In any python API documentation, why are optional arguments written in a nested style? -
This is just why:
Find ([spec = none [, Fields = none [, leave = 0 [, boundary = 0 [, timeout = true [, snapshot = fault], readable = false [, sort = none [, max_scan = none [, escape = none] [, Slave_ok = lie], wait_data = false [, partial = wrong [, manipher = true], read_preview = redrepresentation. Primary [, exit = wrong [, compilation_re = true [, quark]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]] I have no authentic source to return my statement Alternative alternative arguments presented in will apply the proper sequence of a nested style field.
In the module for example
os.fdopen (fd [, mode [, Bufsize]]) indicates that mode and bufsize is optional but if you are specifying bufsize, then you should specify mode.
For keyword logic, on the other hand, a default value is assigned to the order without any order, this value is optional
split (string, maxsplit = 0 ) ex>
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