angularjs - ui-router resolve behaves strangely in Ionic -
I started with a demo Ionic app ( I have rejected For any reason, if besides, Can someone put light on it? with kangaroo and promise model from experience. In order to solve the order / a promise angular reject the JS incident will have to tick a cycle again in the loop - nextTick - and this is $ scope.apply () which is how we use the fun blow of such things in the unit test Taxes can be completed <. P> This is a great way to talk about the $ timeout and the scope of $. $ EvalAsync- I can assemble the timeout, evaluating the function in the next tick. The reason for this is that this code works in the way you outline. This is another that talks about the texttech implementation of $ q. I know that this does not solve your problem - but it should highlight some of the reasons why this is happening! Good luck! Ionic started MyApp sidemenu ) ,:
Resolution: {Problem: function ($ q, $ timeout) {var defer = $ q.defer (); //defer.reject (); // browser or tool $ timeout (defer.reject) does not work; // works in the browser, but do not defer.promise the device return; }}
the solution here:
.run (function ($ ionicPlatform, $ rootScope, $ IonicLoading) {$ ionicPlatform.ready (function () {// Here $ regular items at rootScope $ ('$ stateChangeError', function () {$ ({template: '! All good'})}} .});});
solves immediately rejects (see
defer.reject () above),
$ Callback state change error is not running. If I do exactly that, but outside of Ionic,
is trying to delay
$ timeout (defer.reject) rejection Solve; In a different behavior, it now works in a browser as expected, but still does not work on the device. In an attempt to delay further, results in success on the device:
$ timeout (function () {defer.reject ();}, 250); // 200 or less does not work for me
Resolution: {problem: function ($ q, $ timeout) {var defer = $ q.defer (); //defer.reject (); // & lt; ---- Next set timeout (defer.reject); // & lt; ---- $ Timeout evaluates on next return defer.promise; }}
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