Excel: Removing Duplicate Values Using Array Formula For Multiple Columns -

I am trying to remove duplicates from 7 different columns and add unique values ​​to a column and I The way to do this is to use the Excel formula

I have tried the array approach below, but it does not work for more than one column:

  = INDEX ($ A $ 11: $ A $ 100000, MATCH (0, COUNTIF ($ C $ 11: C11, $ A $ 11: $ A $ 100000), 0))   

Here What do I want:

Data start:

column 1: abdcbi

column 2: cghfdc

column 3: feagba

results end:

 abcdefghi ...  

(order is not important)

Not sure that this really answers the question, but you can try to use COUNTIFS to identify the rows where there are duplicate values ​​in combination with two or more columns: < / P>

  = COUNTIFS ($ B: $ B, $ B1, $ C: $ C, $ C1)   

This formula contains those lines Passenger numbers will be back to where B1 and repeats itself in C1. You can copy and paste each row in your formula, or use it as an array formula.

Here's more about how to do this:


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