
Showing posts from August, 2012

CouchDB, Fauxton - installation of, locating files -

I am using CouchDB 1.5 on Ubuntu Desktop 14.04. I'm having trouble understanding how the Fauxton app was installed (as I do not install it.) I found the UI on [myhostip]: 5984 / _utils / fauxton / but I do not Locate all the files on the disk so there are questions: 1) I am thinking that Ubuntu Software Center is installing some kind of package, but can anyone confirm it? 2) Discus? Foxton is part of Coachbab, in fact it is the default user interface for 2.0. Your Faxton is most likely to open your file / usr / local / share / couchdb / www / fauxton / P> Search for http: // localhost: 5984 / _utils / config.html and __ utils In the httpd_global_handlers section and it will tell you where cache utilities have been installed. In the utility directory you should see a fauxton folder that contains the Fuexton file Do not worry, although no third party installs it. This is a part of the couchbed package. .

css - Variable Div size. Position top right -

I have a layout where 50 percent of the screen (left top right not below top) is a map and another 50 percent by content is taken. I have a text in the 10-digit variable with the text and I want to place some space on the upper right part of each div. Text is generated dynamically so there is no way I can tell How big a div becomes. & lt; P id = "content" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "contentDiv" & gt; Blah blah blah blah & lt; Div id = "static" & gt; Thing, I want to deploy & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "contentDiv" & gt; Blah blah balh blah & lt; Div id = "static" & gt; Thing, I want to deploy & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; P # content is displayed: it has an effect when inline is in. I have tried Status: Completed; Correct: 0; Top: 0; But this is not the relative position of the whole page and each indiv...

TFS adding new project to the collection issue -

I am trying to add a new project to the default collection. I get the following error message I have named 'Default Collection' from 'Collection New' last week, I'm not sure that this is causing the problem. I tried to use http: // tfs / reports from reporting services and received HTTP status 404 - / reports error message. Can you please tell me if there are any suggestions? Thank you. I am using TFS 2013. Runs through a specific project development - & gt; QA - & gt; The release, code, and working items should be in the same collection as work items and codes are not visible in the collection. The archive is much more for backup and restore points in the larger TFS archive. Change the name of the archive back to the default collection and manage the project process with the functions and branches of Dev, QA and Release.

javascript - Error handler in .then() not triggered unless .success and .error is used -

I am writing a function that handles results from a corner $ http. I handle the results in my $ http request To do this I am using .then (). var GET = function (url) {return $ http ({method: 'GET', url: url}). Then (function (data) {return;}, function (data) {return;}); }; And then I call the GET function from some other function, such as: var initializeUsers = function () {return dbService.GET (serverUrl) + DbResource). Then (function (data) {// some code to be successful}, function (data) {// some code to handle error}}; }; Here's the problem: If there is an error in the HTTP request, then it is being controlled by the error handler in the GET function. However, when initializeUsers is run, the error handler is not triggered, rather the success handler. Therefore the error is not "bubble", which However, if I, .then , instead of using it in the GET function, I would .success and .error , such as: var GET = function ...

ios - Forward class as super class -

I'm trying to make a static library, which makes use of the Air Force I .a and .h I want to distribute the files along with the library. However, one of my classes within the library is a subclass of AFHTTpsessionManager . So my previous .h file looked like this: #import & lt; Foundation / Foundation. H & gt; #import "AFNetworking.h" @ Interface Myclass: FTTPS Manager + (McCullus *) shared person; - (zero) doMagic; @end When I compiled the library and in a new examination project If A and imported .ac files I received an error "lexical or Preprocessor points 'AFNetworking.h' file not found" thought that the solution to use the forward class declaration and #import was " AFNetworking.h "like this M file has to be moved in: #import & lt; Foundation / Foundation.h & gt; @ Class AFHTTpsessionManager; @ Interface Myclass: FHTption Manager + (Michaels *) shared person; - (zero) doMagic; Unfortunately, this approach t...

c++ - Which is the reason for avx floating point bitwise logical operations? -

AVX bitwise allows logical operations such as and / or floating point data-type __m256 and __m256d. However, C ++ does not allow for bitwise operation on floats and doubles, reasonably. If I am right then there is no guarantee of the internal representation of floats, whether compiler will use IEEE 754 or not, so a programmer can not ensure that what a float's bits will look like. #include & lt; Immintrin.h & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; Limits & gt; # Include & lt; Cassert & gt; Int main () {float x [8] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; Float mask [8] = {-1,0,0, -1,0, -1,0,0}; Float x_mascade [8]; Emphasis (std :: numeric_limits & lt; float & gt; :: is_iec559); __M 256 x_ = _mm256_load_ps (x); __ meter 256 mask_ = _mm256_ load_s (mask); __ meter 256 x_masked_ = _mm256_and_ps (x_, mask_); _mm256_store_ps (x_masked, x_masked_); (Int i = 0; i & lt; 8; i ++) for std :: cout & lt; & Lt; X_masked [i] & lt; & L...

QT-OpenGl Vertex not redrawing -

I have a simple open glow program that I change spinner again. When the PentGL method changes the color of my top triangle, but the number of them (which is based on spinner) does not. My code is as follows: zero GLWidget :: paintGL () {glLoadIdentity (); GlMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); GlychLear (GLCOLORBUUFFARBAB | GL_DEPTBUFFABABT | GLOOLOR OR); Glucaller (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); {GlBegin (GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) for (int i = 0; i & lt; numVertex; i ++); DrawTriangle (i); GlEnd (); } QDebug ("numVetex% d", numVertex); }; Zero GLWidget :: drawTriangle (int iteraction) {float theta = liveincrement * interaction; Float x = radius * qCos (theta); Float y = radius * qSin (theta); Double R = ((double) rand () / (RAND_MAX)); Double G = ((double) rand () / (RAND_MAX)); Double B = ((double) rand () / (RAND_MAX)); GlColor3f (R, G, B); GlVertex3f (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); GlVertex3f (x, y, 0.0f); Theta = thetaIncrement * (iteraction +1); X = radius * qCos (theta); Y = radius * qSin (theta)...

c# - is there a way to automatically update proxy object when updating service on WCF? -

I have a WCF web service on which I am working. Currently every time I am changing the contract in my service on behalf of the server, then I need to update the service reference and re-create the proxy object used by the client "svcutil.exe". Anyway both have to do it automatically? I had once seen which client used to generate the reference in cc file but I do not know how he did it. I am using Visual Studio 2010. So far what I found was different that was telling me to use the voluntary. It is not easy and usually I can get a simpler solution than CMD when dealing with VS. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> If you want to automate your development work, learn the command line and You should use svctuil.exe wsdl and proxy class that is "MyService.ClientApi". To make things easier, batch file is used in the service event's build event. For more information, please read After reading this code project, you will see ...

website - Using Visual Studio 2013 for ASP.NET web site project -

I am new to the Visual Studio 2013 IDE / environment ... I got an old legacy (ASP.NET) Web site that is currently being maintained using Microsoft Expression Web 4 (which is no longer supported by Microsoft) test and production web sites are hosted remotely by using IIS 7.5 Migrate from Expression Web 4 to Visual Studio 2013 I have two questions in relation to I: Is there any way to just copy the copy (FTP / Download) Web site from Production Server to Visual Studio 2013 ? Ie: V.S. Create a new blank web site in 2013 and then copy everything from the production web site. Will this maintain sub-web? Folders, etc? (I doubt it). IIS expression to publish pages on a page while using Web 4 ???? Some files in the Expression Web are marked as 'excluded from publishing' (because some files, such as web.config, are different depending on the publication or publication on the production server). VS for the ASP.NET Web site project There is nothing found in 2013 which allo...

override - Pass more parameter in overriding new operator(C++) -

I Class new operator in C ++ by following the instructions given on CMyclass I want to override {public: CMyClass (BOOL bUseWhichMemManager); Zero * operator new (size_t); Zero operator delete (zero *); }; I create two memory managers called CMemManager1 and CMemManger2, using different algorithms to assign buffers. I try to add constructor to a parameter bUseWhichMemManager, but there is no way to access the parameters in the overridden new function. Is there a way for the new operator to pass more parameters such as: zero * operator new (size_t size, BOOL bUseWhichManager); thanks You can pass parameters for the allocation function New expression in this way: New (b) CMyClass / new expression in ie operator new Assuming that the new announcement of your operator has as the member of CMyClass as the following announcement is possible, say "B" to "B" Passed "twenty-which manager" passes your question: Zero * opera...

java - How do you get values from all columns using ResultSet.getBinaryStream() in jdbc? -

How do I write an entire table in a flat file using jdbc? So far, I have made the following efforts: statement statement = connection.createStatement (); Result result = statement.executeQuery ("select * FROM tablename"); Buffer input buffer buffer; FileOutputStream Out = New FileOutputStream ("flatfile.txt"); While ( ()) {buffer = new BufferedInputStream (result.getBinaryStream ("????")); Byte [] buf = new byte [4 * 1024]; // 4K buffer int lane; While ((lane = buffer reed (buff, 0, buff.lamp)) = -1) {out.write (buf, 0, len); }} Out.close (); "????" Only my placeholders are what I pass as an argument, I got stuck about this. All the data in your table using all the column names and the code given below. WriteToFile method would have reason to write the file (if it was not quite clear :)) ResultSetMetaData metadata = rs.getMetaData (); Int columncount = metadata.get columncount (); (Int i = 1; i & lt; = columnCount...

.htaccess - how to rewrite a custom url in joomla using htaccess -

I am preparing a news website using joomla 2.5 I will retry this URL Want to write: http: / Note : I'm using mode_rewrite .htaccess for joomla. Please help me quickly thanks to each body in this site. Apache's mod_rewrite to use the Regex pattern to create a different URL A URL for The pattern is applied to the path and allows you to do this in your example such as / rss /(.+)] / code> whatever / rss / and after that there will be at least one letter bracket is called a capturing group and you can refer to that in the second parameter in the RewriteRule command. The second part / $ 1 /? Format = feed & type = RSS , refers to the first captured group in the pattern and puts it in the new URL. Finally, you want to indicate that this is a L] flag. This gives you a rule of: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule /rss/(.+) / $ 1 /? Format = feed & amp; ...

html - CSS preserve aspect ratio but fill parent div -

Actually, I have an image that I want to mask with a circle & lt; Div class = "thumbnail-mask" & gt; & Lt; Img class = "thumbnail-picture" src = "/ image.jpeg" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS (I'm using less) is very easy: . Thumbnail-mask {width: @circleSize; Height: @ circle size; Boundary-radius: @ circle size / 2; -Vibit-boundary-radius: @ circle size / 2; -image-radius: @ circle size / 2; Hidden flurry; } I have come to know how both parent parent images stand vertically and horizontally . Thumbnail-pic {text-align: center; Status: Relative; Top: 50%; Webkit-Conversions: Translation Y (-50%); Conversions: Translator Y (-50%); // width: 100%; // height: auto; Height: auto; Width: 100%; } But now the problem is height and width. If I try height: 100%; Width: 100%; Aspect ratio changes. If height & gt; Width, then I want width: 100%; Height: auto; If width> Height, I want height: 100%; Width: Au...

python - Is there a best-practice for looping "all the way through" an array in C++? -

In Python, compare each element of the "array" with the "next element" (with the last element with the first element). ) With the following code: a = [0, 1, 2, 3] in the range I (-1, 3): if [i] + 1> = A [I + 1]: print [i], 'works' Output: 3 works 0 works 1 works 2 works If I want to compare the first element of an array with the second, then the second with the third, etc, and finally the last time , I do this Can be in Python with just a loop. Can I do it in C ++? Can I loop such elements, while living in a loop altogether? To illustrate the following examples, here are some C ++ code which has the same functionality as the above python code. int a [] = {0, 1, 2, 3}; Std :: cout a [3] & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; (Int i = 0; i & lt; 2; i ++) for std :: cout & lt; & Lt; A [i] & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; It has the same output, I mean, for some algorithms, I have to manually duplicate the contents of my for loo...

itextsharp - iText not returning text contents of a PDF after first page -

I am trying to use the iText library with C # to capture the text portion of PDF files. I have created a PDF from Excel 2013 (Export) and then documented how to copy the sample from the web (Lib Referee has been added to the project). It reads the first page completely, but it gets distorted, after that the information is keeping the part of the first page and merging the information with the next page. When I was trying to solve this problem, the string "thepage" was created inside the loop. Here is the code I can email to PDF on this issue. In advance thanks public static string ExtractTextFromPdf (string path) {ITextExtractionStrategy = its iTextSharp.text. Pdf.parser.LocationTextExtractionStrategy (); Using (PDF Reader Reader = New PDF Reader (Path)) {StringBinder Text = New StringBuilder (); // string [] theLines; // theLines = new string [COLUMNS]; // string thePage; (Int i = 1; i & lt; = reader.NumberOfPages; i ++) for {string thePage = "";...

How to Convert pythons Decimal() type into an INT and exponent -

I would like to use the decimal () data type in the python and I would like to convert it to an integer and exponent so that I send it Can a microcontroller / plc data with full precision and decimal control? I have got to work, but this is a hack; Anyone know a better way? If not, what path would I take to write the less written "as_int ()" function? Example code: From decimal import * d = decimal ('3.14159') t = ds_tplay () if t [0] == 0: mark = 1 Other: Icon = -1 Points = T [1] Express = T [2] The Engineer = Sign * Int (''. Map (str, digits)) TheExponent theInteger For those that have programmed PLCs havent, to do this, use their option in the integer and to declare a decimal point in both systems or use the floating point (which only support some PLC) And lossy. So you can see why it would be awesome to do this! Thank you in advance! You can: [This is 3 times faster than other ways S] d = decimal ('3.14159') list_d = str (d)...

Can I specify RabbitMQ credentials in node.js? -

I started using rabbit.js to connect to RabbitMQ from a node.js application. I error message: Channel discontinued by server: 403 (Access-Refuge) with message "ACCESS_REFUSED-Operation is not allowed on default exchange" Channel.C.cept (/. ../rabbit.js/node_modules/amqplib/lib/channel.js:398:24) On Connection. My Acceptance (as Accepted) (/.../rabbit.js/node_modules/amqplib/lib /connection.js:63:33) at Socket.go (/.../rabbit.js/node_modules/amqplib/lib/connection.js:448:48) on the socket. EventEmitter.emit (Events.js: 92: 17) ... Which is expected, since I am using RabbitMQ to enable publishers and customers to use To use the message queue is configured to provide credentials before, and the guest account has been disabled. There is no mention of credentials Google search specifies rabbit.js credentials ???? And "Rabbit.JS login password" ??? Were inconclusive. What the rabbit Supported by Js? If not, do other RabbitMQ clients support them? So ...

query works in mysql terminal but not in php -

I dynamically create my query in PHP, and when I try to execute it, it Fails When I copy the query and paste it into a MySQL terminal and run it, it works fine. The error I get is "There is an error in your SQL syntax; The manual, which is related to your" MySQL server version, "has the right syntax to use." On line 1 for the following query: UPDATE events SET event = 'orgo lecture', start = '2014-07-24 16:00:00' where UserID = 1 and eventID = 5 The code that generates the query is dynamically low: $ query = "UPDATE events SET"; $ Query_list = Array (); If ($ set_event) {$ query_list [] = "event = '{$ event}'"; } If ($ set_start) {$ query_list [] = "start = '{$ start}'"; } If ($ set_end) {$ query_list [] = "end = '{$ end}'"; } $ Query_list_size = count ($ query_list); ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; $ query_list_size - 1; $ i ++) {$ query for = $ Query_list [$ i]; $ Query = ",...

sql - Oracle: Disable a constraint inside a trigger -

sorry for annoying with a possible stupid question "itemprop =" text "> after : Disable ALTER table SESSION_LOGGING CONSTRAINT fk_session_log_ben_name; The job is exactly alright and is similar to the expected, when executed as a normal SQL command, but when one otehrwise correctly kept working in TRIGGER (which is the session_logging table Is not killed!) The reason triggers is not to be able to compile anymore? Hope someone can help ... All DDL statements make the create / ALTER issue before an implicit and after the statement. We do not have permission to issue commit or rollback in a trigger, so DDL can not be used in the trigger. Accordingly, you can do something similar to the following in order to execute a ALTER statement in the trigger, but it is not recommended at all and is not a bad practice well. / P> declared pragma AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION. Perform instant 'execution table SESSION_LOGGING ......';

ms access - Find related "ordered pairs" in SQL -

Assume that I have a table format that looks like this: I would like to write a query that finds the maximum station for a given frame and output case (The result is grouped by frame and output case) Returns ordered (and ultimately V2, V3, T, M2 and M3), which is connected to the maximum station Will happen. The desired questions are shown below: I can not figure this out for my life. I have posted a copy of access database on my Google Drive: select X *, From TP (frame select frame, output cakes, max (station) output by TBL group, by maximum frame x) xframe = t.frame and x.outputcase = t.outputcase and x.max_station = X.frame, x. Order t.station by outputcase; Just to avoid confusion, as a note, w / that second column, the T table is the nickname, P is the name of the column. We have assigned the nickname of X, we get the maximum (station) for each unique combination of the frame (frame, output), whatever you want, but the problem does not stop there, you also...

JavaScript can’t set a variable – FancyInput example -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है (): ! Function (global) {'use सख्त '; फ़ंक्शन फ़ंसीइनपुट (विकल्प) {this.options = options || {}; } Global.FancyInput = FancyInput; }(इस); जब मैं कंसोल में निम्न कोड निष्पादित करने की कोशिश करता हूं, तो यह एक TypeError फेंकता है: var x = FancyInput ( {"A": 1}) त्रुटि: TypeError: अपरिभाषित की संपत्ति 'विकल्प' सेट नहीं कर सकता क्यों नहीं चर यह निर्धारित चर? अगर मैं इसे इस से पहले कॉल करता हूं, तो यह काम करता है। this.FancyInput ({"a": 1}) फैंसीइनपुट एक कन्स्ट्रक्टर है; आपको वस्तुओं का निर्माण करने के लिए इसका उपयोग करने के लिए नया ऑपरेटर का उपयोग करना होगा नया एक नया FancyInput ऑब्जेक्ट बनाता है और इसे कंस्ट्रक्टर के अंदर यह में बाँध करता है। var x = new FancyInput ({a: 1}); यह त्रुटि विशेष रूप से सख्त मोड से पकड़ी जाती है, जो कि इस से अपरिभाषित को वैश्विक संदर्भ के बजाय संदर्भ के बिना फ़ंक्शन कॉल करता है वस्तु। this.FancyInput , वैसे, और यह सही नहीं है। / html>

html - Setting width of Audio Player to screen width -

I'm trying HTML5 and audio tags. I am trying to take the player to the full width of the page. I have set the padding and margin for the body and the whole document at 0 pixels, and when I finish the margin from the top of the page, the player still does not spread to the full width of the page. I am thinking that the player There is a maximum width for any type, because I have not put any margin and padding in the whole document, but it does not make any difference. Thanks! Code is below: PS: I'm ignoring Firefox for now, and using Chrome Edit: I change the color of the body element Tested, and filled it up the whole page, so I think that there should be any type of width limit, any work? & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Zhaden's OST playlist & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / c...

ruby on rails - How to fix this jQuery/coffeescript code for jquery-ui autocomplete? -

नमस्कार इसलिए मेरे पास jquery-ui 1.11 के लिए कोड है: jQuery - & gt; $ ('# Search_terms')। स्वत: पूर्ण स्रोत: (अनुरोध, प्रतिक्रिया) - & gt; $ .एजेक्स यूआरएल: '/list.json' डेटाप्रकार: "जेसन" डेटा: {शब्द: request.term} सफलता: (डेटा) - & gt; प्रतिक्रिया: $ .मैप (डेटा, (वी, आई) - & gt; लेबल: i मान: v.toString ()) अगर मैं console.log $ .map करता हूं (डेटा, (v, i) ... मुझे फ़ायरबग कंसोल विंडो में यह आउटपुट मिलता है: [ऑब्जेक्ट {लेबल = "कुछ एक्स", मान = "कुछ"}, ऑब्जेक्ट ....] मैं jquery ui autocomplete के लिए सही JSON प्रारूप प्राप्त करने के लिए $। नक्शा कोड कैसे तय कर सकता हूं? JSON को जोड़ना $ map। के आसपास कोड की तरह उत्पन्न होती है: [{"label": "Label1", "value": "5"} , ...] ऐसा लगता है कि यह काम करना चाहिए, परन्तु नहीं। निश्चित नहीं कि ऐसा क्यों है क्योंकि मेरे पास ट्विटर बूटस्ट्रैप 3 सक्षम है ... $ .मैप (डेटा, (v, k) - & gt; v.toString ()) या - जैसा ...

javascript - Setting HTML element width using ng-style and percentage value in AngularJS -

I have a JSON response object that has a percentage value. For example: {completionPercent: 42} UI results for which I'm targeting: Line One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? one A???? | One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ??? ? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ??? ?a???? | One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? One ??...

sql server - How can I set a BIT variable based on a value variable? -

मेरे पास है: DECLARE @Authenticated BIT यदि @@ ROWCOUNT & gt; 0 शुरू होता है का चयन करें @अधिकृत = 1 अंत ELSE शुरू करें SELECT @Authenticated = 0 end क्या कोई ऐसा तरीका है जो मैं BEGINEND के बिना कर सकता हूं और यह भी एक बिट डेटाटाइप को एक अच्छा तरीका सेट कर रहा है झूठी सच्चाई का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं? आप इसे और अधिक संक्षिप्त रूप से करने के लिए मामला का उपयोग कर सकते हैं , जैसे: SET @ authenticated = (SELECT CASE WHEN @@ ROWCOUNT & gt; 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) इसके अलावा, बीआईटी सही / गलत का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए एक अच्छा विकल्प होगा, क्योंकि वह बहुत ज्यादा बिट्स की तरह काम करता है - या तो 0 या 1।

c# - Split Double Value from textbox into multiple array -

Can anyone show me how I can divide the value of the double like this: - Do I have it = = int i [0] = 65 INT I [1] = 4 INT I [ 2] = 7 int i [3] = 8 double I [4] = 2.690 For the answer, appreciate it. Thank you in advance. Edit *** I have UTM coordination value in my XML. I want to make chart and value for coordination is to fall into the grid. Say that I have X1 Area (578462.254), y1 (648523.124) & amp; X2 (578481.452), y2 (648474.156) in my XML, I have a datapoint that falls under this coordination. What I want to do is make the chart grid the zone area min and max (x, y) with the first two digits. I hope that my explanation can be understood as to what I want to do with those data. Thanks a lot. I got the answer: - decimal decimal = 654782.690; String sValue = dValue.ToString (); Decimal [] dere = new decimals [5]; DARR [0] = Convert toDecimal (sValue.Substring (0, 2)); DARRE [1] = convert toDecimal (sValue.Substring (2, 1)); DARRE [2] = Convert. ToDecimal (...

javascript - Shuffle function when on click button -

Whenever I refresh the page, for word alteration, "May I know your name?" I want to drag this "know me your name" to change it after your "#" like "I Know Your Name" after clicking on the SHUFFLE button. HTML: style & gt; .box {width: 200px; height: 20px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #aaaaa; display: inline-block;} .mover {color: red; background color: yellow; width: auto; font-size: 30px; border: 2px;} # ID1 {color: black; background color: # 2BFFB6; width: 150px; fon T-Size: 40px; Border: 1px; Display: Inline; Margin: 20px;} # ID2 {Color: Black; Background Color: # 2BFFB6; width: 150px; font-size: 40px; border: 1px; Display: Inline; Margin: 20px;} # ID3 {Color: Black; Background Color: # 2BFFB6; width: 150px; font-size: 40px; border: 1px; display: inline; margin: 20px;} # ID4 {Color: Black; Background Color: # 2BFFB6; width: 150px; font-size: 40px; border: 1px; display: inline; Margins: 20px; } # Id5 {color: black; Backgr...

eclipse - java ee jspf taglib -

I have my base. Jspf is placed in the web-enf / jsp / folder with the following content: & lt;% @ taglib prefix = "c" uri = "http: //java.sun. Com / jsp / jstl / core "%> & Lt;% @ taglib prefix = "Fn" yurry = ""% & gt; And I also define WEB-INF / web.xml with the following content: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Web-app xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" XSI: Schema Location = "Http : // "version =" 3.1 "& gt; & Lt; Display-name & gt; Address Book Application & lt; / Display-name & gt; & Lt; Jsp-config & gt; & Lt; Jsp-asset-group & gt; & Lt; URL pattern & gt; * Jsp. & Lt; / Url pattern & gt...

ios - ios7 UILabel in UICollectionViewCell does not show -

7.0 target deployment, running on iOS7.1, Xcode 5 I have a UIImageView " ComicImage ". And UILabel "comicTitle" UICollectionViewCell set using IB to comicTitle uses these settings: IBOutlet is tilted up properly. The visual cell is properly registered for the collection. I produce pre> - (UICollectionViewCell *) collectionView: (UICollectionView *) collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath text on the console and title Submitted to the comic title When I run the app, a comic image shows, but the comic tilt is not visible. I have ensured that the comic title is set to alpha 1.0. This same piece of code used to work in the last app with the deployment target deployed on IOS6. I do not know what can happen to anyone else what is wrong. Thanks in advance Edit:?! - (void) viewDidLoad {UINib * comicStripCellNib = [UINib nibWithNibName: @ "Comicstrivivsel" Bundles: NI]; [_comicStripCollectionView registerNi...

objective c - Wait method run until CCActionSequence finishes -

postproperty postcode> - (zero) gameplay {if (actionhappen) {CCActionSequence * mySeq = [CCActionSequence actionWithArray: @ [ , Some, action]]; [MySprite Run Action: mySeq]; // it takes 3 seconds} [auto tester]; } - (zero) checkweaver {if (anyWin) {// I want to wait until my SAC action is finished [self show winner message]; }} In this code [self showWinnerMessage] runs before mySeq is finished. How can I wait until mySprite action is over? Dormant () Everything seems to make sleeping. itemprop = "text"> Well, @ LearnCocos2D already answers auto selector :: @selector (checkWinner - (zero) gameplay {If (actionhappen) {CCActionCallFunc * checkWinner = [CCActionCallFunc actionWithTarget : This question in the comment, but here's the code to do this]]; CCActionSequence * mySeq = [CCActionSequence actionWithArray: @ [something, action, checkweaver]]; // Check the note winner [mySprite Run Action: mySeq]; // it takes 3 seconds) Else {// In this case...

Changing text isnt working in this instance, using jquery and javascript -

& lt; वर्ग = "create-password-account" style = "vertical-align: middle" href = "/ खाते / साइनअप /? Login_provider = local" & gt; एक पासवर्ड-सुरक्षित खाता बनाएं & lt; / a & gt; यह मेरा लॉगिन मेरी साइट पर कहता है। मैं पाठ को कुछ सरल जैसा बदलना चाहता हूं जैसे "एक नए खाते के लिए यहां साइन अप करें"। मुझे एक विधि की आवश्यकता है जो केवल जावास्क्रिप्ट / jQuery का उपयोग करता है; मैं मूल कोड बदल नहीं सकता। मैंने कई चीजों की कोशिश की है, लेकिन इनमें से कोई भी काम नहीं करता है: document.body.innerHTML = दस्तावेज़ .one.innerHTML.replace (/ एक पासवर्ड-संरक्षित खाता बनाएं / जी, "यहाँ एक नए खाते के लिए साइन अप करें"); दस्तावेज़ .one.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace ("एक पासवर्ड-संरक्षित खाते बनाएँ", "यहाँ एक नए खाते के लिए साइन अप करें"); $ ('create-password-account')। Html ('एक नए खाते के लिए यहां साइन अप करें'); सुनिश्चित करें कि आप jQuery शामिल करें ...

ios - sendAsynchronousRequest method will excute block code before block outside code -

When I use the sendAsynchronousRequest method that will execute the method code out of the inner block Will execute? __ Block NSDictionary * dict; [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest: Request line: [NSOperationQueue mainQueue] completionHandler: ^ (NSURLResponse * reaction, NSData * data, NSError * connectionError) {NSInteger httpStatus = [((NSHTTPURLResponse *) response) statusCode]; NSLog (@ "inside httpStatus block:% d", httpStatus); If ([data length] & gt; 0 & amp; & amp; connectionError == null) {dict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: data base: NSJSONReadingMutableContainers | NSJSONReadingAllowFragments Error: Zero]; } Else if (connectionError) {UIAlertView * alt = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "error" message: [connectionError localizedDescription] representatives: self cancelButtonTitle: @ "OK" OtherButtonTitles: zero, zero]; [Alt Show]; }}]; Return dict; // This will return zero, because it will run befo...

c# - Set property to generic parameter -

I have two classes cars and trucks , and they both Expand my vehicle class both cars and trucks are the assets that look like this: public Int wheels {get; Set; } Now, I have two modes that set the wheels property in some variables. I think: Public Zero SetCarWheels (int value) {car. Wow = value; } Public Zero SetTruckWheels (int value) {Truck.Wheels = value; } Because the method works the same way, I wanted to create a method that had an input parameter of type vehicle . The method should basically do the following: public static zero setways & lt; T & gt; (Vehicle items, int wheels) where T: vehicle {if (item! = Null) {item.Wheels = wheels; }} The problem is, it does not recognize the wheels property. How can I solve this by using generic? Please do not suggest alternative solutions without genetic (I know that there may be a value of car and truck wheels, but for this Problems should be left in this form) Your code will only w...

Running PHP script from server Android SDK -

So, looking at how to run a PHP script from the Android app, I came into this code: last string url = ""; HTTP Client Client = New DefaultHttpClient (); Try {Client.execute (new HttpGet (url)); Intent = intent (new, main section); StartActivity; } Hold (IOE Execution E) {// Here is Here} Basically, I assumed that this would work because the client Execute executes the script in the url. However, till now I did not know that the HTTP Gate got information from running the script. My PHP script does not provide information, it only executes a task on the server (make me correct if I am wrong on HTTPPLant) How do I create it then the client? Execute only executes scripts instead of just getting information about it? I am thinking for this reason that my app is crashing because the script does not return any information, value is zero. PHP Code: & lt ;? Php $ str = $ _GET ['nm']; Mkdir ($ str, 0700); Fopen ($ str....

java - Friends Can any one explain this code -

@ ओवरराइड संरक्षित शून्य पर क्रिएट (बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टैंसस्टेट) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); setContentView (R.layout.activity_splash); नया हैंडलर ()। पोस्ट डेलिएड (नया रननाबल) () / / * टाइमर के साथ स्प्लैश स्क्रीन दिखा रहा है। यह तब उपयोगी होगा जब आप अपने ऐप लोगो / कंपनी * / @ ओवरराइड पब्लिक वायड रन () {// टाइमर खत्म हो जाने के बाद यह विधि निष्पादित की जाएगी // अपना ऐप मुख्य गतिविधि प्रारंभ करें Intent I = New Intent (SplashScreen.this, MainActivity.class); startActivity (i); // इस गतिविधि को समाप्त करें ();}}, SPLASH_TIME_OUT ); } यदि आपने कोड को और अधिक ध्यान से पढ़ा है ..... ... आप अपने स्वयं के द्वारा समझा सकते हैं..क्योंकि उस कोड को समझने के लिए वहां परिभाषित टिप्पणियां हैं ............ हालांकि, नीचे वर्णन है कोड के लिए ... स्प्रैस स्क्रीन बनाने के लिए इसकी एक गतिविधि ............. यह हेन्डलर का उपयोग करता है जो निर्दिष्ट समय के बाद चलता है .. SPLASH_TIME_OUT वहां 1000 = 1 सेक; इसलिए यदि आपने परिभाषित किया है 3000 मूल्य को SPLASH_TIME_OU...

gcc - How to print input c++ function parameter values automatically -

I was wondering if there is a macro or standard way (for debugging purposes) to automatically print the value of the parameter Function F, such as __ function___ function shows signature / print for? For example, void foo (int x, string y) {cout & lt; & Lt; __FUNCTIION_ARGS__ & lt; & Lt; Endl; } to show values ​​of x and y . If there is no such magic in a standard way, is it possible to write a macro / template to do this? - Update - Copy @ xxh, it is impossible to print inside the function in question: it is possible to automate it on the macro / template, collar side: call (foo, x, y); which prints each parameter value, and foo (x, y) as as it directly identifies every other aspect ? If a value is not printable (such as pointers, functions), wrapper calls can only print an opaque value such as & lt; Ptr & gt; or & lt; Noprint & gt; . Thank you PS I am using GCC, (and also lying in the future). Take it on me:...

visual studio 2013 - MvvmCross for WPF and Xamarin.Mac: is it possible? -

I want to ask someone what's possible, just like today, to develop a Windows / Mac OS Cross platform application For WPF (in Visual Studio) and XMarin. Using Mac (in XMerin Studio for Message) I searched the web, Twittered people (Stuart, I know that you made Look 8 a few days ago, but I'm stuck now) but nothing was really useful. So, my questions are: First and foremost: is this possible? Is this production ready? If not, how stable is it? Is there any plan to improve it in the coming months? How do I use MVVCross in XMerin Studio, because it seems that the newgate is not supported on MacOS, and the Nugat packages do not target xarrmins. Anyway? How can I create a PCL in Xiamarin Visual Studio? Mac is not irreversible on Windows? Do I have to build it on MacDoode and copy the project to Visual Studio? more can follow ... Thanks for any answers! First and foremost: is this possible? Yes. Many developers have used it. But this is not the "main goa...

Is it possible to POST associations using "finder" URIs in Spring Data REST? -

I want to post to create entities using entities that designate "finder" URI instead of "ID" URI I am Is this possible? Post it to: {"Username": "Gonzo", "Role": " Name = Admin "} No this: {" username ":" gonzo "," role ":" / Roles / 1 "} When I try, I get an error from Spring Breast" java.lang.String "type failed to change '' which I think It is not supported I had hoped that there was no way to enable this feature. Although this is probably irrational thinking. Cheers No, it is not supported. URI needs to identify an item resource because we can directly remove findOne (â ??) from URI to remove backend ID. On the repository

html - Ellipsis in 100% width table -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब मेरी बुनियादी एलीपसिस शैली और चिह्न -आप निम्नानुसार है (): । एलीप्सिस {सफेद-स्पेस: अब्रॉप; छिपा हुआ सैलाब; पाठ-ओवरफ्लो: अंडाकार; } & lt; तालिका & gt; & LT; tbody & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td & gt; पंक्ति प्रारंभ (1) & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td class = "ellipsis" & gt; लेक्स्टस लेगुला द्वारा इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले समय के बाद से समय के लिए अपने समय के लिए तैयार रहना चाहिए, & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td & gt; रो अंत & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td & gt; पंक्ति प्रारंभ (2) & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td class = "ellipsis" & gt; प्लैटैटर के बाद से यह भी कहा जाता है कि वह एक दूसरे के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है, लेकिन वह इस बात को स्वीकार करता है कि वह इस समय के लिए किसी भी समय के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है, फ्यूजिट में कन्यूबिया का इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है, बिना असंतोष रहित ल...

android - Running ActionBarActivity instead of Fragment on DrawerLayout -

I want to create DrawerLayout for my new Android app. But I need to use the activity on the same activity. How can I handle this, I have a code like this:; (A lot of code to the menu list, versus swipe, but I just adds rows of problems I) switch (status) {case 0: Piece = new Homfrem () ; break; Here is my problem I want to run the activity file on the move but I can not I want to show some activity files case: 0, I've learned something, I tried but I can not do it. In fact I'm a little confused for this piece & amp; Activity Problems Thank you for your help. First, your activity xml (the one you want to do with navigation drawer using) a & Lt; xmlns: Android = "" & gt; In its original element and list view (at previous XML hierarchy) & lt; ListView android: id = "@ + id / left_drawer" Android: layout_width = "24...

ios - Application should enter background while click on a button -

When a button clicks inside the app in iOS, how can I create an app to enter the background? Regarding Apple policies, if you are submitting your application in the App Store, publish it Will not be allowed to happen. It is a principle of user experience and an application that allows itself to close the app, tries to send the app to the background etc. Approval of Apni policies and development guidelines is not permitted Your application will be rejected from the message like instant message. Anyway, to send my app to my opinion in the background, the only reasoning is to share some information between applications, as you can share information as introduced in iOS 3.0, if my mind does not work, You can open another application and load this data (it copies the data in the target sandbox of other apps, but never other apps like the same Denied does not share). In Safari, you can find this example (this is not unique, just close to one), when you want to download something and...

javascript - AngularJS - issue when embedding the Youtube video url from directive to script -

यहाँ नियंत्रक में कोड काम कर रहा है सार्वजनिक JsonResult videohome () {BaseController bc = नया बेसकंट्रोलर (); Var वीडियो = ( में जहां == true select n) .FirstOrDefault (); Var वीडियो = नया वीडियोहोम {youtubeid = "//" + video.youtubeid}; रिटर्न जेसन (वीडियो, जेसनस्यूएफ़ेस्ट बीहीवियर। एलोवगेट); } सार्वजनिक वर्ग वीडियोहोम {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग यूट्यूबआईड {get; सेट; }} यह ouputput को {"youtubeid": "//"} के रूप में देता है "} लेकिन जब मैं इस उत्पादन को मेरी स्क्रिप्ट में लोड करता हूं तो यह त्रुटि दिखाता है, & lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; CountryApp.controller ('होमवीडियो', ['$ scope', "$ http", '$ sce', फ़ंक्शन (स्कोप, sce, http) {http.get ('@ Url.Content ("/ sample / videohome") ') .सिवेट (फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {$ = डेटा; $ scope.videoUrl = $ sce.trustAsResourceUrl ($ + $;)}};}...

c# - Difference between ASCII comparison and string comparison -

I am using C #. When I am comparing two characters, by sending me the right output, like, '-'. Compare ('!') // This is sending positive values ​​to me 12 means '-' & gt; true But when I compare two strings of the same value, sending me different results means "-" & gt; False Can someone please explain to me why this is doing this? Should not it be true for both matters? The comparison of the string is the culture culture that is why you get different results instead of String.CompareOrdinal , which byte is byte comparison. var v = '-' make comparisons ('!'); // 12 var s = String.CompareOrdinal ("-", "!"); // 12

How to remove internal Image padding (Top, Left and Bottom) of an Android Checkbox -

मेरे पास इसके ऊपर एक TextView के साथ Android में एक चेकबॉक्स है: & lt; linearLayout android : Layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" एंड्रॉइड: अभिविन्यास = "ऊर्ध्वाधर" एंड्रॉइड: padding = "@ dimen / default_margin" & gt; & LT; TextView एंड्रॉयड: आईडी = "@ + id / tv_edit_checkbox" एंड्रॉयड: layout_width = "wrap_content" एंड्रॉयड: layout_height = "wrap_content" एंड्रॉयड: singleLine = "false" एंड्रॉयड: layout_margin = "0dp" एंड्रॉयड: गुरुत्वाकर्षण = "center_vertical | center_horizontal "एंड्रॉइड: टेक्स्ट =" @ स्ट्रिंग / संपादन_चेकबॉक्स "/ & gt; & LT; चेक बॉक्स एंड्रॉयड: आईडी = "@ + id / cb_edit" एंड्रॉयड: layout_width = "wrap_content" एंड्रॉयड: layout_height = "wrap_content" एंड्रॉयड: layout_gravity = "केन्द्र" एंड्रॉयड: जाँच = "true" / & gt; & Lt; / LinearLayout ...

google drive sdk - OCR of Chinese characters with File Insert -

I'm trying to put the OCC file in Google Drive. Image is being inserted in which the Chinese characters are ocrating while images are converted to a Google Doc in general, but no text is extracted. According to the docs, you should use the "octal language" with the value of the ISO 639-1 code. I tried to use "zh" which rejects the API as an invalid value. I tried to use "Zee-Hans" which I found in the old Google-Docs API documentation. It does not return any error, but does not have OCR. I tried to use a "" but also OCR. According to the docs, this parameter is only an indication and will be overridden if the OCR engine can work on the language. So my questions are: Does anyone have successfully pictured OCR letters? Is anybody a list of supported languages? Notes: When uploading an image in a browser, the OCR language drop-down contains Chinese (simplified and traditional) and this method successfully concludes the te...

javascript - Open only one infowindow at a time google maps -

I am trying to create a Google map with several markers which only allows one info window at a time Marker IPs are the location of cameras and they are brought via Ruby. I have read the responses to similar questions, in which the solution is to create and reuse only one information window. I have tried to apply the solution to many other questions, but I do not get it to work. $ (document) .ready (function () {// execute (function () {// map options var option = {zoom: 2, center: new google.maps.LatLng ( 25, 10), // centric America mapTypeControl: false streetViewControl: false}; // map in the init map = new google.maps.Map (document.getElementById ('map-canvas'), option); // set multiple Marker at the top of the & lt;% @ cameras.each mark & ​​gt; Marker & gt; // init marker & lt;% if c.deep_fetch (: location) {} = zero% = new Google !. Maps.Marker ({status: new google.maps.LatLng (& lt;% = c.deep_fetch (: location, latitude) {}%>, & lt;% = ...

java - Passive FTP with Appengine -

I am trying to use AppGoin (Java) to connect to an FTP server in idle mode. As you know, Passive Mode 2 uses parallel connections: 1 on port 21 and the second on the port chosen by the server. The problem I get is that the two connections are not made from the same IP, because the Appignin socket AP uses a load balancer and therefore the different sources provide connections with the IPS. The problem with this is that the FTP server only denies the IP who did not start the connection on port 21. Is there any way to keep the same source IP continuously for socket connection? Thank you. You can not do this in the app engine if you are the owner of an FTP server Consider resting. If not, then you can use the same project to get the file and then put it in GCS or some shared storage.

xml - Set an XJC javaType adapter in external binding file -

मेरे पास एक XSD फ़ाइल है जिसमें यह है: & lt; xsd: schema xmlns: Xsd = "" xmlns: jaxb = "" xmlns: xjc = "http: //java.sun .com / xml / ns / jaxb / xjc "jaxb: extensionBindingPrefixes =" xjc "elementFormDefault =" qualified "targetNamespace =" "& gt; & Lt; xsd: जटिल टाइप नाम = "प्रमाणपत्र" & gt; & LT; XSD: अनुक्रम & gt; & Lt; xsd: तत्व का नाम = "प्रमाणपत्र" प्रकार = "xsd: base64Binary" & gt; & LT; XSD: एनोटेशन & gt; & LT; XSD: appinfo & gt; & Lt; xjc: javaType name = " प्रमाणपत्र" एडेप्टर = "एडेप्टर.एक्स 50 9 प्रमाणपत्र एडिटर" / & gt; & Lt; / XSD: appinfo & gt; & Lt; / XSD: एनोटेशन & gt; & Lt; / XSD: तत्व & gt; & Lt; / XSD: अनुक्रम & gt; & Lt; / XSD: complexType & gt; & ...