Automake doesn't recognize Objective-C/C++ -

is designed for the creation of which I have shared library (both Linux and MacOS). Now I'd like to add a special demo app that uses this library and shows its features, though this demo app is only for MacOS and in it. MM file is ( I'm trying to define a target like this for the demo app:

  if OS_DARWIN EXTRA_PROGRAMS = app-demo Ap_demo_sisi = Obijesi Aep_dimo_ CXX = Obijesi Ap_dimo CRS = Demop / config. CC Demop / config H \ demoapp / demoapp / AppDelegate.m \ demoapp / Demop / Renderr- stub.h \ demoapp / demoapp / view.h app_demo_CPPFLAGS = ... the # directories Includes app_demo_LDFLAGS = .. # libraries and library search path endiff   

This is my top-level makefile .There is and as you can see, Demoap folder demo app and two objectives in all source files C: Muky.amm and However, when I try to create an App demo I, I got it is:

  undefined symbols x86_64 for Architecture: "_main", refers to the main access to the underlying entry / start   

which means ( And I confirm it with a meg log Not) that is not connected has not been compiled. Does anyone know the people who work for this?

I do not think this is enough information to debug the problem.

I think automake supports ObjC ++ Do you get an error when you get automated? Do you configure AC AC_PROG_OBJCXX? If you try to compile files by hand, does it work?


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