Greasemonkey script to remove parameters from youtube url's -

I do not know anything about writing scripts ... but I'm from YouTube Link & amp; List = parameter, or on the page where you watch the video, preferably both. Then it will become. You can do it in the address bar and get rid of the "uploads" from the "_USER_NAME_" playlist, but one script will be faster and easier. The US has researched me around the web and found the example script to change the parameter, but did not remove them, and my efforts to change them in my purposes have failed.

This is my latest attempt:

  if (window.location.pathname.match ( {var url1 = url + .split ("& amp; ; ", 1); Window.location.replace (URL1); } And {var theurl = document.URL; Var link, thisLink; Links = document.evaluate ("// a [@heref]", document, blank, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, empty); (Var i = 0; i & lt; links.snapshotLength; i ++) {thisLink = links.snapshotItem (i); If this (theLink.match (thisLink) theurl = thislink.split ("& amp;", 1); thislink = theurl;}}   

(I assigned the indent, hence the errors

Or if I am completely in the wrong place, any help would be appreciated, like this question etc would be the right place to post ... I just got my problem I'm trying to find an answer.

If you want to write it yourself, you will not be helped. Can do it, but it can What you just need to do is replay. "


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