Stripping out fields from Variation in Woocommerce -

I am going ahead with what I'm suggesting here, but I thought I would try any idea At the same time

Cutting Fat

I have many products with 700+ variations . It is WordPress's product savings because it's nervous when it comes to 8000+ areas Tries to save and intermittently causes savings and ends up losing data to become a problem The expertise.

However, considering the change in the backend, there are many

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    If I remove these, at least 6 x 700 fields = 4200 less fields that have to deal with WordPress, which will save the real potential.

    I am going to ignore Gods for this one and I will tempt the template to test the template directly.

    I'm not 100% sure how to create a function, which at the moment will remove these areas without harming woocommerce, if anyone knows it will be fantastic < P> I will let you know your results.

    I just class-wc-meta-box-product-data.php There is no easy way to remove the file and the built-in input field. You probably have to type the whole metabox again.

    The JS solution is possible to remove the field you do not want. I'm not sure at all, but if WooCommerce saves the appropriate isset () in all the variables, then the routine should not crash in order to save it.

    Or you can remove Woo's routine and replace it with your own

    WOO protection action:

    ADD_ACTION (' Woocommerce_process_product_meta ',' WC_Meta_Box_Product_Data :: save ', 10, 2);

    It is similar to rewriting the whole metabox, even if you have a WC update, there is a danger of breaking things.

    Just out of curiosity, how does one get 700 + variations?

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