node.js - Adding PartitionKey propery when inserting an entity in Azure table storage for nodejs -
This call is more for help with an exception when calling
insertEntity () .
I am using Nodejes at Ezur and editing in Monaco, and NPM has installed the latest version of blue storage.
The exception I get is: (full stack trace below)
Unneeded exception: Error: parameter unit Disk. For the Partition function unit, an object must be on the ArgumentValidator ._ extend.object
I basically save my object and to create 2 new properties: PartitionKey And making RowKey . I value them string I am I am not using the unit generator because there are no samples here, whereas the Ezur node is the examples present on the Developers portal. I would not mind using the unit generator on storage-specific properties, but samples of node azar gitob repo suggest that you can use simple strings. The unit generator looks a bit ugly and cumbersome, because when you bring it back you need to do extra code around the unit.
How can I adjust my code to solve this problem and call entry entity () with success?
exports.saveTally = function (matching, callback) {var tableSvc = getAzureTableService (); Table.svc.createTableIfNotExists ("match", function (error, result, response) {if (error!) {Tally.PartitionKey = "tally"; Milan.RowKey =; tableSvc.insertEntity ("Milan", Milan , Function (error, result, response) {if (error) {console.log ("error in saving error" + error.toString ()); else {callback (;}}}}}} );}
The location of the Ezur Storage Client Library has changed, you are not using They are from an old version of old location and library, so they are not working. You can get updated samples and codes in the new location.
In the new version, for each table unit The reason is that an Adam type should be specified, the type is stored in the storage service and we want to make sure that what we want is storing it. Each table unit has an object with {_: value, $: edm.Type}.
The unit generator is a convenience facility that makes table unit objects easy to build. We return only to the organizations mentioned in the form and this will not be changed in any way by using this facility.
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