javascript - dojo how to overwrite event handler -

Currently, the dojo uses the on method to connect the event to the Hyndere.

  BTN = new button (); Btn.on ('click', function () {console.log ('do something');});   

When the button is clicked it will call the attached function.

However, according to the documents, the removal of existing handlers should be done in the following manner

  handler = btn.on ('click', function () {console. Log ('do something');}); Handler.remove ();   

It is not the way I want to delete the event handler.

I do not handle handler anywhere but I want to add a new 'click' event

  btn.on ('click', function () {console. Log ('do something different');});   

Change the existing 'click' event handler and add a new one.

What do I want to achieve?

Thank you!

It is not possible, the framework refers to an event handler, as it does with jQuery's other frameworks are equal.

There is a mechanism to remove all event handlers using the off function in the jQuery course, but it is not available in dojo. Chris Heze's comments have been suggested, so you can use aspects like this by wrapping this feature in any other module or on the dojo / on module.

For example, you can wrap it inside a new module:

  // event handler var 2 On = function (dom, event, callback) {On2.handlers = []; If (at 2.handlers [incident] === undefined) {on2.handlers [event] = []; } Var Handler = On (Dome, Event, Callback); On2.handlers [Event] Push ({node: dom, handler: handler}); Returnee; }; // close functionality lang.mixin (on2, on, {close} function (dom, event) {if (this handlers [event]! == undefined) {array.forEach (this.handlers [event], function (handler) ) {If (handler.node === dom) {handler.handler.remove ();}}}}}}});   

and then you can use it:

  on2 (dom.byId ("test"), "click", function () {Console.log ("test 1 2 3"); // old event handler}); (dom.byId ("test"), "click"); // Delete old event handlers 2 (dom.byId ("test"), "click", function () {console.log ("test 4 5 6"); // new event handler});   

It should work fine, as you can see in this Bela:


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