When Clover's flushPolicy and flushInterval are set, what is impact on memory consumption -

I was googling it but found nothing related to it, so ask here as I think others May be interested.

When the flush policy on memory consumption interval or threshed with some value flushInterval ? If short intervals are used, will there be less demand in memory, as the coverage so far will be sold on the disc?

Little voting for the use of the real world:

  1. Do you use these policies in practice?
  2. What interval do you use, and why? There is practically no difference in memory consumption for various flush policies.

    There is practically no difference in memory consumption for various flush policies. Just saying (*), Clover works like this that it allocates a large long array and keeps it permanently in memory, flipping the dump array contents into a file on a hard drive - distributed to the array

    (*) There are three separate coverage recorders for global coverage () and available five separate test-testing strategies () < / P>

    What flush policy = interval or flush policy = threaded is useful? Yes, they are useful when you do not end JVM Clover's default flush policy only writes global coverage data on JVM Shutdown Hook; Which means that until you turn off JVM, you will not get any coverage data. This is a scenario, when it says that your Tomcat server is running permanently, and you are re-deploying an app again and running a revised test.

    Can flush gaps be used? From my experience, the flush operation is very fast. Quick Calculation: ~ 1 MLOC projects can be ~ 1m methods + statements / breaks which are ~ 4MB recording files, so you can flush it in 100 seconds on 500 MB / s SSD drive. You can.

    I've seen values ​​between 500 ms and 5000 mms flush invert . I recommend using low values. Since Clover's Reporting Goal (Cluster 2: Clover) 2 * Flush will stop for invert until this report starts generating - to ensure that at least one flush operation has occurred. Your manufacturing will slow down due to improperly high prices of flush invertals.


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