scenebuilder - JavaFX Gridpane out of shape -

It's a problem to add gridpay to an Icon View Builder! The gridpan is completely out of shape as soon as I put it in the window. The real window is the situation where it is considered, but the grid with the rows and columns is displaced. A screenshot shows what I mean:

"post-text" itemprop = "text">

reconnect view builder 2.0 or higher and gridpan Or try changing layout settings from USE_COMPUTED_SIZE to constants. Or if it comes to doing this, by adding a gridpan to Java:

  @FXML Anchran Route; // It will be at the top of the page where you define your class GridPane gridPane = new GridPane (); Root.get Child (). Add (gridpan); // switch Anchor panel for your name   

I hope this will be helpful.


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