c# - DirectorySearcher does not return all AD group members -

I try to get all the members of an Active Directory group in C #. My code looks like this:

  var finder = new directory search {filter = "(memberoff =" + group.properties ["specific name"]. Value + ")" , Parsity = 1000, searchcope = searchcope. Shuttle, sort = new sorting ("SAM account name", sorting .exending)}; Var member = explorer.fund ALL ();   

The code still works, but the problem is that it does not return all group members.

I'm not sure (I'm not sure that it can actually see for the "member" attribute in ADSI editing (according to all the questions, the group is big, but below 1000) , But these are not all members, users are according to user and user, if I look at the "member" page in the computer, which are not listed, then I can see the group, and through the group ACL Settings also affect unavailable users. However, they are not in the result set.

The group in the question is the primary group, if it is relevant.

What's wrong here? What is the parameter or query? Is this a problem with Eddie?

Update: I have examined the problem further (and tested Brian's solution, which I strongly recommend Do your property collection really I think that there should be some sort of paging mechanism for the qualities, but how it works, it can not be found):

Now I know that directory finder seen in ADSI Edit as the correct result .

I also know that the "Primary group" set by the "Primary group" button set in the "Ad Group" button is missing. Unix extensions are enabled in the ad, so we usually use this option. Change the primary group changes which members are missing. The effect is deterministic.

I have considered the entries using ADSI editing, but I could not find the field which allowed me to add the primary group to my search. Although I have enabled everything (compulsory, optional, construct, backlink and system only features), I can not see the primary group.

My revised question is: What is the correct LDAP filter to recover the primary group, too?

You need a price. See for example.


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