Does PayPal Rest API have the classic useraction equivalent -

Is there a way to leave the 2 step verification process using the PayPal Rest API?

Successfully implemented the standard process with the help of the PayPal Rest API, which takes the user to the PayPal site where they enter their credentials and then submits the order summary with the option of "issuing" "You are almost done." Xxxx will confirm your payment at the store. "

Is there any way that we can skip this step - so the user should not be returned to my site, where they will have to review the order again and choose" Make a payment. " On the PayPal display the "Make a payment now" button, which will execute the payment?

I have searched, and the classic API URL parameter, the user commitments, seems to handle it. I could get the equivalent

I had the same problem and I got an answer with PayPal support.

TL; DR: Add and userization = committed in the bus approval / journal.

They told me that the rest API redirect URL is a regular Express Checkout redirection URL and therefore you You can use the same parameter.

If you make a payment API call such as:

  curl-v https: //api.sandbox / v1 / payment / payment- h "content-type: application / jason" - H "Authority: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE" -d '{"Transaction": [{"Amount": {"Currency": "USD" "" Payment "," Payment "," Payment "," Payment "," Payment " "Payment", "Payment", "Thankful": "Sale", "Redirect_Arls": {"Cancel": "", "return_url ":" Https:// "}} '  

You will get the following response:

  {" Id ":" PAY-XYZ "," create_time ":" 2015-02-26T15: 14: 27Z "," update_time ":" 2015-02-26 T15: "", "state": "created", " "" "" ":" "" "" "": "" "" "" "": "" "" "" "": "" "" "" ":" Payments ":" PayPal "," Payer_Info ": {" shipping_address ": {}}}," Transaction " , "Description": {"subtotal": "12.00"}}, "description": "payment", "related_source": []}], "link": [{href = "https: // "," rel ":" self "," method ":" received "}, {" href ":" https: //www.sandbox. "Redirect": "," "https: /" / Ecute "," rel ":" You receive approval URL in this response  
  https: //www.sandbox "" "," Method "," method ":" POST "}]} FOOBER

And you just have to program it atomically by the parameter & amp; Useraction = commit . Expand with

so that you can redirect your user to

  https: //www.sandbox.   

Examples are


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