trend line in bar chart in pentaho cde? -
Each time an application appears in my case. I am using trend lines to see the performance of different applications on bar graphs.
On the trending line in the bar chart, if there is no data for a unit (bar), can not we show that trend? Currently, there is a trend line on the X-X for the value of zero Has been there.
I can see trends on the graph, but there is another legend in the form of "moving average". Can it be removed? If you need more information, please tell me in the comments section.
Is it possible to do this via javascript? how? Example: Using Post Fractions of the Chart.
The trending calculation itself does not take into account zero values. However, if you do not want to show trend points, for which "application" was zero, you can hide line segments that pass through those points using an extension point:
trendLine_strokeStyle : Function (s) {var: categ = s.getCeries (), series = s.getSeries (), datapart = '0', hasNonNull = this.chart.visibleData (datapart) .datums ({category: categ, series: Chain}, {isNull: incorrect}} .any (); // `rep 'returns the color that is returned back, we over the expansion point Did not ride. // `null` means" transparent color "is back to the right? This.delegate (): null;} The previous code snippet works for a default chart configuration , Where you used the default dimension name ( series and category ), and this trend can only be used for the main plot ( datapart value '0' ). To hide part of the tendend for other questions, which show the color of the trend One assumes again that you did not change the default values, and because travel plot using other color axis, you assign it to hide Color2AxisLegendVisible options: false . EDIT: To put the above code in the preexcus handler of the CDF component, you want to do this:
function () {var cccOptions = this.chartDefinition ; // Extension points are added in an array of names, values formats ... var eps = Dashboards.propertiesArrayToObject (cccOptions.extensionPoints); // Extension Point eps.trendLine_strokeStyle = Specify the function () {...}; // Convert extension points in the original CDF format cccOptions.extensionPoints = Dashboards.objectToPropertiesArray (eps); }
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