.net - Not able to deploy C# SQL CLR database project from Visual Studio 2010 to SQL Server 2014 -

I have Visual Studio 2010 Professional and SQL Server 2014. I have created a very simple SQL CLR database application which is not an error when I create an application after just one in one inclusion in the table, but whenever I try to apply it I get an error:

Setting up the assembly server to testCLR.dll - WIN-GECJT \ SQLEXPRESS: checkbox
The following error may appear, when you Sql The CLR project is deployed which was built for a version of the .NET Framework that is incompatible with the target instance of SQL Server: "Apply the SQL01268 error: Create assembly for assembly failed because assembly failed verification" This problem To resolve, open the property for the project, and change the .NET Framework version.

C: \ ProgramFiles \ MSBuild \ Microsoft \ VisualStudiov10.0 \ TeamDataMicrosoft.Data.Schema.SqlClr.targets (96,5): Apply SQL01234 error: The database version is not supported.

Create FAILED.

I also get the same error every time on our project's target structure 2.0 and 3.5.

When I run the following command to see my SQL Server 2014 CLR version:

  choose * from sys.dm_clr_properties *;   

This shows me the version v4.0.30319

if the same version is v4.0 in Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2014 Why am I getting this compatibility error?

Or can not we just deploy the SQL CLR 2010 project on SQL Server 2014?

This is a common problem for the inconsistency between SCQLRR, in which VS 2010 and SQL Server New version (2012 to 2014) has been sent along.

Here the problem has increased in your case from the template used to create SQL Server solutions, so VS2010 template will not be deployed on SQL Server 2012 or newer.

Upgrading the actual template with the latest issue disappears your problem.

Step: New project was selected on VS 02010. Choose from templates as shown below (other languages ​​-> SQL Server -> SQL Server Data Tools Database Projects (Web Inlawl)):

At this point you'll find steps Must install SSDT 2012 or 2014 no install 2010 (installation can take a long time!)

Installing SSDT Choose File - & gt; New project - & gt; SQL Server Database Project

To Install New! [The new project dialog with the SSD 2012/2014 is currently installed] [2]

Or just change your existing projects to install new bellow as a template! [Convert menu to convert current project to current template.] [3]

Hope this will help.


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