RegEx to split formatting string in JavaScript -
I am using a JS Date Library containing a simple asString () formatting syntax eg. .
DD MMM yyyy production
01 January 1970. .
Unfortunately, the month should be the letter that appears in the formatting string, e.g. 'Date (' 2014-09-01 ') AsString ('dd mmm yyyy') = 01 Sep 9 9 2014 '
It is quite easy to solve; Instead, replace the
asString () method to use the format '[DD] [MMM] [YAY]'. Although it comes from the global format string used by other methods. The only way that square brackets are needed is the
asString method.
'Yy', 'mmmm', 'mmm', 'mm', 'm', 'dddd' 'ddd', 'dd', 'd', 'hh', 'min', 's'];
dd / mm / yyyy = & gt; Unfortunately, RegEx is proving complicated - the result of each code is looping in [[d] [d]] / [[m] [m]] / [[yaani] [yay ]] . So I need help writing this RegEx if this can not be done, please say - I am not interested in using new libraries as a solution, but solutions will be considered which are currently available
This should do the following:
var regex = / (min | y + | m + | d + | h + | s +) / g, newString = format.replace (regex, '[$ 1]') ; Tested with format "dd / mm / yyyy" , resulting in "[dd] / [mm] / [yyyy]" / Code>
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