./ आप पूर्व संकलित संस्करण को भी आज़मा सकते हैं, यह बहुत तेज़ होगा: आशा है कि यह मददगार होगा!

Indirect Kalman Fitler for Inertial Navigation System -

मैं एक अप्रत्यक्ष कलामान फ़िल्टर का उपयोग कर एक इनरशियल नेविगेशन सिस्टम को लागू करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। मैंने इस विषय पर कई प्रकाशन और थीसिस पाया है, लेकिन उदाहरण के तौर पर बहुत अधिक कोड नहीं है अपने कार्यान्वयन के लिए मैं निम्नलिखित लिंक पर उपलब्ध मास्टर थीसिस का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: जैसा कि पृष्ठ 47 पर बताया गया है, जड़त्वीय सेंसर से मापा गया मान सही मानों के बराबर और साथ ही एक श्रृंखला अन्य शर्तें (पूर्वाग्रह, पैमाने कारक, ...) मेरे प्रश्न के लिए, चलो केवल पूर्वाग्रह पर विचार करें। ऐसा: Wmeas = Wtrue + BiasW (ग्योरो मिस) Ameas = Atrue + BiasA (एक्सीलरोमीटर मीस) इसलिए, जब मैं मैकेनाइजेशन समीकरण का प्रचार करता हूँ (समीकरण 3-29, 3-37 और 3-41) मुझे "सत्य" का उपयोग करना चाहिए "मूल्य, या बेहतर: Wmeas - BiasW Ameas - BiasA जहां पूर्वाग्रह और BiasA पूर्वाग्रह के अंतिम उपलब्ध अनुमान हैं सही? ईकेएफ के अद्यतन चरण के संबंध में, यदि माप समीकरण dzV = VelGPS_est - VelGPS_meas एच मैट्रिक्स के पास वेग त्रुटि राज्य वैरिएबल डीएक्स (वीईएल) और 0 और अन्यत्र...

lotus notes - Error type mismatch with replaceitemvalue -

I have a problem with subtotin, I want to convert one value of one field to another in the same database, my Code run is fine if I put it in a butt, but I want to do a sub because I want to use it more often. The So, I think this code: Public Sub actualizarContador (contadorId string, integer ContadorTmp, contadorActual integer as, contadorNuevo as as integer) as in as dim ws new NotesUIWorkspace dim db NotesDatabase dim uidoc NotesUIDocument dim odoc NotesDocument dim Estado string set uidoc = ws.Currentdocument Estado = uidoc. Fieldgettext ("Estado") If Estado = "Borrador" set again odoc = db.GetDocumentByUNID (uidoc.FieldGetText (contadorId) contadorTmp = Cint (contadorActual) + 1 call odoc As. Then in a buttom I use this line: call actualizarContador (doc.TempoIDContador (0 ), doc.TempoContadorTmp (0), doc.TempoContadorActual (0), "ContadorUnicoTempo") I should name an error, because the object of a field with ContadorUnictoTempo I th...

excel - Need Pivot filter data to change in another worksheet -

I am using pivot filter data in another worksheet. When removing the data stored in another sheet in Pivot, I also want to put the filter status. I am currently facing this problem even though I am changing the pivot filter; The data is not changed in another sheet (which is connected to the pivot data). For example GETPIVOTDATA ("Head Count", "R1"! $ A $ 3, "Amp Level", "Level 3", "Location" , "OFFER") repairing the same value for different filters How else can I protect it as a result of a filter o / p For the filter changes once in another worksheet, the data entered remains intact for a certain position. For example, if I want the workspace as the filter position for the above vertical banking .......... This filter is .... Sir calculation column line row label offshore onsite grand total level 2 1 1 2 level 3 28.7 28.7 57 level 4 18 20 38 level 5 18 4 22 level 6 12 6 18 grand total 90 17 107 Other wo...

r - Sharing a Legend between two combined ggplots -

I am currently trying to present the series twice using two ggplot2, both with very different scales, Using two ggplots. By using grid.arrange , I've added two separate ggplots on top of each other. For visualization support, I want to make each row a different color, and this story is given below under the joint conspiracy. Because it can be relevant, I am currently working in the range of creating a shining section of an R mark document. Therefore grid.arrange . Renderplate wrapper around; The following is the code I have. testdata = data.frame (Var1 = seq (0, 10, = 1), var2 = runif (11), var3 = runif (11, min = 100, max = 500)) Render plot ({grid.arrange (ggplot (data = test data, ace (x = var1, y = var2)) + geom_line (color = "blue") + xlab (null), ggplot (data = testdata, aes (x = Var1, y = var3)) + geom_line (color = "red")}} Is there a suggestion about creating a shared lion? Thanks for your help. ggplot2 Method 1: When the scale...

mysql - PHP Session variable checking is not working -

Here is my issue that I am big in PHP. I have made a login page and it works perfectly in my local machine But after uploading to the server it is not working. The session has been created but the redirection is not happening. Here is my code and any help is really appreciated. if (isset ($ _ POST ['btn-login'])) {$ username = $ _POST ['username']; $ Password = $ _POST ['password']; Include 'Connection.php'; $ Sql ​​= "Choose * from where the user name = '$ user name' and password = sha1 ('$ password') and status = '1'"; $ Result = mysql_query ($ sql); $ Result = mysql_fetch_array ($ result); $ UserId = ''; If ($ result) {$ userId = $ result ['id']; $ _SESSION ['userId'] = $ user ID; If ($ userId == 1) {header ("location: map.php"); } And if ($ userId == 2) {header ("location: admin / map-settings.php"); } Else {echo " There is an error in the login Please cont...

arrays - Check if url has given words Jquery? -

I have some URLs, which I have to show some jazzery functions, but will be linked to the URL of time, Now I have something like this, var loc = window.location.pathname; Var pagean = 'project / node'; If (loc.indexOf (pageOne)> = 0) {// do something} The problem is that the page one, later I will have so many pages, and I This is something like something in the array. // A simple array with my creator var myArray = new array ("project / node", "setting /"); And then to check if any word in the URL is from the array and do something then do this, var loc = window.location.pathname; Var myArray = New Array ("Project / Node", "Settings /"); Var isFound = false; For (Var i = 0, len = myArray.length; i & lt; len; i ++) (if (loc.indexOf (myArray [i])> gt; -1) {isFound = true; breakdown;} } If (ifound) {// do something}

angularjs - ng-repeat do not evaluate from $sce.trustAsHtml inside directive -

I have a tutorial in which there is a piece of custom HTML which I can pass as a custom option. I want to use ng-repeat inside of custom HTML, but it is not being displayed. Here's the code. var app = angular Module ('plunker', []); App.controller ('MainCtrl', function ($ scope) {$ = 'world'; $ scope.local = {option: {column: [{name: 'product_id', label: 'product id'}, {Name: 'product_name', label: 'name'}], getBody: function (col, i) {return == 'product_id'? Col.label: '& lt; div class = "dropdown product-status "& Gt; button class =" btn btn-primary drop-down toggle "data-toggle =" dropdown "& gt; position & lt; span class =" carat "& gt; & lt; / span & gt; ; & Lt; / button & gt; & lt; span class = "drop-down arrow" & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & lt; ul class = "drop-down menu...

wordpress - how to display product description in custom category page at woocommerce -

I have created a custom category page in woocommerce, the products are being shown successfully under category, but details on this Personal products are not displayed Please help me in this regard. Just try it in your custom template page & lt; ? Php echo apply_filters ('woocommerce_short_description', $ post- & gt; post_excerpt)? & Gt;

c - Sequential, subsequent loading of files gets much slower over time -

I have found the following code to read and process many very large files from one. for (j = 0; j & lt; cors; ++ j) {double time = omp_get_wtime (); Printf ("File:% d, time:% f \ n", j, time); Four [256]; Sprintf (in, "% s.% D", FIN, j); FILE * f = fopen (in, "r"); If (f == NULL) fprintf (stderr, "open fail:% s \ n", FIN); Int i; Four buffers [1024]; Four * tweets; Int lateem = 1; (I = 0, tweet = tweeters + (size_t) h * (size_t) tnn * (size_t) tsesee; i & lt; tNUM; i ++, tweet + = tsesees) {double start; Double end; If (techime) {start = omp_get_wtime (); TechTime = 0; } Char * line = fgets (buffer, 1024, f); If (line == faucet) {fprintf (stderr, "error reading line% d \ n", i); Exit (2); } Int fn = readNumber (and line); Int ln = readNumber (and line); Int month = readMonth (& line); Int day = readNumber (and line); Int Hit = Counterfeit Hits (Line, Key); WriteTweet (Tweet, FN, LN, Hit, Month, Day, Line); If (i% 1000...

excel - How to accumulate text cells -

Is this a function in Excel 2010 that gets duplicated in the column range and is possible based on the number of duplicates Family Name Age Postcode Do John 40 1400 Do Jane 35 1400 Do Baby 5 1400 Mark Peter 14 1600 Matt Simon 25 1700 Matt Paul 14 1700 And I The name of the family [Member / age] [Postcode] Do John [John / 40, Jane / 35, Baby / 5] 1400 Mark Peter [Peter / 14] ] 1600 Matt Simon [ Simon / 25, Paul / 14] 1700 It seems that there is an array function in it shall include. You can find some useful here: Maybe: Or: I do not know that you are right Will be able to formatted in the same way that you are showing but you get at least the result

javascript - TypeError: Cannot find function testFunction in object -

I wrote a test function that sits inside my object, but can not access the function. What am I doing wrong? I mean I'm sure the code I wrote is terrible, but especially what is causing the error? function player () { = 0; Function testFunction () { = 99; }; }; The player is created in the object object: function game (numplayers) {this.playerArray = []; Switches (numplayers) {Case 2: this.player1 = new player (); This.player2 = new player (); This.playerArray.push (this.player1, this.player2); break; Case 3: It's Player 1 = new player (); This.player2 = new player (); This.player3 = new player (); This.playerArray.push (this.player1, this.player2, this.player3); break; Case 4: It Player 1 = new player (); This.player2 = new player (); This.player3 = new player (); This.player4 = new player (); This.playerArray.push (this.player1, this.player2, this.player3, this.player4); break; }; }; When I run: var te = new game (2); TE.player1.testFunct...

html - how to set size of select dropdown in css -

I want to limit selection dropdown height but size is to change the use of the asset view. Is there a substitute for determining the height of the dropdown list of the selection element? To set the height, select the dropdown node Property will need to be set. Sample code below: & lt; Select id = "Ddl_Country" name = "country" style = "height: 50px; border: 1px solid black" & gt; & Lt; Option id = "01" selected = "selected" & gt; India & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option id = "02" & gt; Australia & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option id = "03" & gt; Singapore & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option id = "04" & gt; New Zealand & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option id = "05" & gt; RUSSIA & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option id = "06" & gt; Japan & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select ...

BigQuery query execution from GWT taking very long time -

We are using BigQuery with our GWT app and Google APP engine. Query execution, (from application) is taking a very long time, such as 4 to 5 seconds table does not contain more than 200 rows. This latency is affecting the entire display of the app. Where and in this query the clauses are by group. Is there any way that big performance can be optimized to improve performance? Thanks in advance. The big line is not designed for tables with 200 rows, always to get the answer Will take seconds. BigQuery is an asset when you want to analyze billions of rows. Under this size, you will be better off using more traditional data collection solutions like Cloud SQL or App Engine Datastore. If you want to have SQL capability, then Cloud SQL is the best estimate.

java - Efficent collection to associate a key with multiple value Objects -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 15 जवाब यह कोई भी कुशल संग्रह है कई मूल्यों के साथ एक कुंजी को संबद्ध करें, जैसे कुछ नया हैशमैप & lt; K, V, V & gt; (); उदाहरण: नया हैशमॉप & lt; लांग, सूची & lt; ग्राहक वीओ & gt ;, सूची & lt; सुविधाइंफो & gt; & gt; (); अग्रिम धन्यवाद! एक नज़र डालें - ऐसा लगता है कि आप क्या कर रहे हैं: मल्टीमैप एमएमएच = नया मल्टीहैशमैप (); Mhm.put (कुंजी, "ए"); Mhm.put (कुंजी, "बी"); Mhm.put (कुंजी, "सी"); संग्रह coll = (संग्रह) mhm.get (कुंजी); वैकल्पिक रूप से, आप किसी भी तरह के संग्रह को एक नियमित मानचित्र में चिपका सकते हैं, उदाहरण: मानचित्र & lt; कुंजी, सेट & lt; मान & gt; & gt; myMap;

liferay - How to deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk on successful Teamcity build -

If I have a successful building, I want to deploy Beanstalk to the Java application (Lifier) ​​from TeamCity. I can not find anything online, please suggest Thankyou here There is an example for PHP, but you can use it on any other platform (via CLI): UPD: There is a better way here: just command line tool Can run in

performance - Is there an equivalent to StringWriter but with StringBuilder internally in Java? -

I've found that stringwriters use a stringbuff internally but if you do not need that synchronization overhead Is there a equivalent using a stringbilder inside a stringbuilder? No, there is no equivalent using the StringBuilder in the current standard Java API (at least 7, I did not check on 8). Is there a logic behind your question, I do not think you are concerned but this aspect should be important, you can apply your own StringWriter class But to check whether the difference is important, using stringbinder . If so, keep your own, and otherwise, there is no problem.

grails - Groovy: Are two variables referring to the same object? -

I am debugging some Groove code for a website and raising an issue where I have a object A In a portion of the flow, a variable set in the controller and inside it (read it back and its correct). Then I understand the same object in a different controller. But the variable is no longer set Either my assumption is that the first controller has object A same as object A as the other controller has been raised Or something has been modified in the value of N-route So, can there be a very basic question (and I feel terrible that this is something basic about the work of my Groove / Java Indicates misunderstanding - so please be gentle): how can I tell EA if in object A is the same as controller 1 then in object a in controller 2 (by that I mean the same thing It is not that they are equivalent). I raise what I thought was the same object in a different controller. An example of what you are doing in the controller and what you are doing in the second controll...

jquery svg - Finding the svg image center -

I'm a new SVG. I want to search the STVG Image Center as a program, also display a 'dots' in the middle point. Here I have made a simple SVG. How to show dots in the center point & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Svg height = "210" width = "400" & gt; & Lt; Path d = "M75 0 L56 105 L225 200 Z" /> & Lt; / Svg & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; You have to ... Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var svg = document.query Selector ("SVG"); Var svgns = ""; // get the center = var = lll Document.query Selector ("Path"); Var bbox = el.getBBox (); Var center = {x: bbox.left + bbox.width / 2, y: + bbox.height / 2}; // dot word dot = document Create a Secret Elementian (SVGN, Circle); Dot.setAttribute ("cx", center.x); Dot.setAttribute (...

Bounce Rate Query Elasticsearch -

I am planning to implement a query to calculate bounce rate using the elasticsearch query. How to use the input of the aggregation results using the script? {"Aggs": {"monthly": {"date_histogram": {"field": "timestamp", "interval": "" "" "," ags ": {" Visits_greater_than_one ": {" Terms ": {" field ":" sessionId "," min_doc_count ": 2}}}," Eggs ": {" Visitor_count ": {" cardinality ": {" field ":" sessionId "}} }}}} thanks, AKDERRY POTO Some solutions have been found to address the problem {"aggs": {"monthly": {"date_histogram": {"area": ​​"timestamp", "interval": " {"Field": {"field": "sessionId", "min_doc_count": 2}}, "Visitor_count": {"cardinality": {...

settings.bundle - How do I add an URL field to the iOS Settings app (Like in Nike+) -

There are many questions about this on stack overflow, but they all claim that this is not possible, you only Can I show a custom settings page in my app, though, what exactly does the app want me to do, as seen here: Then, does anyone know how to achieve this? This is not possible for existing settings for third party apps. Bundle checkout for all available element types Apple docks mvc 5 - MVC Model Validation RegEx -

I need a regex to validate without a domain name http: // or https: // What do I mean: Be valid: domain.whateverelse subdomain. Subdomain.domain.whateverelse should be invalid: domain https: // domain .whateverelse http: //subdomain.domain.whateverelse This is what I have I have come to: ] *)? For example, above regex considers domain.whatever regards as invalid ... then basically works just with .com It looks a lot better: (http | ftp | https): \ / \ [\ w \ -_] + (\ . [\ W \ -_]) + ([\ w \ - \, @ ^ =% & amp;::.? ~~ + # +] * * [\ w \ - \ @ ^ =% & amp; ; Amp; / ~ \ + #])? Coming from : where a lot can be found;)

android - Flyway usage with ORMLite -

SQLiteHelper विधियों onCreate और द्वारा डेटाबेस माइग्रेशन तंत्र अपग्रेड मेरे लिए सुविधाजनक नहीं है इसलिए मैंने फ्लाईवे उपकरण का उपयोग करने का निर्णय लिया है जो एंड्रॉइड के साथ संगत है। यह फ्लाईवे प्रलेखन में लिखा गया है कि आपको मुख्य गतिविधि में डेटाबेस को माइग्रेट करना चाहिए / माइग्रेट करना चाहिए। इस हद तक मुझे कुछ सवाल हैं I क्या यह मुख्य गतिविधि में डाटाबेस को स्थानांतरित करने / माइग्रेट करने के लिए सही जगह है, जब आवेदन ORMLite का उपयोग करता है यदि नहीं, तो मुझे फ्लाईवे प्रवासन पद्धति को कहाँ रखा जाना चाहिए? अग्रिम धन्यवाद। इसे मुख्य गतिविधि की शुरुआत में रखें। इसे चलाने की जरूरत है, क्योंकि शेष कोड माइग्रेट किए गए ढांचे पर निर्भर करता है।

aquery - Android Query: Wrong Umlauts (HTML download) -

I use Android queries to download HTML from my site. aq.ajax url, string Class, new Ajax Callback & lt; String & gt; () {@Override Public Zero Callback (string URL, string HTML, ajaxstats position) {wvTest.loadDataWithBaseURL (zero, html, "text / html", "utf-8", zero); }}); In my site, umlauts (¤, ¼, ö) and they are displayed incorrectly (black square with a question mark). Incorrect umlauts are in html strings from Android queries. How can I fix this so that it can load the right amolops? Ensure that the file you are loading is in the same encode encoding as if you requested ( "UTF-8") ...