Gradle MavenDeployer GitLab -

I want to store artifacts for private libraries to set up a Git repository on my own gitlab server.

I am not able to find a way to install gitlab + gradle to upload archives on my Git repository.

Is there anyone who can post some kind of configuration or step by step guide? The only way to do this is to upload "archives" in this local Maven repo:

itemprop = "text">

Feeling like and then push a Git + Git to the display.

While I'm not a specialist on Groovy to post your artwork on my local repo, you need to include the following snippet in your construction. Gradle file: 'Maven group = "" version = android.defaultConfig.versionName archivesBaseName = "artifactname" artifacts {} {uploadArchives repositories.mavenDeployer:

  apply the plugin { Store URL: 'file: //' + new file (System.getProperty ('user.home'), '.m2 / localRepo') absolutePath.}} Install the task (Depends: UploadArtist) Enter code here < / Code>   


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