vim - Is there a way to tab to locations in a file to change text? -
snipmate I can create tab stops using So we suppose that I have the following lines: I would like the bracket to be replaced with text. I know I can search for brackets and your way through them the next, but I was hoped for something a bit more convenient. I suggest snapmate of second Zack only to deal with the problem that happens The most convenient approach to search and replace if you want to replace your placeholder with the same text: With the different text you want to replace each placeholder you can repeat the behavior of Snipmate: $ {1} Is,
$ {2} , and so on. But we say that I have a file that has many lines that I use often. When I put these into my active file and some parts of that line have to be changed, is there any way to repeat the snippet's tab stop functionality? If there is no room on which changes need to be made, then there is no way of highlighting it?
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: '{,'} s / \ [\] / Foo / g
: nnoremap & lt ; Key & gt; * `` Gn & LT; C-G & gt; : Inoramap & lt; Key & gt; & Lt; Esc & gt; GN & LT; C-G & gt;
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