c# - SharpDX: Method not found 'get_BufferPointer()' -

I created a simple SharpDX project from the tutorial on indieve (,).

Now I found an error method 'IntPtr SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.get_BufferPointer ()' When I start the application.

I have an article follwoing the SharpenDX dll:

  • SharpDX.D3DCompiler
  • SharpDX.Direct3D11
  • SharpDX.DXGI
  • SharpDX

    This code is the main loop:

      running public zeros () {// ... initialize (); LoadContent (); RenderLoop.Run (renderWindow, () = & gt; {// ....} // ...} public override void Load content () {ShaderBytecode vertexShaderByteCode = ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile ( "shaders.hlsl", "VShader" "(Peediacdi)," ps_4_0 "); Warteksshaider = new Warteksshaider (device, Warteksshairbitekod); // - & gt; error Pikselshaider = new Pikselshaider (device, Windows) PixelShaderByteCode); // ...}   

    content shaders.hlsl:

      struct VOut {float4 position: SV_POSITION; float 4 color: cOLOR;}; Vioatti Visader (float 4 positions: position float 4 Color: color) {output; output .position = position; Autputcolr = color; Output Output;} float 4 Pisacder (Float 4 Condition: Svi_pojitian Float 4 Color: Color): SV_TARGET {return color;}   

    I shaders. What is to be added to the hlsl file?

    This problem is the cause of an old assembly as shown in the Y version. It helps to update the latest version through NuGet, you can get it from it.

    It was not a problem with the shaders.hlsl file. All the tasks are now okay.


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