ios - create modal view with transparent background Swift -
I think that would be a very easy thing to accomplish. Basically I have a visual controller with some data, let's call it on seeing the controller. When you click on a button, I want a second view controller (B) Although the first run an overlay, I do not want B to be fully covered. I want to make B small and basically create a deep transparent background that you can still see.
I've tried it through the storyboard a lot of where I am going makes a kind of model and then I played with the presentation options (form sheets, etc ...), but basically It always happens that the B visual controller only fills all the flows and covers all.
IOS 7 and some guides to do in Objective-C, but I was not able to translate them Swift / iOS 8 (also for the iPhone).
I'm not sure if anyone on this is yet to iOS 8, but if someone could give me a clue how it should be done, it would be awesome < P> Thanks!
Try to prepare the following ForSegue -
toBePresentedVC. view.backgroundColor = is offering UIColor.clearColor () ViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.CurrentContext PresentingViewController.presentViewController (self-animated: really full: zero) you can try some Alpha option with background color to get transparent effect with some colors
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