macvim - How to paste same text in Multiple Position of Multiple Line on Vim -

I recently changed my text editor from iTerm2 to simulim text from Vime

I am looking for a plugin to paste text in Multiple Position of Multiple Line on VIM

(I can select the cursor like the multicursor on the sublime text And use CMD + in other positions, click to select and then paste.)

I have seen the plugin but only

for example - the cursor is different Permission to select different places on the line as the bottom Please give it.

Line 1: Go to website [cursor here] Anne
Line 2: Commodo Leguella [cursor here] Egget Dollar Enan Masasa without Social Community line - Line 3: Penalties and large size monteges, [corsor]] Breeds of robbery.
Line 4: Now [Coors here]

VIM version

VIM version

Your help will be highly appreciated And thank you very much ago.

VIM - V IMproved 7.4 (2013 August 10, compiled 21 April 2014 14:54:22)

MacOS X (UNIX) version


I advise Vim to try to stop its previously editable ports; Eventually, the mode-based editing and command-based syntax of VIM has its impressive features and makes edits highly efficient.

Vime Route

Using "Wim Route" will be more likely to specify places, first go to match, paste, and then n and < Code>.


You can manually enter a marker variable (for example § ) at each location and then by changing it You can emulate the desired workflow:

 :% s / § / \ = @@ @ g   

replace it with the contents of the default code For : Sub-Replace Support - Uses .


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