java - Get current orientation and lock -

I am trying to get the current orientation of an activity and lock it like this, but it opened Whenever opened in landscape mode

  // getRequestedOrientation (); SetRequestedOrientation (activity info SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LOCKED);   


You have the screen orientation locked, it showed In your portrait in portrait mode, you should use the screen orientation sensor.

  setRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR);   


  int str = 0; {Str = settings}. SystemGateIN (contexto.getContentResolver (), Settings.System.AccLROMETRation); } Hold (SettingNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } If (str! = 0) {setRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR); }   

Also check the link, I think it can help you.


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