windows azure storage - CloudFileShare CreateIfNotExistsAsync().Wait method throwing The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request -
I use Azure File Service Preview as a mapped drive between two of your examples of a cloud service I am trying and I came across the following blog post with some details: I have not signed up for the preview version of the storage account and created a new storage account And verified that the file has been included in the endpoint. I use the following code to try to make a part in the program: Wait on CreateIfNotExistsAsync () method I am getting a gross exception and details it just says the remote server gave an error when I look at Inner. (400) Bad request Your comment is the correct answer. Please see the article for more information.
CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse (. System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["SecondaryStorageConnectionString"] ToString ()); CloudFileClient Client = account.CreateCloudFileClient (); Share cloudfileshare = customer GateShare ("SCORM"); {Share.CreateIfNotExistsAynync () try Wait (); } Hold (collecting exception e) {var test = e.Message; Var test1 = e.InnerException.Message; }
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