c++ - OpenCV_FOUND to FALSE so package "OpenCV" is considered to be NOT FOUND -
I'm having trouble trying my CMC to see my OpenCV, I have installed OpenCV and run some sample problems. And some give the same error, such as I find in my connector file (when running a sample program through the terminal)
I have tried to make the environment environment variable path my bashrc file now looks like
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH = / home / Durham / desktop / OpenCV / opencv-2.4.9: $ CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH CPATH = / home / Durham / desktop / OpenCV / are opencv-2.4.9 / include: $ CPATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / home / Durham / desktop / OpenCV / opencv-2.4.9 / lib: $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH pATH = / home / Durham / desktop / OpenCV / opencv-2.4.9bin: $ PKG_CONFIG_PATH path = / home / Durham / desktop / OpenCV / Opencv -2.4.9 / lib / pkgconfig: $ PKG_CONFIG_PATH PYTHONPATH = / home / Durham / desktop / OpenCV / opencv-2.4.9 / lib / python2.7 / district packages: $ PYTHONPATH And are the contents of /etc/ld.so.conf
contains / etc / ld.so.conf.d / *. Conf /home/durham/Desktop/OpenCV/opencv-2.4.9 Incorporated cmake file I'm trying to run like this E << Code> cmake_minimum_required (version 2.6) cmake_policy (SET CMP0020 new) end (policy CMP0020) SET (CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE TRUE) SET (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH $ {PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} / config) (-DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG - Linux ENDIF (IQR_INCLUDE_DIR not defined) set (IQR_INCLUDE_DIR "/ usr / include / iqr") #default for Linux ENDIF (not defined IQR_INCLUDE_DIR) if ($ $ EX $ is not) IQR_INCLUDE_DIR} message (STATUS "IQR_INCLUDE_DIR: $ {IQR_INCLUDE_DIR } ") Set (IQR_INCLUD E_DIR $ ENV {IQR_INCLUDE_DIR} Cache Path Force ($ EXTENS $ {IQR_INCLUDE_DIR}) is not a message (status is set to "IQR_INCLUDE_DIR $ {IQR_INCLUDE_DIR}") Message (FATAL_ERROR "Please include IQR IQR_INCLUDE_DIR in the directory using env specify. (IQR_LIB_DIR) is not defined (IQR_LIB_DIR $ ENV {IQR_LIB_DIR} cache path Force) is not ENDIF (defined IQR_LIB_DIR) does not exist in ENDIF ($ $ IQR_INCLUDE_DIR} would not ENDIF ($ $ IQR_INCLUDE_DIR}) IF (WIN32 ) IF) is not present in IF ($ $ IQR_LIB_DIR}) (FATAL_ERROR "Please enable IGR_LIB_DIR env. Include directory using variable ") ENDIF (not $ EXTIS $ {IQR_LIB_DIR}) ENDIF (WIN32) SET (libSrc moduleArDroneBottomCamera.cpp) INCLUDE_directories ($ {CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} $ {IQR_INCLUDE_DIR} $ {QT_INCLUDE_DIR} $ {OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIR} ardrone_sdk ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (ardrone_sdk) ADD_LIBRARY (moduleAradonbottom CeMARA SHARED $ {libSrc}) IF (WIN32) / ardrone_sdk / VP_SDK / ardrone_sdk / VLIB / phases / ardrone_sdk / VP_SDK / VP_Os / ardrone_sdk / VP_SDK / VP_Os / linux / ardrone_sdk/VP_SDK/VP_Stages/) Set (IQR_LIBS "$ {IQR_LIB_DIR} /libIqrItem.dll") ENDIF (WIN32) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (module orderonbum comera $ {OPENCV_LIBRARIES} pc_ardrone $ {QT_LIBRARIES} $ {IQR_LIBS}) qt5_use_modules (moduleEraderbottom comera core power TS Network) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES (Modulardronbotm Camera property prefix "") IF (Unix) set (IQR_INSTALL_DIR $ ENV {HOME}) ENDIF (Unix) IF (WIN32) set (IQR_INSTALL_DIR $ ENV {USERPROFILE}) ENDIF (WIN32) Install ( target Modularedronbotm Comra Library destination $ {IQR_INSTALL_DIR} / IQR / lib / modules order destination $ {IQR_INSTALL_DIR} / IQR / lib / modules) but when I use the cmake GUI I get the following Output attempts (Cant post images so far) In Nk)
I'm running Ubuntu 14.04. Any suggestions?
Thanks D
Fast and dirty solution: try installing OpenCV (You know, to install and install Sudo to create) inc / usr / local / include and library files should be in / usr / local / lib after installation header files.
The problem can be kept anywhere in the FindOpenCV.cmake file, so you can also try to understand what it is doing and maybe fix it - CMK syntax is quite simple. It can check the place where it is currently located, or some rare environment variables, instead of a default installation location.
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