java - Calculate images overlapping percentage -
I'm making an Android app, I'm going to create a dialer, and spin the dialer. If arrows pierce each other with a specific layer, then they will remove the result. I am using a cut dialer in several layers, each layer represents different data and I have an arrow, which indicates the layer. This arrow is pierced with one or one layer. I want to calculate the percentage of overlapping between arrows to arrows so that the arrow can determine which side it is pointing to. Is this just my complete picture of doing any suggestions or improvements? How to calculate the overlapping percentage of BTW images?
I recommend to keep track of an arrow and to use it, which section it is on, you should have an angle, because you need to attract the arrow. is. With the angle, it is quite easy to calculate which section it is on.
Code will look something like this:
public constant final integer TOTAL_DEGREES = 360; Public Int calculated selection (float degree, int nuation) {return (int) (degree / TOTAL_DEGREES * numsections); }
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