android - Adding two colors as background without using gradient -

I was trying to apply the shadow effect to my thoughts and figured out that I shield it to I can use

I created an XML file

  & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Size xmlns: android = "" & gt; & Lt; Gradient android: endColor = "@ android: color / transparent" Android: centerColor = "@ android: color / transparent" Android: startColor = "@Android: Color / Black" Android: angle = "135" /> & Lt; / Size & gt;   

It works fine, but I needed to make it more like shade, what do I need to remove the effect of infection in the gradient because I only have one color in one color Need to see, which has been implemented natively. How to do this Enter image details here

If you want something like the background of your thoughts, you can only type B / W .jpeg or .png Use your Doubles inside and when using it to specify your dimensions and alpha (ambiguation) parameters?


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