
Showing posts from September, 2011

Python 3.4 script challenge -

I am a non-programmer with experience in VBA only, I have challenged myself to automate some daily tasks in my company, and To do this, Python 3.4 is selected (not sure what is the best option). The scripts I need to do are simple. They just need to read values ​​from the .txt file, calculate and write values ​​in a .xls template. I have read some topics in stack overflow and are worried about these two topics: Is Excel a practical way of writing data ( COM Automation, Python 3 Package)? Do I have an .exe file with Python 3.4? Users can not install things in their desktop. I am capable of doing such a script in VBA, but I need an executable file that can be used by everyone. You can use the following tools: or use Py2Ex to convert to a Python script for executables or if you select ' The '.csv' file is in use, it is built in libraries, which are very simple.

c# - Textbox not clickable but editable -

I have a small form with 10 text boxes, I have set them in the correct tab order. I want them on my tab service I was wondering if there is a way to set the text box so that they can be selected for editing until they are tabbed. That is ... I do not want the end user to edit the text box to click on them, I just want to make them editable through tabu. this should do the trick public partial category poor text box: Text Box {Safe Override Zero WndProc (Ref: Message Message) {if (m.msg == (Int) WM.LBUTTONDOWN) {Return; // mount down events} base.WndProc (ref m); }} Window message enum can be found. How to do this without anherizing: text box : class EatMouseDown: netwindows {safe override zero WndProc (ref message message) {if (m.msg == (int) WM.LBUTTONDOWN) {return; } Base.WandProc (Ref M); }} Safe Override Zero Onload (EventEurge E) {base.OnLoad (e); How to do this without any part: left a clean part, whatever is important, this can be a buggy but it works R...

How can I view the raw PHP engine? -

I am interested in seeing how this works, PHP's "looking under the hood" I am programming for years with PHP and using , but I want to see who ticks it up. You can see the source on github: (BTW :)

web hosting - How to publish WordPress site built in WebMatrix -

This is a 3 part question / advice that I had created a WordPress site locally by using WebMatrix some time ago He had to upload the goddess. It was a mission, I do not make any difference to work on what I tried to do, so I thought I was doing something wrong. He was called many times and he did not get any help, until I used to talk to him before, (unless he said that he created a site similarly) and knew how to do it I tried to create another site and published the same issue and could not be uploaded because I have written that what he told me to do for the first time, and no one knows how it is Work to do if ... 1. What is a hosting provider that I should use (I have a WordPress site Vebmatriks is published I) which is better / easier to work with WebMatrix / Web Deployment? 2 - Is there a different / better tool suggested for you, which would recommend me to use Wordpress in addition to WebMetrics? (WebMatrix automatically installs WordPress for me and gives me Intelligence...

ios - Resize image before upload c# xamarin -

I am using xamarin mobile to develop a social network, and before resizing the image I can resize Want to Some such things as Instagram Photos There is a method in UIImage that will resize an image

sql server - MDX to get First Sales Amount -

I am currently trying to use calculated members to return sales amounts to a customer. I am using some code which has changed a bit by looking at different blogs, but I have been facing some problems in favor of such methods which are conforming to the result set. I am trying to make several calculated members, one for me to return the date of the first order of a particular product. I would like to take that date right now and will return the sale of that product the same day. This is where I am currently running into a problem, whenever I put a date axis in the equation, unless it is at the level of the hierarchy, the work of the current member, at whatever level and some inconsistencies Will create. Currently what I have [remedy] with the member. [DaysToDate] as COUNT (Zero: [Date]. [Financial] .CURRENTMEMBER Member [Measures] [Hadasse] AS IIF ([remedy] = [, Product Sales] = 0, Zero, [Measure]. [Desatododet ] Member [Measures] [Minadata] AS Min (Zero): [Date]. [Financial]...

jquery - Improve PHP Array to use on AJAX -

I have created a PHP file to populate the page using AJAX, but I can not find a solution to my problem Could. / P> Here my PHP and its output are: $ result = mysql_query ("IDEec, product, picture select from order 1 by IDEEC"); $ Products = array (); While ($ product = mysql_fetch_array ($ result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {$ products [] = ($ product); } $ Json = json_encode ($ product); $ Output = release ($ _GET ['callback'])? "{$ _GET ['callback']} ($ JSN)": $ json; $ Output echo; It will print: [{"id": "5", "Product": "Product 5", "Image": "Image 5. "Junk": "Image": "3", "Product": "Product": "Product 4", "Image": "Picture 4.jpg"}, "Junk" Product ":" Image ":" Picture ":" Picture ":" "" "," 2 "," Product ":" Product 2 ...

javascript - How do I capture keyPress events on an item in a list with ember.js? -

I'm trying to improve access to the app that is writing. I am learning more about Amber As a practice, I am working with () to add features that help the users of the screen readers. One thing I would like to learn how to do is edit the trigger of a tood item from the keyboard. The title of the item holds and the label will open the item for editing. This behavior is controlled by a action assistant, which I think specifically to make the elements clickable Here is the part of the template in question. I removed the code's features to remove unrelated logic: {{# item = controller = "todo"}} "Do not use the action assistant" seems to be starting to get started. But now what is the best way to handle each item? each is an TodoController in the itemController = "todo" (which is the object controller ) That defines a editTodo function that triggers a main press event that is a function. (For now, we can only ignore the inv...

javascript - Can I test retina devices by setting content css property with media queries? -

क्या body पर content सीएसएस प्रॉपर्टी सेट करने में कुछ भी गलत दिखाई देता है > रेटिना-विशिष्ट जेएस चलाने के उद्देश्य के लिए रेटिना डिवाइस पर कब? यह मुझे रेटिना उपकरणों के परीक्षण के लिए सरलतम, हल्का, क्रॉस-ब्राउज़र समाधान की तरह लगता है। कम से कम यह मेरे लिए काम किया है ... सीएसएस: @ मीडिया (-विबिट-मिन-डिवाइस-पिक्सेल-अनुपात: 2), (न्यूनतम-रिज़ॉल्यूशन: 1 9 2 डीपीआई) {बॉडी {सामग्री: 'रेटिना'}} jQuery के साथ टेस्ट: var isRetina = $ ('body')। सीएसएस (' सामग्री ') ==' रेटिना '; का प्रयोग करें window.devicePixelRatio । यदि यह 1 से अधिक है - यह रेटिना प्रदर्शन है। आईई 10+ के लिए (जो कि टैबलेट और स्मार्टफोन पर उपलब्ध है) आप पर और screen.logicalXDPI : window.devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || Window.webkitDevicePixelRatio || स्क्रीन.डेविसेएक्सडीपीआई / स्क्रीन.लोगिकल एक्सपीपीआई || 1;

c++ - Sparse containers and iterators -

मैंने एक स्पेशल कंटेनर, एक बुनियादी लुक-अप टेबल (एलयूटी) लागू किया है। यह मूल रूप से एक वेक्टर & lt; T & gt; और नक्शा & lt; size_t, T & gt; : के बीच एक संकर है (अर्थात आकार कंसट्रक्टर पैरामीटर के रूप में निर्दिष्ट होता है और बदलता नहीं है) प्रत्येक स्लॉट शुरू में तार्किक रूप से कुछ डिफ़ॉल्ट मान है (अक्सर सिर्फ शून्य) कॉलर तब पढ़ या लिख ​​सकता है किसी भी स्लॉट पर वांछित प्रविष्टि (जैसे कि vector के साथ) कॉलर तब गैर-डिफ़ॉल्ट प्रविष्टियों को कुशलता से गणना कर सकता है (मैंने वास्तव में इस कंटेनर को कैसे कार्यान्वित किया है, यह अप्रासंगिक है, इसलिए मैं वहां नहीं जाऊंगा।) अब मैं इसके लिए एक इटरेटर डिजाइन करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मैं यह जानना चाहता हूं कि कैसे एक तरफ, आईटरेटर को यादृच्छिक पहुंच होना चाहिए, क्योंकि कंटेनर अनिवार्य रूप से एक विरल vector है, और अन्यथा समान रूप से अधिक या कम व्यवहार करता है। > टी पर वह दूसरी तरफ, प्रत्येक स्लॉट के लिए "डिफ़ॉल्ट" प्रविष्टि को अभिमानी माना जाता है; यह है कि यह for_each (lut.begi...

How to print a stack using arrays in c++ -

I've added all the required functions - e.g. Push, Pop and Print - In my program, but unable to print stack output on the console screen. I have created three separate files with classes, functions and main files. I want to know that I have inserted the element inserted in the stack successfully. So I have to print the updated stack so I have to print the updated stack. stack.h #ifndef Stack_H #define Stack_H using namespace std; Class Stack {Private: // Int construction capacity = 50; Int stack [50]; integer number; Int top; Integer maximum; Public: // This is the function where the focus is (); // constructor empty push (int data); Zero pop (int.dellata); Zero print-stack (); }; #endif stack.cpp #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Fstream & gt; # Include & lt; Cstdlib & gt; # Include & lt; Vector & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; # Include "Stack H" using the namespace std; Stack :: Stack () {top = -1; };...

java - Inside a class extends thread. Where to put another class creation? -

I have two classes, accept class_a packets (with multi threads) Class_B to parse each received packet What I want to do, make Class_A a new thread when the new incoming packet is made and each class_It creates a class example for parsing the thread. Public class Class_A thread {Public class_A ()}} {} Public runs void () {Class_B B = new ClassB (); B.xxxxxxx; }} I wonder if there is any difference in constructing B instance in constructor or better? Or at the beginning of class_a? Thanks If Class B is always running, use for the same purpose It can be done and no amendments can be made in its properties, make it a specialty of A and create its initial position on the class constructor so that classes can be avoided immediately (loss of memory and performance) without need. . Remember that every new example of such a class will not be used anymore, there is more garbage to collect GC. In addition, do not use extended threads a better practice, instead of Runna...

python - importing from venv folder with same file name -

I am using Python with a redis library with virtualenv. I have a file that means on which the import is low; Import the class redis extension (extension): def __init __ (self, config): print redis class Redis (mask): Pass However, It seems that it imports itself, even if the venv folder is active. / P> BTW, your requirement is unusual and what I show here is the type of hack. It would be better if you can manage to manage your dragon script / module in a more appropriate name. By default, Python imports the number of different paths, one of them is current. & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import OS & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Os.sys.path [',' / home / javl / envs / so / bin ',' /home/javl/Envs/so/lib/python2.7 ',' / home / javl / envs / so / lib / Python2.7 / plat-x86_64-linux-gnu ',' /home/javl/Envs/so/lib/python2.7/lib-tk ',' /home/javl/Envs/so/lib/python2.7 / Lib-old ',' /home/javl/Envs/so/l...

html - Can I insert some string at every other line using javascript? -

Suppose I have a big wall of text, which I pasted on my page inside a device with the ID "story". Each paragraph is actually on one line in the html file, and each paragraph is separated from one line. I want to make text wall more readable by using bootstrap. I have set CSS in a blog-like format, if a paragraph is different, then dynamically & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Add ? var paragraph = "your text" .split (/ \ n \ s * \ n /); // paragraphs are different from (var i = 0; i & lt; paragraph.lamp; i ++) {// a line, we need two \ n here. Var p = document.createElement ("p"); P.innerHTML = paragraphs [i]. Trim (); Document.querySelector ("#Three") appendChild (P). } // ============= To get the text of an element (with new lines), you can do: document.querySelector ("# story"). ChildNodes [0] .wholeText; Maybe something like this? What you should not do is transferring text inside the string and dumping i...

http - How to extract analytics information like Google Analytics? -

I am making my own Shortter Service for myself. I want to add an admin page which displays some basic analytics information. As Google Analytics displays page views, unique visitors, geographic areas, social media referrals, etc. I know that using Google Analytics cookies and every page on my server, but I do not think I need to do this to get some good information. What kind of analytics information can I remove from a basic HTTP request? I am using Ruby, but the answer may probably apply to many languages. If you are using Google Analytics, then you can get back to the GA back-end You can use to send data directly, where you can make an HTTP request (server or client for example). The end user requests for a small link, you can remove information such as a user agent string (if it is from a browser) and an IP address (which gives you geographical location information) and if the cookies If you are present, you can set unique trips or track if you send that informatio...

github - Git commit dumps random files -

I have issues connecting files to my commm. In a nutshell, whenever I add GIT, add to the volatile commit The files to go are from the Git folder in my program files (to clarify, I am using the X64 version of Windows 8). Regardless of what I do (GIT Init, GIT Clone ... etc), I have this issue in all my repositories. Am i missing Apart from this, this tool happens regardless of (git bash, powershell, cygwin, turtle-git) if it helps, I also provide any snippets on the request. Update: GIT removes tracked repo files and replaces them with files from ../program files / git . My files \ program files \ Git Only files that are tracked can be found if you have the environment variables such as GIT_WORK_TREE which is referred to as "your moving tree" (instead of you in the current folder) to consider the " Move ". "see more"

Use SQL to select fields from wordpress listings -

I am using a WordPress theme which can store a lot of information, which I'm eager to access I am I am trying to reach latitude and longitude (which is stored in a field called 'Location'), these posts are stored in Wordpress posts with word posting 'listings'. I can get to do this work, but this does not require the field I want to: $ Query = "Choose DISTINCT ID, $ post_title Wpdb-> Post WHERE post_type = 'listing' "; $ Value = $ wpdb- & gt; Get_results ($ query); Print_r ($ value); When I add to the location field (like below), it does not work, the array is returned blank. $ query = "Select ID, post_ title, location $ wpdb-> post WHERE post_type = 'listing'"; $ Value = $ wpdb- & gt; Get_results ($ query); Print_r ($ value); I have also attempted to place the quotation marks, but then I get a result like this, for each entry: Array ([0] = & gt; stdClass object ([ID] => 5299 [post_title...

json map to string failure in java -

In Java, I am trying to convert a map into a json string. Using the code given below throws IOException Send a private zeroSessions (map & lt; string, string & gt; feedback map) to IOException {PrintStream ps = new PrintStream (clientSocket.getOutputStream ()); JSONObject json = New JSONObject (responseMap); Ps.println (json.toString ()); } Variable JS value result {"empty": wrong} added valid key values ​​to the map There are such values ​​in the map responseMap.put ("response", "right"); ResponseMap.put ("versionname", "Dummy"); ResponseMap.put ("versioncode", "Dummy"); ResponseMap.put ("package", "dummy"); ResponseMap.put ("deviceid", "unknown"); ResponseMap.put ("devicename", "dummy"); ResponseMap.put ("Synchronization", blank); ResponseMap.put ("Additional", ""); The code I am using Why is it...

html5 - mobile / web application for confrence text / photo messaging -

Imagine a social network application like Twitter that is being followed by every user and after that some other users and when someone The user sends a message (text or photo) to the user's screen immediately The Web I have some web programming experience and use it What's the best way to: Do this on the Web The only way to do this is to send AJAX calls to each user from each user's client. My sense tells me that there should be a better way. I did some research and we found VBRT Is this the way? I (and possibly many other users) would be grateful if you can explain the pros and cons of your suggestion solution. Thank you very much. If you want to create a conference app / messaging app for the web / mobile platform, you can use the latest web technologies You can use. Node.js is a JavaScript framework that makes efficient and non-blocking and it works really well with those applications which are not data intensive, which contain a lot of calculations...

c - Loop that inputs characters in an array of structures does not work properly -

The dictionary should read the word (s) that user input "word" or "definition" The only problem is that for the first example of the loop, the readline function is not being called, and it only happens when the word should be stored in [0]. This gives the term the user input to the entry # 1. How can I fix this? // Enter the words with their corresponding definitions #include & lt; Stdio h & gt; Structure entry {four words [15]; Four definitions [50]; }; Int main {zero} {int numberEntries; Zero Input Entry (Structure Entry Dictionary [], Int Number Numbers); Printf ("How many dictionary entries you want to enter ?. \ N"); Scanf ("% i", and numbers); Structure entry dictionary [numbers]; InputEntry (dictionary, numbers); Return 0; } Zero input entry (structure entry dictionary [int], int number entries) {zero readline (four buffers []); Int i; (I = 0; i & lt; numerals; i ++) for {printf ("entry #% i: \ n", i + 1); Pr...

node.js - Can't figure out how to access's REST API -

So I want to use's API to obtain data for an infographic type application. My problem requires the developer ID and password I'm not sure where I can get it because it is necessary for the othe token. I am planning to use Node.js to request my rental service. Any information will be greatly appreciated. I emailed (email was caught) and found one answer: / P> Thank you for your interest in the Dias API! It is not currently available for public use. We are testing this area on some events and we hope that it is expected to be opened by the end of 2015. We will definitely announce it on opening. Please tell me that you have any other questions thank you!

c# - alternate method of datatable to get the value instead of using tostring() -

I want to get the column value of the datamat in a string type variable, I am using this code. objdt.Rows [i] ["mr_mdi_meter_status_3"] toString () .; Someone has told me that do not use the tostring () method, it will convert every value into a string. That's right! But what is another way to get value from a dataset call? You can change the value directly to the type of class you want to use to convert For that object, you have an integer column in which you can directly use and pass the object to int. To do this, you do not need to convert the value using the toString method. int meterStatus = Convert.ToInt32 (objdt.Rows [i] ["mr_mdi_meter_status_3"]); Using the typing dataset is another possiblity, to understand the MSDN article to understand how the typed Dataset can be used.

html - How to use padding/margin to move a div? -

Easy questions for CSS Masters I created two squares using div squares. The first one is black and has a red one in it. Every time I want to take the red square into the black square, the black square goes down with it. How can I stop it? & lt; Div class = "black" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "red" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; .black {width: 500px; Height: 500px; Background: black; } I do not want the black square to go down. How do I stop this? .red {width: 100px; Height: 100 pixels; Background: Red; Margin-top: 50px; Margin-left: 60px; } Thanks in advance! .black status complete . .black {width: 500px; Height: 500px; Background: black; Status: Completed; } property value: absolute element has been positioned according to its position (not stable) Ancestor element

Proper use of IO::Socket::INET for TCP client in perl -

I have a question about how to use the IO :: Socket; I have a script that should run continuously, monitoring the asterisk server for some events; When these events occur, the script sends data from an event to another server via a TCP socket I have found that sometimes, The socket will be closed. My question is, should I use a socket, and open it forever (and understand why + stop it from being closed), or do I open a new socket to open and open data of each bit Will i do I have very little experience with such things, and I have read all the documents that I have searched without receiving that reply. Below is a sample below what I have achieved: #! / Usr / bin / perl asterisk :: ami; Use the Io :: socket; Strict use; Use warnings; My $ sock = new IO :: Socket :: INET (Pierreader => '', Perport => '1234', Proto => 'TCP',); Sub-nechlan {my ($ ami, $ event) = @_; If ($ event- & gt; {'context'} eq "trunk") {my $ uni... mvc - How can I keep all JQuery in the external script file? -

I have some submissions buttons with the same ID in multiple views / pages. Currently I use all my jQuery code in html view I keep in How can I add all these JQuery to a JS file? My concern is that I have click functions on the buttons given below in many pages and they do different things I think they do not know some disputes on which J button Click if I'll put in a JS file. How can I achieve that? I do not like to have a view / page for a JS file. Thank you. $ ('# btn submit'). Click (function () {// do something}}; How much is your program Depending on the large, it may be useful to split your code, depending on the page, if you have a registration.php page, depending on the page, you can join a registration.js file that you can join It helps along with debugging, then you do not need to load a JS file every time in which 5,000 Links can be included in the code, when in fact you only need to use a small function.

REST Service | JSON response format -

I have created a RAST web service using the Joint Replacement Imprint JX-RS. I have an employee POJO class which is sent as a response. The problem is in the response json format that i am returning to the list of employees back to the caller. Below is the code. Below is the employee POOO class @XmlAccessorType (XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType (name = "", propOrder = {"employeeId", "name", "role "}) @ XmlRootElement (name =" employee ") public class employee {@XmlElement (required = true) protected string employee ID; @ XmlElement (required = true) name of protected name; @ XmlElement (required = true) protected string role; / ** * Employee ID gets the value of the property * * @ Return * Possible object * {@link String} * * / public string getEmployeeId () {return Employee Id; } / ** * Employee ID sets the value of the property * * @ absolute value * permission object * {@link string} * * / public zeros set id id (string value) ...

javascript - Cannot load data from local JSON file -

& lt; head & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट src = "" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; script src = "" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; script src = "C: \ दस्तावेज़ और सेटिंग्स \ vivek.aggarwal \ My documents \ downloads \ jquery-1.11.1.js" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; script src = "mydata.json" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; p id = "डेमो" & gt; एबीसी & lt; / p & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; $ .getJSON (mydata.json, फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {var output = data.login [0] .one; document.getElementById ("डेमो")। InnerHTML = आउटपुट;}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; और यह मेरी JSON फ़ाइल है (mydata.json) {"लॉगिन": [{"एक": "व...

How to optimize the listview int android? -

In my list view, each item contains some textviews and images, they are defined in the XML layout file Viewholder Contributor; If (convertView == faucet) {convertView = LayoutInflater.from (mContext) .inflate (R.layout.vw_system_notice_list_item, tap); But they can show some pictures of different types, nothing is now being examined in getView method: if (TextUtil.isEmpty (SystemMessage.image)) {viewHolder.img.setVisibility (see GONE); } And {viewHolder.img.setVisibility (see Visual.); } I am thinking, I have created some useless image objects, then set visibility (see genes) . How do I optimize memory or list view? two solutions, You've already done this, hide Hide on the basis of scenario. For this, a little extra effort will be required. a. First create and use an adapter getViewTypeCount (): - Here you will return the number of your list support, such as in your case there are two different layouts with images and text views, and image view Witho...

Weather.asmx web service from JavaScript- No output returns -

I call the web service from javascript and I pass the data as zip code 10007 (hard coded). Want to get some output data but when I run the code, the messages come in the alert, and then the alert pop up does not say that no data is returned, can someone edit the code to return a correct output is? & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Calling Web Service, jQuery & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# btnCallWebService"). Click (function (event) {$ .ajax ({type: "POST", url: " Data: "Jason", Data: "10007", Success: Process Success, Error: Process Error});} / WeatherWS / Weather.Smx / GetCityWeatherByZIP ", Conte...

Deciphering the .NET clr20r3 exception parameters P1..P10 -

I am trying to understand the meaning on P1 ... a clr20r3 that event Written on the log, when there is an exception in my application. / Li> P2 : Hosting process version ( like 6.0.3790.1830 ) P3 : ??? ( Example 42435be1 ) P4 : An assembly from which the exception was raised ( like mrtables.webservice ) P5 : assembly version ( example ) P6 : ??? ( e.g., 12 9 ) P8 : ??? ( example 50 ) P9 : raised exception type ( example System .argumentexception ) P10 : ??? ( ex. zero ) Sample parameter provides thousands of values, so that anyone can try to get a pattern is. But I am hoping for documentation on parameter meanings because educated estimates are opposed. Edit: Although I can hope for the prescribed documentation, in fact I should be happy to see the exception that ends with a stack trace. Exe file code version number Exe file Full assembly file name defective assembly version faulty asse...

JBoss Fuse, Apache Karaf: how to get the info that the certain osgi bundle is started in runtime? -

I need your advice: We have several adapters (bundles) and the priority in their application business logic. The administrator will only turn them on or off to manage them. I'm looking for a correct definition path, the bundle starts or not in the runtime. Any well-being? In Karaf 3.0.x, facilities and value using the CLI that you know part of the name of the bundle Applications ( header bundle-name) or symbolic name ( header bundled-Prtikiknam), you can use the situation with the following command: log in Karaf console: $ ssh karaf @ localhost -p 8101 then karaf @ root () & gt; Bundle: List-s | Grep {symbolic-name} or caraf @ root ()> Bundle: list | Grep {name} For example. Corf @ root () & gt; Bundle: List-S | GRP-I Jackson-Core-ASL 109 | Active | 80 | 1.9.13 | Jackson-core-asl

c# - Deploy multiple dll files into gac without gacutil -

So, I have several C # DLs which have to be deployed on many machines in GAC. It's not not gacutil and I like if he's on that path. How can it easily go about deploying these files, such as just running an XE or batch file? What is a good idea to make executable file for GAC deployment and how can it be done? Ps. I have only MS Visual Studio Express PowerShell is your friend: Function Gac-Util {param ([parameter (mandatory = true)] [string] $ assembly) {$ error Try Clear () [Reflection.Assembly] :: LoadWithPartialName ("System.EnterpriseServices"). Outstanding [System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish] $ publish = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish (! (Assembly assembly assembly type test-path)) {"assembly $ assembly does not exist"} If ([System.Reflection.Assembly] :: LoadFile ($ Assembly) .GetName (). GetPublicKey (). Length -Ek 0) {Publish $ "Assembly $ should be strongly signed"} Write GacInstall ($ Assemb...

In any python API documentation, why are optional arguments written in a nested style? -

This is just why: Find ([spec = none [, Fields = none [, leave = 0 [, boundary = 0 [, timeout = true [, snapshot = fault], readable = false [, sort = none [, max_scan = none [, escape = none] [, Slave_ok = lie], wait_data = false [, partial = wrong [, manipher = true], read_preview = redrepresentation. Primary [, exit = wrong [, compilation_re = true [, quark]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]] I have no authentic source to return my statement Alternative alternative arguments presented in will apply the proper sequence of a nested style field. In the module for example os.fdopen (fd [, mode [, Bufsize]]) indicates that mode and bufsize is optional but if you are specifying bufsize, then you should specify mode. For keyword logic, on the other hand, a default value is assigned to the order without any order, this value is optional split (string, maxsplit = 0 ) ex>

javascript - Change corners fill in fabric.js -

How can I change the fill color corners in fabric.js, but I have to put different colors in the corners of the boundary. I want to like something like this: Actually, what do you need to do ... // one with a fill Draw a rectangle and a different color stroke var rect = new clothes. Reference ({left: 50, top: 50, width: 50, height: 50, fill: 'RGBA (255,127,39,1)', stroke: 'RGBA (34,177, 76,1)', stroke width: 5}) ; Canvas.add (rect); Canvas.renderAll (); This is a

Using PowerShell DSC in Pull mode how do you tell it's finished? -

How do you tell the use of powershell DSC in pull mode that the set deployments of computers have ended? For example - if configurable = only apply or apply and monitor, our operations people want to know when it's 'done'. (We are planning to use the File Download Manager in our case - there is no effect on the T.) You must use the DSC compliance or conformance endpoint. It can be installed with DSC bridge service (REST-based). This provides an odomet closing whose position method is returning to node complexion . This property tells you if the last configuration run was successful or not. For more information see:

wampserver - How to do port Forwarding. I'm using Beetel router -

I am using WAMP server which is running on port 85. I use NO- I want to use the IP server, the problem is in port forwarding. How can I use my IP address? No-IP will only extend port 80, so you can forward it to the incoming port. Router must use 80 WAMPServer-PC IP address port 85 Its SOOooo is very easy except on Apache to port 80. If you are not sure how to forward ports

how i can print a page or part of the page from web browser without print window using javascript or php -

Actually I'm developing a POS application for my own shop in the web. Now there are features like selecting products and print bills in the section for billing, only two steps. But its print setup window appears when clicking on print .. which is very annoying. Think, if I'm using that application in the counter, then the customers are standing in line. That's why I have to do billing as soon as possible to please the customer. Now for every window this bill takes time, and every time I am using the same printer. That's why I do not think this is necessary for me. And finally time === Money So I need this technical help. Please help if you are No, you can not print the page automatically without the browser's print dialogue, without browser extension. Think of the effect of a web page that you will be able to print without confirming it ...: -) Since it is for your own shop, if you want to spend some time on it Ready, you can probably make your ...

python - Error when mocking modules with the patch decorator in Django -

I'm learning about joke in Dango but my head can not be found around patching. Test_get_name passes but test_patched_get_name fails with value error: Object is of 'MagicMock' type, but a Django model, manager, or QuerySet Here are my files: def get_name (clientid): c = get_object_or_404 (client, pk = clientid ) C_name = c .get_name () return c_name class client entity ests (unittest.TestCase): def Set up (self): self.c_instance = mock.mock (idea = client, p = 1) = "test" def test_get_name (self): self.assertEqual (Clie nt.get_name (self.c_instance), "Test") def test_patched_get_name (self): mock.patch ( 'myapp.utils.Client') as well as self.c_instance: myapp.utils import get_name self.assertEqual ( Get_name (, "test") class client (model.model ): Name = model.carfield (max_long = 200) def get_name (self): Return I think Ge...

php driver for mongodb doesn't work and gives weird warnings -

I just used XP for XP 1.8.3 (with PHP 5.5.11) and Mongodebi on my Windows 7 64 bit system 2.6.3 is installed. . They both work. As the phpinfo () tells me that the compiler was MSVC11 (Visual C ++ 2012), architecture is x86, and thread protection is enabled, I added then \ Xampp In the php \ ext directory "php_mongo-1.5.4-5.5-vc11-x86_64.dll" (found) and the row added "extension = php_mongo-1.5.4 -5.5-vc11 -x86_64.dll " to php.ini . Every time I start Apache now, I get (quite useless) warning "PHP startup:" twice, and of course the driver does not work. Related entry in php_error_log : "PHP Warning: PHP startup: Unknown on line 0" . I have already tried to add the "\ xampp \ php" directory in the PAT environment variable, as suggested in different answers to similar questions, But it does not help Can anyone tell me what is wrong here? Use different build / drivers such as php_mongo-1.3.6-5.5-vc11.dll I have...

html - Parsing with Xpath -

निम्नलिखित HTML पर विचार करें: & lt; div class = 'data' & gt; & Lt; div class = 'user_name' & gt; लंकेस & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = 'user_details' & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = 'देश' & gt; श्रीलंका & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = 'आयु' & gt; 9 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = 'user_name' & gt; बॉब & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = 'user_details' & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = 'देश' & gt; यूएस & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = 'आयु' & gt; 54 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = 'user_name' & gt; देइटर & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = 'user_details' & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = 'देश' & gt; जर्मनी & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = 'आयु' & gt; 34 & lt; / div ...

jquery - Bootstrap dropdown button position and z-index -

How to set the z-index of status and bootstrap drop-down buttons? Now it is visible behind text and other elements. HTML is given below. & lt; Div style = "position: relative;" & Gt; & Lt; Div style = "status: complete;" & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "profile-pick-holder" style = "status: complete;" & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "background-fade" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" Data-Toggle = "Dropdown" & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Action button & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "dropdown menu" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Action 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Action 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Act...

string - Clean up QByteArray from \0 -

I use QByteArray in my app with fixed size of a byte record from binary data file I do read. Actually all of these records are wire if the string size is low record size, then the remaining bytes are filled with \ 0. Sometimes the record can start with \ 0. Example, what I have to do: Earlier \ 0 \ 0 \ 0t is \ 32 string \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 After T that 32 string then my question - I QByteArray How can I clean from everyone? I tested this code and it seems that QByteArray & amp; QByteArray :: Change (...) function. QByteArray array; Array [0] = '\ 0'; Array [1] = 'A'; Array [2] = '\ 0'; Array [3] = 'b'; Array [4] = '\ 0'; QDebug () & lt; & Lt; "String:" & lt; & Lt; QString (array.toHex ()); Array.replace ('\ 0', ""); QDebug () & lt; & Lt; "String:" & lt; & Lt; QString (array.toHex ()); Output: string: "0061006200" string: "6162...

angularjs - What magic does ngModel use that modifying the scope directly does not? -

Learning Angulius for the moment, and I'm confused about how I can accomplish a task because of me completely Do not understand NgModel is doing it. If I have instructions with two scope variables: // An array of all my objects $ scope.allMyObjects // Currently the selected object array $ radius Selected object and html & lt; Span & gt; {{}} & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Select ID = "Select" ng-model = "selected object" ng-options = "all objects in object" & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; All this works perfectly, when I select from selecting an object, it updates the selected object on the scope and therefore the current The name of the selected object is displayed in However, I do not want a select box, instead I want a list of all items with an editable name field, with a select button that I can use to select the specified object , So I came up with the following: & lt; Div ng-rep...

javascript - Node JS redirects give me a bunch of html text -

Ask questions about nodes and redirects, and maybe rendering. app.js In my app js, I have these codes that work well. app.get ('/ dashboard', routes.dashboard); App.get ('/ error / 404', error.notFound); Then, error.notFound Increase export.illegal = function (req, res) {var authLevel = ''; Var entityName = ''; Var entityId = ''; Var deviceId = ''; If (req.Session.authorizationLevel) authLevel = req.session.authorizationLevel; If ( entityName =; If (req.session.entityId) entityId = req.session.entityId; If (req.session.deviceId) deviceId = req.session.deviceId; Res.render ('error / invalid', {title: 'illegal', viewClass: 'illegal', ngController: '', entity name: entity name, entity id: entity id, device id: device id, authorization: level : AuthLevel}); }; Routes Dashboard You also work while loading it from the URL exports .dashboard =...

android - Reduce Cordova Chrome App (cca) APK Size -

I have put together a Chrome app using polymers and want to install it on the Android platform. I have successfully followed the steps listed here, compiled and deployed SDK: The problem is that my Chrome app is only 37k, and the compiled SDK is 37Mb. World Sample also tried to compile and found a similar file size. I have guessed that there will be some upper parts, it seems remarkably high. I am assuming this because the CCA command line automatically pulls in all the required plugins, which you may need, even though I am using very little (if any) of them. Is there a way to reduce the size of the file on the app built with CCA - or is it only a limitation while it is in its initial developer preview steps? Cheers! cca device), which is present Is based on Chrome / 36 (This is also an approach that we are working hard to come to Cordova-Android 4.0 to be released later this year). At this time, We create a single APK for both Intel and ARM. We will soon be ready ...

arrays - PHP foreach loops nested within each other -

मेरे पास तीन सरणियां निम्न हैं: $ names = array ("जोश", "Dami"); $ विवरण = सरणी ("डगलस", "पोर्ट एरिन"); $ Images = array ("1", "2"); फिर मेरे पास एक दूसरे के मूल्यों को अपने स्वयं के पाठ क्षेत्र में डाल करने के लिए निम्नलिखित foreach पाश है & lt; php foreach ($ नाम $ a_name के रूप में ) {? & Gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" आकार = "10" नाम = "नाम []" मान = "& lt;? Php echo $ a_name? & Gt;" & Gt; & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" आकार = "10" नाम = "विवरण []" मान = "& lt;? Php echo $ a_detail? & Gt;" & Gt; & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" आकार = "10" नाम = "चित्र []" मान = "& lt;? Php echo $ a_image? & Gt;...

ios - MapViewController displays view for current location always -

After the I have written the code given below for example: but I'm always on my current location Directed for. ? How can I solve this problem MapViewController * MVC = [[MapViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "MapViewController" bundle: zero]; CLLocationCoordinate2D AnnotationCoulder; Annotation code.latitude = 47.640071; Annotation code. Long = 122.129598; Mckpoint Annotations * Annotation Point = [[Mk Point Annotation Elok] IIT]; Annotationpoint.cordinate = annotationcorder; Annotation Point.title = @ "Microsoft"; Annotationpoint subtitle = @ "Microsoft's headquarters"; [Mvc.mapView addNnotation: annotationPoint]; Note: MapViewcontroller.h @interface MapViewController: UIViewController & LT; MKMapViewDelegate & gt; @ Property (Weak, Nonomatic) IBot MKMapView * mapView; @implementation MapViewController - (ID) initWithNibName: (NSString *) nibNameOrNil bundle: (NSBundle *) nibBundleOrNil {auto = [Super initWithNibName...

jQuery loading bar loop -

I'm trying to create a loading bar that animates for 5 seconds and when it's finished Then he goes on and on to the ends continuously I have got such a work on the example below, but sometimes when the time is completely full, then go back to the beginning and start again Before there is a long break, does anyone know how to fix this? Is there a better way of? Load (); Function Load () {$ ('Progress Div'). Animate ({width: '100%', 5000, load); SetTimeout (function () {$ ('progress div'). Animate ({width: '0%'}, 1, load);}, 5000); } Try it out: load (); Function Load () {$ ('Progress Div'). Animate ({width: '100%'}, 5000, function () {// animation full. $ ('Progress div'). Width (0) load ();}); }

angularjs - Custom events firing -

I have a question that I'm not sure how to apply, but I will try I have created the custom element, which is called matrix , there are rows and columns in it. I can select a row and / or column. Now I have set the events within my element I am setting fire to: onRowSelect , onColumnSelect , onCellSelect , and passers-to-pass events to any audience I have to. For example: & lt; Matrix data-on-line-select = 'select on-rau' data-on-cell = 'foo' & gt; & Lt; / Matrix & gt; Var Controller = Function ($ scope) {$ scope.onRowSelect = function (a, b, c) {}; $ = function (a, b, c) {}; / * ... * /} How do I declare the scope of the matrix directive? How can I set these incidents? You use the onRowSelect two-way binding in the Director's scope: / P> . Directive ('matrix', function () {return {radius: {onRowSelect: '='}, link: function ($ scope) {function onRowSelect () {If (angular.isFunction ($ scop...

qt - Qtwebkit persistence Cookie is not working -

I am trying to implement a firmness in Qtwebkit based browsers to keep the section. I've expanded the QNetworkCookieJar I did not override a file, but just loaded one and loaded functions. The work is called explanation. I am getting the following error. Code Brusher code is taken in the example Qt5.1. QVariant :: save: 'QList & lt; QNetworkCookie & gt; Unable to save type (type ID: 1038). Am I doing any wrong thing .. please help ... My implementation of QNetworkCookie is attached Static Infected unsigned int JAR_VERSION = 23; #if 1 QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QDataStream and Operator & lt; & Lt; (QDataStream and Stream, const QList & lt; QNetworkCookie & gt; & amp; List) {Stream & lt; & Lt; JAR_VERSION; Stream & lt; & Lt; Quint32 (list.size ()); For (Int i = 0; I & lt; list. Size (); ++ i) Stream & lt; & Lt; (i) .toRawForm (); Return stream; } QDataStream & amp; Operator & gt; & Gt; (QDataStream a...

Passing javascript/Jquery array to php through a form -

So I have a jquery function that checks how the checkboxes are checked and puts the ID in an array. Now that array is sent to the value of a hidden input field and later it is sent to the PHP script. What happens like this, it seems that it puts each value in the first index instead of the individual index. This is the task of obtaining the checkboxes of checkboxes checked in the array. I read about Push and by now I understood that Push actually pushes a price for a new index? $ (". -Check-checkbox: check"). Each (function () {multipleCheckboxes push ($ (this) .val ());}); My form: & lt; Form id = "publish-form" method = "post" action = "publisharticle.php" onsubmit = "getMultipleCheckboxValues ​​()" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" value = "" name = "checkbox-value2 []" id = "checkbox-value2" & gt; Li & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = ...