.net - Filestream from Twitter, can't understand the C# (VB.NET needed really) -
I'm trying to use the Twitter API and I have limited knowledge of C # (= /) can anyone explain to me what exactly is up to code, and how it will VB.Net I appreciate the help, THX code for a The line was having trouble on you, for check or for.
var filteredStream = Stream.CreateFilteredStream (); FilteredStream.AddTrack ("ladygaga"); Filtered stream. MatchingTual Reassid + = (Sender, Args) = & gt; {Console.lightline (args.tit.txt.text); }; FilteredStream.StartStreamMatchingAllConditions ();
dim filteredStream = Stream.CreateFilteredStream () filteredStream.AddTrack ( "ladygaga") AddHandler filteredStream.MatchingTweetReceived, sub (sender as object, EventArgs as args) Console.WriteLine (args.Tweet.Text); If End Sub filteredStream.StartStreamMatchingAllConditions ()
FilteredStream variable makes the
"ladygaga" track it adds, It registers an event handler that prints tweets when the tweet that text is posted is posted.
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