.net - Filestream from Twitter, can't understand the C# (VB.NET needed really) -

I'm trying to use the Twitter API and I have limited knowledge of C # (= /)

can anyone explain to me what exactly is up to code, and how it will VB.Net

  var filteredStream = Stream.CreateFilteredStream (); FilteredStream.AddTrack ("ladygaga"); Filtered stream. MatchingTual Reassid + = (Sender, Args) = & gt; {Console.lightline (args.tit.txt.text); }; FilteredStream.StartStreamMatchingAllConditions ();   

I appreciate the help, THX

  dim filteredStream = Stream.CreateFilteredStream () filteredStream.AddTrack ( "ladygaga") AddHandler filteredStream.MatchingTweetReceived, sub (sender as object, EventArgs as args) Console.WriteLine (args.Tweet.Text); If End Sub filteredStream.StartStreamMatchingAllConditions ()   

code for a FilteredStream variable makes the "ladygaga" track it adds, It registers an event handler that prints tweets when the tweet that text is posted is posted.

The line was having trouble on you, for check or for.


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