javascript - Loading csv data with d3.csv in nvd3 multiBar Chart example (JSON format) -
I am trying to reproduce a nvd3.js multibar chart using my own .csv data . In the past, such questions have been asked, but unable to help me solve this particular issue. In various questions I have seen the use of d3.entries d3.nest and variable construction to reproduce the correct input format, but it is a difficult time to understand how it works.
Similar questions:
These questions try to reproduce other chart types that expect different JSON data formats. In the nest, I have issues creating the "x" and "y" values in the nest, in the chart example they use a function to create the data and in the function they create x (number of times) and y (real input) value.
I want to reproduce this graph:
with this CSV data:
date, device: power: LGF, device : Power: GF, Equipment: Power: 1, Equipment: Power: 2 Genes, 6726.864146,5648.080727,25 9.773672042.260163 Fab, 6405.0 9 1236,5377.910358,2474.402801,1944.570663 March, 6727.448125,5648.571054,2598.935109,2042.437457 APR, 6433.12227,5401.446071,2485.231698,1953.080819 May 6993.742947, 5872.160325,2701.809623,2123.28394 June 6433.12227,5401.446071,2485.231698,1953.080819 July 6727.448125,5648.571054,2598.935109,2042.437457 August 6993.742947,5872.160325,2701.809623,2123.28394 September 6166.827448,5177.8568 , 2382.357183, 1872.234336, October, 6993.742947,587 2.160325,2701.809623, 2,l23k28,3 9 November 4th, 6699.417092,5625.035342,2588.106212,2033.927301 December, 6167.411428,5178.347127,2382.582785,1872.411631 It is expected this type of data, JSON format ( Actual version is more data):
I have been trying with the answers from the same question and one of the results was this: where the left From my side with an example And on the right I have loaded the JSON file.
Code: Any sign or explanation is appreciated!
The final is not exactly clear on the expected production, but it should start or you completely Should answer.
& lt; script src = ""></script> & Lt; Script src = ""></script> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = ""> & Lt; Div id = "chart1" & gt; & Lt; Svg & gt; & Lt; / Svg & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; D3.csv ("data.csv", function (mistake, data) {// Get every key of the data that is not date / this key / value pair will be our key // Value x and y will be month and value Var dataToPlot = Object.keys (Data [0]). Filter (function (k) {return k! = "Date"}) .map (function (k) {return {"key": k, "value": data .map (function (d) {return} Let's make it a real date "x": d3.time.format ("% Y-% b-% d"). Pars ("2014-" + D. Date + "-01"), "y": + d [k]}})}}) nv.addGraph (function () {var chart = nv.models.multiBarChart (.) Transition duration (350). ReduceXTicks (true) // 'False', each one x-axis tick label will be rendered .rotateLabels (0) // Angle is to rotate the X-axis label .showControls (correct) // Switch between user Allow 'grouped' and 'stacked' mode .groupSpacing (0.1) // Distance between each group of bars; chart.xAxis .tickFormat (d3.time.format ('% b'); chart .yAxis .tickFormat (d3 .format (', 1f.')); ('# chart1 svg') .datum (dataToPlot) .call (chart); Nv.utils.windowResize (chart.update); Return chart; }); }) & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;
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