xml - C#/XNA Culture Issue -
My application does not properly load levels on computers with different cultures.
If I can thread the thread again on my computer
I think this XML has failed to read the information, some of the properties are coincidentally filled It does not seem to break the culture.
P> I am using a StreamReader, XmlDocument and XmlNode, I have tried to format InVirean culture, but there is no use.
I do not get any error messages, it seems that this game is loading and starts playing properly but many tiles are missing.
Has anyone come to the same issue and has solved a solution?
This is a very similar problem, although I can not find any exception because I am not using fonts;
Bag yourself, in this case being Swedish on all computers Was forced to.
Thread.Curr EntThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("SV-SE");
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