github - did a git commit, git pull and pushed my changes to the repo. How can i send a Pull request for the one that i committed -

I was searching this entire web, but the solution could not be found. This is my scenario,

1) I made my local changes. A git was committed, it calls a committed ID ABC

2) Now I pulled a git from my upstream. It was a merging conflict and after solving it, she made a commitment to it. <3> Now I push them to my original place. From the original, I have to send a bridge request for upstream.

4) While trying to send a bridge request, I see that both of them earn.

How I have only committed that I have done, which is to reduce ABC (from step # 1)

The bridge request is made between branches - you ask the owner of the target repo dragging one of his branches.

If you wish to request a bridge, after joining only one commitment, you will have to get a branch which is different from one in that goal only.

The best thing you can do, I think, git fetch create a branch starting from one of your upstream remotes, and then from one of the branches, Code> upstream / master (but if you are not targeting master in your pull request it can be a separate branch) git checkout -b My-feature upstream / master must be done - these names meet those people you have.

If this works, then you now have a new branch called a My-branch , which will be upstream master Code> indicates the number of the branch. At this moment, you can do git cherry-pick which you want to show in the PR (or you manually edit files and git commit ) As you like, you fulfill your work - and now, as you do this new work in the convenience branch, git push your own branch In repo (e.g., git push my-feature ). This will be the my-feature branch in your original repository (if it was not present, which would be best), and now you can create a bridge request my -feature to master in the branch upstream .

What do you say, the problem seems to make sure that you make GIT bridge your branch - rather than making that code instead of git rebase Use . In this way, git automatically tries to cherry-pick its command at the top of the target branch (e.g., upstream / master ), and no merge is committed.

Nevertheless, it never forgets that git rebase is dangerous , and if you can not understand it completely then it should not be used You want better, and then it will be good to use when and how.

If this is just one thing, never forget the rule of thumb: Never share public commitment.


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