oracle - How to specify INITRANS for a partitioned LOB index? -
I have a partition table of rows per transaction when a BLOB column is deleted by multiple users from the table , we often ORA -0060 the deadlock-S that TCC files run, which, LOB caused ITL deadlock index partition so I INITRANS greater LOB index table I want to recreate the default with 2. I Store the (Update: Note that I do not need to convert to existing table , I can reproduce it from scratch, it is usually easy.) The editing of the genels is as follows: Here is an example How the general method does not work: It is interesting to note that the index DDL looks really awkward. The codes below will not run - there is no expression in the index and the brackets are not closed. Choose table for ... without any split tables ... (... lob (...) .. (... index ... (... initrans 10 .. .)) adds , but Oracle's partition table, "ORA -22879: can not use LOB index clause for the partition table." is there any other way that I have a split LOB index Can I set INITRANS?
Create a test of the table (a number, b clob), division by category (A) (less than 1 (division P1 value); * Select from dba_indexes where owner = user and table_name = 'TEST1'; --ORA-22864: Alter or drop object index index can not be changed SYS_IL0000111806C00002 $$ initrans 3;
dbms_metadata.get_ddl ('INDEX', 'SYS_IL0000111806C00002 $$'); Create unique index "catch-up". "SYS_IL0000111806C00002 $$" ON "CLOSED" "Test 1" (Pisitifiariti 10 Aiaitiarans 1 Meketterns 255 Storage (Bffrrpul default Flaskac default Selflas Acsisi Defolt) Local (Partisusn "Sais_aiel_ P19289" Pisitifiari 10 Aiaitiarns 2 Makstiarns 255 Lojiging storage (initial 65536 Next 1048576 MAXEXTENTS +2147483645 BUFFER_POOL default FLASH_CACHE default CELL_FLASH_CACHE default) Table-space "USERS", Partition "SYS_IL_P19290" PCTFREE 10 INITRANS 2 MAXTRANS 255 Cutting Storage (Early 65536 Next 1048576 MAXEXTENTS +2147483645 BUFFER_POOL would default FLASH_CACHE default CELL_FLASH_CACHE default) tablespaces "USERS") Oracle technical support is said can / I can not specify. (Paragraph 0) INITRANS for a split LOB index, however, he also have found that
SECUREFILE option to
DEDUPLICATE LOB option (which we use) may cause problems. I have
DEDUPLICATE LOB (To ensure only this, it is called
KEEP_DUPLICATES has been omitted) and now the LOB index has gone deadlined! (I wrote a stress test, and with it you
could be any reason for dozens dead lock errors in minutes with KEEP_DUPLICATES .) < / P>
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