python - Is there a way to gray out (disable) a tkinter Frame? -
I want to create a GUI in the tanker with two frames, and frame graded down until something happens Ho. Some example code is: to tkinter import from * tkinter import ttk def enabled (): frame2.state (statespec = 'enabled ') # Error root = Tk () # top frame frame 1 = ttk.LabelFrame (root, padding = (10,10,10,10)) frame 1. Grid (column = 0, line = 0, padx = 10, padi) = 10) button 2 = ttk.button (frame 1, text = "it enables the bottom limit", command = enable) button2.pack () # Creations below frame frame 2 = T.T.Label Frame (root, padding = (10,10,10, 10)) frame 2. Grid (column = 0, line = 1, padx = 10, pd = 10) frame 2 State (statepak = 'disabled') # Error entry = ttk.Entry (frame2) entry.pack () button2 = Ttk.Button (frame2, text = "button") button2.pack () root.mainloop () Is it possible that all widgets in frame 2 are grayed out individually? I am using Tkinter 8.5 and Python 3.3. Of course this is not elegant, but I found a so...