oracle - How to specify INITRANS for a partitioned LOB index? -

I have a partition table of rows per transaction when a BLOB column is deleted by multiple users from the table , we often ORA -0060 the deadlock-S that TCC files run, which, LOB caused ITL deadlock index partition so I INITRANS greater LOB index table I want to recreate the default with 2. I Store the table for ... without any split tables ... (... lob (...) .. (... index ... (... initrans 10 .. .)) adds , but Oracle's partition table, "ORA -22879: can not use LOB index clause for the partition table." is there any other way that I have a split LOB index Can I set INITRANS?

(Update: Note that I do not need to convert to existing table , I can reproduce it from scratch, it is usually easy.)

The editing of the genels is as follows:

Here is an example How the general method does not work:

  Create a test of the table (a number, b clob), division by category (A) (less than 1 (division P1 value); * Select from dba_indexes where owner = user and table_name = 'TEST1'; --ORA-22864: Alter or drop object index index can not be changed SYS_IL0000111806C00002 $$ initrans 3;   

It is interesting to note that the index DDL looks really awkward. The codes below will not run - there is no expression in the index and the brackets are not closed. Choose

  dbms_metadata.get_ddl ('INDEX', 'SYS_IL0000111806C00002 $$'); Create unique index "catch-up". "SYS_IL0000111806C00002 $$" ON "CLOSED" "Test 1" (Pisitifiariti 10 Aiaitiarans 1 Meketterns 255 Storage (Bffrrpul default Flaskac default Selflas Acsisi Defolt) Local (Partisusn "Sais_aiel_ P19289" Pisitifiari 10 Aiaitiarns 2 Makstiarns 255 Lojiging storage (initial 65536 Next 1048576 MAXEXTENTS +2147483645 BUFFER_POOL default FLASH_CACHE default CELL_FLASH_CACHE default) Table-space "USERS", Partition "SYS_IL_P19290" PCTFREE 10 INITRANS 2 MAXTRANS 255 Cutting Storage (Early 65536 Next 1048576 MAXEXTENTS +2147483645 BUFFER_POOL would default FLASH_CACHE default CELL_FLASH_CACHE default) tablespaces "USERS") Oracle technical support is said can / I can not specify. (Paragraph 0) INITRANS for a split LOB index, however, he also have found that  SECUREFILE  option to  DEDUPLICATE LOB  option (which we use) may cause problems. I have  DEDUPLICATE LOB  (To ensure only this, it is called  KEEP_DUPLICATES  has been omitted) and now the LOB index has gone deadlined! (I wrote a stress test, and with it you  DEDUPLICATE LOB , but  could be any reason for dozens dead lock errors in minutes with KEEP_DUPLICATES .) < / P>  


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