image processing - How to apply chroma key filter with any color to live camera feed ios? -
Actually I want to apply a chroma key filter for the iOS live camera feed but I want the user to choose the color Another color that will be replaced will be replaced.
I got some examples of using green screen, but I do not know how to change the dynamic color instead of green instead of color.
Any ideas how can I get it with the best performance? /p>
You have asked about your structure before, so I think you are familiar with it. There are two filters within that framework, a GPUImageChromaKeyFilter and a GPUImageChromaKeyBlendFilter. Through both the The former filter only changes the areas of color in alpha 0 within the threshold, after which it is actually mixing between input image or video video or video source based areas of video, which match filter showcase The example app shows how to make it green, but you can set key color to whatever you want. -setColorToReplaceRed: green: blue: method, using threshold sensitivity property, the threshold set will be the key for both of the things you specify .
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