biztalk - Promoting fields in HL7v2 Schemas for use in Correlation Sets -
Say I had created a property on an HL 7 v2 schema to correlate two messages in a parallel convoy I created this promoted property I want to use. I used a Dummy app without HL7 schema and used to do all the work relatively rarely This is really simple, that is why I am thinking that when HL 7 Comes to schema, so there is a catch. I created PropertySchema, the area I'm doing in the HL7's body schema after being propagated, everything compiled and deployed properly, I ran a question for subscribing on my received ports and they looked fine However, I could not be made a And looking at the BizTalk Group Administrator console when I see the suspended message, I do not think the property has been promoted Adding a message context Edit Error report context I have checked And double-checked, there are schemas, duplicate schemas, show event log too Now, let me It seems I have 2 questions: Make sure that you are seeing a real suspended message and there is no error report, the best way to check is to stop, do not un-sign, the orchestration will then suspend the message again.
http: // == {D2F99A76-E28A-4B3E-AC52-F4E2F92453C3} and == Http:// and https: //myNS.ECGCorrelationPropertySchema.CommonAccessionID is present
published message because no members were found. This error has not been sent to send orchestral or port sending, or if some of the message quality required for membership evaluation has not been promoted.
A message type was received when I receive a message
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