sorting - JCL SYNCSORT: OMIT and INCLUDE are not interchangeable? -
I am getting separate output for these two sort cards, can someone tell me why?
1. 2. This is basically when there is a non-equal and oct in Eclol. The problem is that you have and and or Of This means that they do very different different tests so that different answers can be given If you look at the first test, especially: < / P> Whether always is true, while <1,1> <1,1> anything but CAB or CB : : = = ((1,3, CH, NE, CABC, AND, 5, 3, CH, NE, CPPRR), or, (1, 3, CH, NE, CACAB '), Or, (1,3, CH, NE, C'CBA'), or, (1,3, CH, NE, CABC ', and, 5,3, CH, NE, CPQR')) Suit Field = Copy
omit code = ((1,3, CAP, EQ), CAAB, E, C, RP, C 'CAB', or, (1,3, CAP, EQ, C'CBA '), or, (1,3, CF, EQ, CABC, AND, 5, 3, CF, EQ, CPPRUR)) Field = copy
(1, 3, CH, NE, C 'CAB'), or, (1,3, CH, NE, C'CBA ')
(1,3, ch, eq, c 'cab'), or, (1,3, cf, eq, c'caba ' ) leave and do not (a and b) = (not a) or (not b) not (a or b) = (not a) and Strong> reverse and & amp; or 's
Omit Corps = ((1,3, CAH, EQ, CABC, and, 5,3, CF, EQ, C' PQR ') , Or, (1,3, CH, EQ, CACAB '), or, (1,3, CF, EQ, C'CBA'), or, (1,3, CH, EQ, C 'ABC' , And, 5,3, CF, EQ, C'PQR ')) becomes Suit Field = Copy
= ( 1,3, CH, NE, CABC, or, 5, 3, CH, NE, CPQR '), and, (1,3, CH, NE, C' CAB '), and, (1,3, CH, NE, CCBA '), and, (1,3, CH, NE, CABC', or, 5 , 3, CH, NE, CPQR ')) Suit Field = Copy
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