java - How to get properties without it being delimited? -
I am using commons-configuration v1.10 and I using class This property is included back and coma respectively, but the reason for this is because I get '[' and ']' around it. Posting your code will help. You want You can also use the propertiesconfiguration I am in the properties of my applications; I have a property that has a comma, but when I read it, it becomes delimited, and I do not understand how to get it.
Saran structure is a function,
setDelimiterParsingDisabled () , which disables the demarcation, but I can not find any class that has it Implemented to read.
Private static string readproperty (string property) {try {configuration configuration = new property synthesis (property files); Return configuration.getProperty (property) .toString (); } Grip (Configuration Exception e) {System.out.println ("Reading Point" + Property + "Properties"); E.printStackTrace (); System.exit (1); Return ""; }}
AbstractConfiguration.setListDelimiter (null) ;
string methods to search and remove nearby [0] property as
prop :
int start = prop.indexOf ('['] + 1 is in a string; int end = prop.lastIndexOf (')'); String val = prop.bestring (start, end> gt; end: prop.length ());
indexOf returns -1 if the character is not found, then adding 1 to start the real property value is always working, even if the delimiter is not present Are not there.
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