
Showing posts from February, 2012

Transpose short columns to row and rearrange the positions using awk/sed -

I have the current dataset as given below: 11 48 5300 8000 1 0 ht2 Ht2 11 49 5300 8000 1 0 HT 2 HT 2 11 50 5300 8000 2 HT 2 HT 2 11 51 5300 8000 2 HT 2 HT 3 11 52 5300 8000 2 0 HT 2 HT 3 Re: I want to organize I like the following data: 11 48 5300 8000 1 0 ht2 HT 2 11 49 5300 8000 1 0 HT 2 HT 2 11 50 5300 8000 2 0 HT 2 HT 2 11 51 5300 8000 2 HT 2 HT 3 11 52 5300 8000 2 HT2 HT 3 I appreciate the depth of any of your help / suggestions I thank you in advance You want to read three input lines and write them as a line. Awk has a function, getline , making it easy: $ awk '{a = $ 0; get line; B = $ 0; get line; Print A, B, $ 0} 'datasets 11 48 5300 8000 1 0 HT 2 HT 2 11 49 5300 8000 1 HT 2 HT 2 11 50 5300 8000 2 HT 2 HT 2 11 51 5300 8000 2 HT 2 HT 3 11 52 5300 8000 2 HT 2 HT 3 to each awk command instead: a = $ 0; Save the value of the first line in variable one . meet; Read in the second row. b = $ 0; variable b . Meet; Read in t...

javascript - issue using plugin in phonegap -

I'm trying to write ios in html; Javascript which can scan the code once using the phonegap build. I've added the following line in the PhoneGrap config.xml for the barcode reader plugin: & lt; Difference: Plugin name = "com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner" version = "1.1.0" /> I have the following code from the plugin example in the listener for a button: cordova.plugins.barcodeScanner.scan (function (result) {warning ("us a Barcode found \ n "+" Result: "+ result.text +" \ n "+" format: "+ result. +" \ N "+" has been canceled: "+ result canceled);} , Function (error) {warning ("scanning failed:" + error);}); When I try to run the app and press the scan button I get the following error: "Variable can not be found: Cordova" / P> Any help that I am missing will be highly appreciated. Thanks I found a solution to my problem Html file as file cordova....

sql server - Need to Add new Column (ColumnAxColumnB) and inset new row at bottom for final amount (New Column) -

Text after "div" = "itemprop =" text "> Select Cast (date as CreationDate) DateField, QuantityLeft, Artists by vgIcoInventoryLotByLocation Group Cost DateField selection totals (Quantityleft * cost) by Dollargoods (QuantityLeft, Cost) cost order from rollup by vgIcoInventoryLotByLocation Group by (Date CreationDate), QuantityLeft; When I need 1 entry because of the group 3shifts by date BC, it works independently but when I join the second selection statement Yes, my report does not work. Please help When I perform the Display code (Quantityleft *) as DollarGoods and Group by Rollup (Quantityleft, Cost) , it fails and I loose the group by dates. I need to compile the needs of 'Gurgaad Goods' to work with the group because there are 3 changes per day in our system and I need to get an entry? I'm using a line of total dollars of the code i calculation sum, sUM (cost) but as it Gives me another query window, but in the same ques...

Inserting array of nodes into Neo4j using Cypher's FOREACH getting slower as data is added -

I am using cipher on REST API to create unique nodes and relationships in relatively large groups. My data model is simple: (node ​​1: account {id: xx}) - [: low) - & gt; (Node 2: account {id: yy}) Where account: id is a unique parameter (not neo-generated) and there is a hindrance in it. I have a list of IDs which I am following Node 1, which I put in a map and feed as a parameter. Using cipher query (mostly with support from here): params = {nodes: {{"Id": id}, {" Id ": id} ..]} MATCH (node ​​1: account {id: 12345} FOREACH (n {nodes} | MERGE (node2: account {id:}) Merge (node ​​1) - [R: FOLLOWS ] -> (node2) SET node1.lastFetch = timestamp () This works if it uses an existing node for node 2 or makes one necessary and Creates a new connection but in my DB, more nodes are gradually slowing down. 00, which takes about 20 seconds, when I first started it was almost immediately.DB currently has approximately 16k account nodes. Is ther...

Java regex: Normalize all escaped or non-escaped newlines - why does this fail? -

I am trying to normalize any new lines or try to avoid newlines in a new unisex newline string I am doing I can not understand why this does not work: pattern EOL = Pattern.compile ("(\\\\ r)? \\\\ n | \ r? \ N" ); The last string saved EOL = "\\\\ n"; Println (EOL.matcher ("asdf \ njkl;") replaceAll (escapedEOL).); Println (EOL.matcher ("asdf \ n") replaceAll (escapedEOL).); Println (EOL.matcher ("asdf \ r \ njkl;") replaceAll (escapedEOL).); Println (EOL.matcher ("asdf \ r \ n") replaceAll (escapedEOL).); Println (EOL.matcher ("asdf \\ r \\ njkl,".) ReplaceAll (escapedEOL); Println (EOL.matcher ("asdf \\ r \\ n") replaceAll (escapedEOL).); Result: asdf \ njkl; Asdf asdf \ njkl; Asdf \ n asdf \ njkl; Asdf \ ncomplete Can anyone shed any light on this? I know that I can divide it into two calls but now I'm curious ... edit : It looks like I should work hard Quantifiers should be avoid...

outlook - Get/change safe senders list and blocked senders list in C# VSTO -

I am working on an Outlook 2010 add-in that will be expedited to users immediately before following the link found in an email. Need to do it. During this process, I want to give the user the option of trusting or intercepting the sender of email, thus I need to reach both lists. I know that the junk / spam email option is not being exposed by Outlook OM, although I was successful in fulfilling the task using redemption, unfortunately I do not have permission from my employer to use it, so I have another Find the way. I found this post () which indicates the direction of MAPI properties or registry keys. My priority would be to support MAPI, but I'm not sure whether the asset is related to what item will it be the default store property? Outlook.Store obj = Application.Session.DefaultStore; Const string PR_SPAM_TRUSTED_SENDERS_W = ""; Outlook.PropertyAccessor pa = obj.PropertyAccessor; String list = pa.GetProperty...

google chrome devtools - JSON response format error - red dot\bullet before response -

I am sending an AJAX request for the JSON response. However, the returned JSON has been done before a red dot bullet which is causing a parse error. Here is a screenshot from Postman : Display the dot on the raw or preview only on beautiful . Chrome Dev Dev appears in the Network tab under this response . Preview is shown normally as if the dot does not exist. As mentioned earlier in the comment: In chrome, red marks usually represent non-printable special Unicode characters. Please check your server side code to prevent those characters from being output

c# - Entity framework not saving record to join table -

मेरी इकाई मॉडल इसका डीबी पहले दृष्टिकोण। सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग प्रदाता {सार्वजनिक प्रदाता ()। यह। प्रदाता साउबटेटोग्राफीऑन = नया हैशसेट & lt; ProviderSubCatetogryOne & gt; (); } सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी {प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक आभासी आइकलिंग & lt; ProviderSubCatetogryOne & gt; प्रदाता सबकैटोग्रीऑन {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} सार्वजनिक आंशिक कक्षा SubCategoryOne {सार्वजनिक SubCategoryOne () {} सार्वजनिक int आईडी {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; }} सार्वजनिक आंशिक कक्षा प्रदाता SubcatetogryOne {सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी (get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक प्रदाता प्रदाता आईडी {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक int SubCategoryOneId {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक वर्चुअल प्रदाता प्रदाता {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक आभासी उप-श्रेणी एक उप-श्रेणीऑन {प्राप्त; सेट; }} मेरे पास प्रदाता और श्रेणियां हैं I मुझे कुछ श्रेणियों का चयन करके अपने प्रदाता को अपडेट करना होगा। मैं निम्नानुसार ऐसा करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं। var प्रदाता = GetProvider (); // एक प्रदाता ऑब्...

javascript - Adding an empty cell to the last line of jqgrid dynamically -

I am working on JQGid and it has been shown that common cells need to be combined together in a large cell ! Now it is necessary that below Add another cell for that In the last address in the column, the new cell will have a clickable button. Which is to add a new address for Adam, whose dub is 11/11/1988. So my help is needed to dynamically dynamically form an empty cell, as the data source for jqgrid is a Jason object and I will not be able to modify the json value, You will not be given any help to find a custom formatter for the strange need. The cellart function given below, which I then used in the Name field Salator: Combine the function (rowId, val, rawObject, cm, rdata) Mitigation is used to {Var Results; If (prevCellVal.value == val) {result = 'style = "display: none" rowspanid = "' prevCellVal.cellId + '' '';} Else {var cellId = + '_row_' + rowId + '_' +; Results = 'rowspan = "...

javascript - Extend image by viewpoint beyond DIV container -

I have a black rectangle, I want to extend the full left-to-right horizontal approach. The problem is, I have Div Container (980 pixels), I can not change (long story - originally I'm using software restriction). style = "position: fixed; left: 0%; width: 100%; height: 300px" this works, but I I have not been left with a certain rectangle that I do not want The entire position extends up to 980 px (controlling the DIV container). Any suggestions? Js? Any information that you can provide will be highly appreciated. Within your stylesheet you will need to change the parent div (980px div) into position: Static: # parentDiv {width: 960px; Status: Stable; } #fullWidth {status: Completed; Width: 100%; Height: 300px; Background: # 000; Left: 0; }

python - Boto CloudSearch Searchable documents count -

I was wondering how bots are used to find searchable documents? When I try: import boto.cloudsearch boto.cloudsearch.domain import domain conn = boto.cloudsearch.connect_to_region ("us-east-1") domain = domain (conn , Conn. Description_domains () [0]) print domain.num_searchable_docs I get boto.exception.BotoServerError: BotoServerError: 401 unauthorized & lt ; ErrorResponse xmlns = ""> & Lt; Error & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; Sender & lt; / Type & gt; & Lt; Code & gt; NotAuthorized & lt; / Code & gt; & Lt; / Error & gt; & Lt; RequestId> 3a8f8731-137a-11e4-9620-892c28eddd75 & lt; / RequestId> & Lt; / ErrorResponse & gt; and in the cloudsearch2.domain.Domain the num_searchable_docs field is not q = equalall and q.parser = structured and size = 0 , so with the booto it would be low. B2B2.layer2 import from layer2 layer2 = layer...

Logging exceptions with spring web flow -

Hi, I'm a newbie with Spring Web Flow I'm trying to figure out The easiest way to log exception is within a flow file. There is a tag called Exception Handler but I can not find any documents about logging exceptions. I know that third-party libraries exception ( spring , hibernating ) are logged in, but I want to handle the exception and I want to make my own log entries I am Exception Handling on Controlling Base to @ExceptionHandler @Controller public square ExceptionHandlingController {@ExceptionHandler (Exception.class) public ModelAndView getExceptionPage (exception e, HttpServletRequest request) {// catch all exceptions / / here If anything, with the exception object (IsAjax (request)) {// exception that comes to Ajax requests ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView ( "forward: / app / webExceptionHandler / ajaxErrorRedirectPage"); Model.addObject ("exception", exception); Model.addObject ("url", req.getRequest...

python - When I try to add an argument to one class I get a Typeerror for classes that inherint from another one -

I have received this code and there is no error in it: class weapon ( Object): # No know that it can be successor (object) def (__int __ (self, weapon): self.weaponName = weaponName class character (object): def __init __ (self, name, weapon name): self .name = name self.weapon = weapon (weapon name) class NPC (character): def __init __ (self, name, weapon name): super () .__ init __ (name, weapon) class friendly (NPC): def __init __ (Self (Name, weapon name) sword = weapon ('sword') guard = npc ('bob', 'sword') print (guard.weapon.weaponName) print (): (name, weapon name): super () .__ init __ But when I try to add a loss feature in the weapon class: class weapon (object): def __init __ (Self, weapon, arms, damages): self.weaponName = WeaponName self.weaponDamage = weaponDamage class character (object): def __init__ (self, name, weaponName): = name self.weapon = weapon (weapon name) class NPC (Charit ): Def __init __ (self, na...

javascript - Stop on hover on a div -

OK, so I'm trying to get the function to function on the hover where the div is hover And resume when my mouse has left the hover area. Even I have so far HTML & lt; Div id = "slideshow" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Iframe width = "400"; "Height =" 290 "src =" "& gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; div & gt; & lt; iframe width =" 400 ";" Height = "290"; Src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Iframe width = "400"; "Height =" 290 "; src =" "& gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; / div & gt; CSS & style; style & gt; #slideshow {position: relative; width: 340px; height: 340px; padding: 1px; box-shadow: 0 0 20px RGBA (0,0,0,0.4.4);} #SLD ...

r - How do I apply an index vector over a list of vectors? -

I apply a long index vector (50 + non-sequential integer) in a long list of vectors (50 + letters) A common example is below: & Gt; My.list & lt; - List (C ("A", "B", "C"), C ("D", "E", "F")) My.index & lt; - 2: 3 desired output [[1]] [1] "b" [[2]] [1] "F" # # Or [1] "b" [1] "f" ## or [1] "b" "f" I know that I can get the same value for each element By using: & gt; Lapply (my.list, function (x) x [2]) ## or & gt; Lapply (my.list, '[', 2] I can pull the second and third values ​​from each element: > Lapply ( My.list, '[', my.index] [[1]] [1] "b" "c" [[2]] [1] "e" "f" for ## or & gt; (my (i seq_along (my.list)) print (my.list [[i]] [[j]] [1] "b" [1] "e" [1] "c" [1 ] "F" I do not know how to pull just one value from ea...

C# array/list into DataGridView Column -

मेरे कोड ऐसा दिखता है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग ए {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग एन {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक int E1 {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक int E2 {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक सूची & gt; Genre & gt; जी {प्राप्त; सेट; } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable (false)] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग एल {get; सेट; }} और मेरे पास एक बाध्यकारी सूची है जिसमें उनमें से बहुत से हैं अब मैं यह सूची एक डाटाग्रीड दृश्य में प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं, जो बहुत अच्छा काम करता है, सिवाय इसके कि ए के अंदर की सूची दिखाई नहीं दे रही है। डेटा स्रोत बाध्यकारी: dgSeen डाटासॉर्स = स्टोरेज.सेन; सूची जी कुछ समय के बाद सेट हो जाता है, और उसका सही मूल्य है तो मैं जो कुछ चाहता हूं, वह 4 डी डाटाग्रीड दृश्य कॉलम है जो मुझे "एक्शन, फैटसी, साइफाई" जैसी सूची की सामग्री दिखाता है और इसी तरह। मुझे आशा है कि मुझे समझिये कि मुझे क्या चाहिए, और हर मदद के लिए अग्रिम धन्यवाद:) आप इस उद्देश्य के लिए एक गणना संपत्ति बना सकते हैं। सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग GDisplay {get {return String.Join (",", G); }} फिर जी का प्रतिनिधित्व क...

c++ - to unsigned int -

OK, I have a two-part question about changing an element image for an unsigned integer ( Should a four be correct?). Here's my code: QByteArray data_read_buffer; Unsigned int data_recieved_size = 0; / * The code below is an external function that populates QbyteArray. Must not be important only to show that I am bytererere Specify a value for / * readFromComPortSafe (data_read_buffer); Data_recieved_size = static_cast & lt; Unsigned int & gt; (( (2))); OK, so as a result, I'm returning to data_recieved_size "wrong every time in a while" I go to debugger and when I observe the value of data_read_buffer I get this \ 000 \ 003 \ 203 \ 00 When I observe the value of data_recieved_size I get 4294967171 So my first question is Am I doing something wrong with conversion on an unsigned int? My second question is: What does \ 203 represent in qbyteArray? I think I can not understand what I am seeing. It is my understanding that t...

c++ - Multithreading - why working on a reference doesn't change it, while on a pointer works properly -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: क्या कोई मुझे समझा सकता है क्यों शून्य करना कुछ (वेक्टर & lt; int & gt; vec) {for (int i = 0; i & lt; 100; ++ i) vec.push_back (i); } Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {vector & lt; int & gt; v; धागा T1 (doSomething, v); धागा T2 (doSomething, वी); t2.join (); t1.join (); Cout & lt; & lt; V.size () & lt; & lt; endl; वापसी 0; 0 प्रिंट करता है, जबकि एक सूचक के साथ एक ही बात 200 शून्य करता है (वेक्टर & lt; int & gt; * vec) {के लिए (int i = 0; आई & lt; 100; ++ i) vec- & gt; पुश_बैक (i); } Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {vector & lt; int & gt; * v = new vector & lt; int & gt; (); धागा T1 (doSomething, v); धागा T2 (doSomething, वी); t2.join (); t1.join (); Cout & lt; & lt; V- & gt; आकार () & lt; & lt; endl; वापसी 0; } एक संदर्भ पर काम नहीं करना चाहिए (सूचक पर काम करने के लिए) बराबर हो? संपादित करें: यह उद्देश्य पर धागा-सुरक्षित नहीं है क्या आप...

ruby - select row from array of arrays -

I am trying to print the fourth row of the array of the following array using a certain method, maybe someone in class. Array_of_arrays = [["1", "2", "3", "4"], ["g", "h", "y", "t"], [ I tried a lot, "p", "v", "b", "q"], ["z", "z", "z", "z"] ] But this will not work because I need to call a specific line in the method Although I am familiar with the Chenning method like (.slice), I need to define a method within a class that will generate the expected line I have tried to experiment with hash and blocks, but for my solution Do not work. I'm really reaching out for options thanks! hsh = {} array_of_arrays.each {| X | Hsh [x [0]] = x [1]} p {| Row | Line [2]} p array_of_arrays {| Row | Row.values} hsh_boggled = {} array_of_arrays.each do | X | Key = x [0] val = x [1] hsh_boggled [key] = val end Th...

wordpress - Is it possible to make PHP interpret a symbol as a $_GET in the URL? -

Sorry for the strange phrasing. I am working on a project to upgrade a university website (this is not a school project, he has hired to hire the company). We are working with WordPress, and the pages for professors are not a single page to appear directly, instead, they are shown in a model at the top of the main page. To do this, I used $ _ GET , so when users , then they see that page with a model above it, in this model / Professors / isaac-newton in it. Customers did not like it much because their current system works with the user , and they want to keep this standard Are there. Finally, my question is: Can I explain PHP to something like this ~ isaac-newton URL ? Prof = isaac-newton ? how? Is this my current code which is ? Prof = works: & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ GET) ['professor'])) {$ profit = $ _GET ['professor']; ? &...

c - Where does pretty_print function come from if I pry Array in Ruby -

I am playing with nervousness and some hits that confuse me. irb pry CD Array Pee (array): & gt; show-method returns: def pretty_print ... def pretty_print_cycle ... Where are those methods? I looked at Ruby Array and did not know the methods. I went and saw Array.c and could not get Array.rb. However, I can not find beautiful_print in Array C Can anyone understand me? Thank you! try it: []. Method (: beautiful_print) .source_location = & gt; ["/home/joel/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/lib/ruby/2.0.0/pp.rb", 328] show-method sounds It gives the same information: show-method []. From utility_print: /home/joel/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/lib/ruby/2.0.0/ PP. RB @ Line 328: Owner: Array Visibility: Number of Public Lines: 7 DF Beautiful_print (q) (1, '[', ']') {q.seplist (self) {| V | Q.pp v}} and pry.rb should be a PP:

Unit Test for Bank class in C# -

I am learning to learn unit tests for a project written in C #. I am following example on MSDN website and now how can I just make a unit test when the amount is less than zero. When I run this, the unit test is considered to be unsuccessful. However, the way I wrote it passed: (Will someone tell me what I need to do to fix it? Thank you Even so far away from me: // Execution Method [Testimonation] [Expected Exceptions (Typef (ArgumentOutRain exception) Public Zero Debit_About I Mr. Bryan Walton ", StartBallance); // Act Account. Debit (debit Amount) ; // Your main work In rum, this one is not sure about //, I use it ... and / or handle the situation when the amount of equilibrium = by throwing an exception = account = equilibrium; affinity. Istru (real and lt ; 0, "the actual balance is greater than 0")} This method is that I '(zero); (zero amount) {if (m_frozen) {new exception ("account Frozen ");} if (amount> m_balance) {throw new argument OU...

amazon web services - Django on AWS EC2 - Do I need anything installed on my local computer? -

My host OS is Windows 8. I have downloaded the VMware player and all of my stuff is done using VMware Player using Libintu. Now, my project is completed and I want to get it through the internet. I bought a domain name named NameCheap. I have created an AWS free level account and launched an EC2 example (example OS Ubuntu). Now I'm following my tutorial how to use the ADS Lösiq Binstock to deploy its own design app. To set up your GIT repository of Step 1 in the tutorial, in step 1, it says that the EB command line has taken GIT, Ruby and Python on my local computer. Step 2 is to install my local Python environment (download VirtualEnvironment, Django, MySkal-Python etc). My question is, am I actually downloading all this stuff on my host OS (Windows 8) from steps 1 and 2 or should I install it on my Lbuntu VM after running VMware Player or do I have to use it on my AWS example To set up? For example that you have indicated by the AWS documentation; You will configure el...

php - CodeIgniter controller isn't passing information to the model -

I am following the examples of an example. I'm not sure what the problem is, when I see PHP from within the body, the controller is crossing the title in the scene. But when I add normal Math problems back to the body, it seems that the controller is not presenting this information in the model. Am I doing wrong here? Model math.php & lt ;? Php class Math CImodel {public function add ($ var1, $ Var2) {return $ var1 + $ var2; } Decrease public function ($ var1, $ var2) {return $ var2 - $ var1; }} Controller site.php $ This- & gt; Home (); } Public Function Home () {$ data ['title'] = 'Welcome!'; $ Data ['var1'] = 2; $ Data ['var2'] = 5; $ This- & gt; Load-> Model ('math'); $ Data ['addTotal'] = $ this- & gt; Math-> Add ($ data ['var1'], $ data ['var2']); $ Data ['subcottle'] = $ this- & gt; Math-> Decrease ($ data ['var1'], $ data ['var2']); $ This...

python - Real time update of terminal in php (popen or proc_open) -

उद्देश्य: टर्मिनल से नई लाइन ब्रेक के बिना वास्तविक समय अपडेट प्राप्त करना वर्तमान में मैं इसका उपयोग कर रहा हूं हैडर ('सामग्री-एन्कोडिंग: कोई नहीं;'); set_time_limit (0); $ संभाल = पॉपन ("अजगर-एम यूट्यूब_डीएल", "r"); अगर (ob_get_level () == 0) ob_start (); जबकि (! फीफ ($ संभाल)) {$ बफर = fgets ($ हैंडल); $ बफर = ट्रिम (htmlspecialchars ($ बफर)); गूंज "& lt; पूर्व & gt;"; $ बफर गूंज; Echo str_pad ('', 4096); गूंज "& lt; / pre & gt;"; ob_flush (); फ्लश (); नींद (1); } Pclose ($ हैंडल); ob_end_flush (); इस कोड का उत्पादन [YouTube] S2JOicnUh1s: डाउनलोड कर रहा है वेबपेज [यूट्यूब] S2JOicnUh1s: डाउनलोड कर रहा है वीडियो की जानकारी वेबपेज [डाउनलोड ] 12.82KiB / एस ईटीए 04:20 [डाउनलोड] 38.46KiB / एस ईटीए 01:26 [डाउनलोड] पर 89.74KiB / एस ईटीए 00:37 [3.26MiB के 0.2% पर 3.26MiB के 0.1% पर 3.26MiB की 0.0% डाउनलोड] पर 79.79KiB / एस ईटीए 00:41 [डाउनलोड 3.26MiB के 0.4%] 7...

extjs - Adding RichText to custom multifield widget is not working properly in cq5 -

जब CQ5 में कस्टम मल्टीफ़िल्ड विजेट में एक CQ.form.RichText जोड़ा जाता है, तो समृद्ध पाठ घटक की सामग्री गायब हो रही है कस्टम विजेट के संपादन या संपादन के लिए संवाद फिर से खोला गया है। ओके पर क्लिक करने से क्यूक घटक के। एचटीएमएल पेज पर सामग्री का असरदार बना देता है। इनपुट के लिए खोज रहा है और अगर कोई भी इस तरह के मुद्दे पर आ गया है, तो क्या आप मुझे समाधान दृष्टिकोण के लिए निर्देशित कर सकते हैं। संपादित करें: यहाँ कस्टम.जेएस से कोड का नमूना है (बस रिच-टेस्ट भाग पोस्ट करते हुए, कस्टम विजेट में रिच टेक्स्ट के साथ एक डेटटाइम और टेक्स्टफिल्ड भी है) = नया CQ.form.RichText ({cls: "customwidget-4", fieldLabel: "समाचार", अनुमति दें बॉक्स: गलत, श्रोताओं: {change: {scope: this, fn: this.updateHidden }, नष्ट करें: {गुंजाइश: यह, fn: this.descDestroy}}}); this.add (; और यहां descDestroy स्निपेट है: descDestroy: फ़ंक्शन () { = {}; } फिर कस्टम विजेट को xtype के रूप में पंजीकृत कर रहे हैं: CQ.Ext.reg ("CustomNews...

c++ - Using a cpp project's dll & .lib file in python -

Then with a standard CPP compiler, link my application from the .lib file and then on runtime, unless the dll is executable As in the same folder, everything works magically .. But in Python, what is the role of .lib file? I understand that you can import ctypes from ctypes dllHandle = cdll.LoadLibrary ("C: \\ filename.dll") or ctypes.WinDLL ("C: \" using DLL . \ Filename.dll ") But what is not using the .lib file? Why is it not necessary in CPP projects? If zero foo () is exported in test .dll and apply this function to main () in the application Is done when you test.lib The linking creates the application, then the linker resolves the call to the exported function. But another way to achieve this is to load test.dll at runtime, function address for zero FU Receiving and inviting it (you can mention it). It does not need to add any link for test.lib.You are doing the same in Python and test.lib plays a role here. / P>

python - Pyparsing: word with at least one non-digit character -

Define a pattern for how to use a "at least one non-digit word" (anywhere in the word) Does the word () and pippers make friends? The Regex solution will be: Regex ("[a-z0-9] + [az] [a-z0-9] ) I tried things with the line of: alliance (optional (alphabet) and word (alpha)) There should be a solution based on indexed / NotAny / SkipTo, but I do not know that I really think that you want Reggae: Reggae ("[0-9] * [AG] [A-J 0-9] *") then pastearcing It must be put together using the problem: Alliance (optional (Word (ANS) + Word (alpha, alphanumeric) but pars In time, the reggae will be very fast.

java - Cannot validate login -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 23 उत्तर मैं एक प्रोग्राम लिख रहा हूँ लॉग-इन मान्य करें जो काम नहीं कर सकता कोई त्रुटि नहीं होने पर यह ग़लत लॉग-इन के लिए टोस्ट पाठ उत्पन्न नहीं करता है मैं मानता हूं कि यह शर्त स्थिति पर गलत हो जाता है। अगर लॉग-इन गलत है, तो यह लॉग में प्रदर्शित होने वाले एक 'नल' को प्रतिक्रिया देगा। लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि गलती कहां है, क्या कोई मदद कर सकता है? एचटीटीपी क्लाइंट क्लाइंट = नया DefaultHttpClient (); {ArrayList & lt; NameValuePair & gt; कोशिश करें पैरामीटर = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; NameValuePair & gt; (); Parameters.add (नया BasicNameValuePair ("लॉगिन", लॉगिन टेक्स्ट)); Parameters.add (नया बेसिकनामवैलपेयर ("पासवर्ड", pwText)); स्ट्रिंग यूआरएल = कंट्रोलर.बीनीआरूटयूआरएल + कंट्रोलर.फ़ोल्डर यूज़र + कंट्रोलर.फाइललोगिन + "?"; Url + = URLEncodedUtils.format (मानदंड, "यूटीएफ -8"); एचटीटीपीगेट प्राप्त = नया एचटीटीपीएजिट (यूआरएल); एचटीपीआरस्पॉन्स प्रतिक्रिया = क्लाइंट। एक्सकुट (प्राप्त...

hadoop - Hbase Sorting efficiency -

I have the employee's name "Simon" on line -100 and on line 4000, I have the second name of the same name The employee is "Simon". Now I want to get all employees named "Simon" from my employees' table. The row-key is the SSN of each employee. My question is, if I name all the employees "Simon". How is the search in Hbase efficient? Since the first name is "Simon" in line 100 and the second "Simon" is in 4000. With the name "Simon" hbase has to find all the table to find the name to get employment by name. Are you scanning a full table in this scenario? If you have to scan a full table - which you do - it will not be a great measure. In fact, if you have very large rows, then this will be a terrific solution. To resolve this problem, what is the most relational database management system (or "SQL database")? Indexed Since you are using "NoSQL database", it will not automatic... mvc 4 - Using same stored procedure across MVC controllers -

I am developing an MVC application, please tell me the best way to select a stored procedure. Loading a cando grid on page loads AutoBind (True) Select a record from the grid and showing details in another view below the grid . (This is working fine too) Now I am editing the information in the information below and saving the grid back (SP is calling here) Grid Loading with update dated details when saved. Now my question is that I can share the same stored procedure for recording and loading the grid back. Am I missing out on concerns or after a few things. Please suggest the best way to do this. No, you should use separate stored procedures to do this. Stored procedures (even in my opinion) must minimize the minimum required to complete their work. When talking about a single stored procedure that is responsible for both UPDATE and SELECT functions, you give potential introduction to very strange behavior. As you technically can do this however process c...

angularjs - brightcove video display value from Angular Scope -

We have an app designed using AngularJS and we have a bright quad video, we have parameter value from scope variable But I am not able to see the video when I am trying to specify the value from the scope & Lt; Param name = "playerKey" value = "{{app.Key}}" /> ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ & lt; / Object & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Brightcove.createExperiences (); & Lt; / Script & gt; I thought the values ​​would be loaded with scope var but it is not happening. So I also have this issue and in the end it has got a solution. The problem I was experiencing was that the object was being added before the introduction of angular values, thus there is a string of variables rather than values. In HTML, I put in a div. And in my controller: & lt; Object id = "xxxxxx" class = "Brightcow experience" & gt; \ & Lt; Param name = "bgcolor...

wolfram mathematica - why there is a difference in the result of addition in mathamatica? -

Iam 32 is trying to solve linearly coupled differential equations, where, when I add them before solving them, they should be canceled and the result should be. Absolutely zero because the coefficient is such but it is showing a zero zero value in 10 ^ -6 that I do not want As it can be seen in the following program. When I add all 'A' and 'W' values ​​(coefficient), they are zero, but when I combine them together it is giving a non-zero value. Can some help please ?? (ROSE & Lilly are individually zero but why is LOTUS zero?) A1 = 507762.5`; A2 = 12 940.625`; A3 = 18134.375`; A4 = 1.468884375` * ^ 6; A5 = 489628.125`; A = -2.61135 * 6; W1 = -571 9 67.7214761395`; W2 = -190655.90715871312`; W3 = 571 9 67.7214761395`; W4 = 190655.90715871312`; Rose = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 + A; Lilly = W1 + W2 + W3 + W4; JASMINE = ROSE + LILLY LOTUS = A1 + W1 + A2 + W2 + A3 + W3 + A4 + W4 + A5 + A Your answer is incompatibility in response to your exact exact mathematica...

html - Issues in hover images -

मैं माउसओवर पर होवरिंग प्रभाव को कैसे बदल सकता हूँ? मेरा html कोड है : & lt; a href = "#" & gt; & lt; img src = "चित्र / twitter.png" width = "44" height = "45" शीर्षक = "ट्विटर" alt = "ट्विटर ऑनमोसनवर =" यह.src = 'फेसबुक-होवर'; "/> gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; a href =" # "& gt; & lt; img src =" चित्र / फेसबुक.png "चौड़ाई =" 44 "ऊंचाई =" 45 "शीर्षक =" फेसबुक "alt =" Facebook "/> gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; a href =" # "& gt; & lt; आईएमजी src =" चित्र / twitter.png "width =" 44 "ऊंचाई =" 45 "शीर्षक =" ट्विटर "alt =" twitter "/> gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; a href =" # "& gt; & lt; img src =" चित्र / twitter.png "width =" 44 मुझे यह पता नहीं है कि इस जावास्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग कैसे करें ...

javascript - Angular requirejs tag before HTML tag has 100% height without adding 100% height to css -

Html tag is strange before I have decided to move my tags to the head tag I If I head to the script tag Tag, my page will not fully 100% height, I have to add 100% height in all the elements to keep the whole page 100% high. If I keep this script then it works fine and increases the whole page to 100% height. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" data-main = "/ assets / js / main" src = "/ lib / require.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div ng-cloak & gt; & Lt; Div ng-view & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; The reason for this is that your html is invalid (script does not precede tag functionality , Html tags). Like having a script tag before the Dictippae announcement, your browser will not accept...

iphone - I am building voice recorder in which i m getting issue when i am using Audio Demo library in ios 6. Can anyone help in clearing my issue? -

मेरी समस्या है - "x86_64 आर्किटेक्चर के लिए अनिर्धारित प्रतीकों:" _AVOODIO सत्र श्रेणी प्ले और रिकार्ड ", संदर्भित से: - [AppDelegate आवेदन: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:] AppDelegate-DFB03E57E4A805B5.o में "_AVFormatIDKey", संदर्भित - - [ViewController viewDidLoad] ViewController-C29511237FC0C9C8.o में [ViewController viewDidLoad] ViewController-932D04AFE18818B5.o "_AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback", में से संदर्भित से: - ViewController -C29511237FC0C9C8.o में [ViewController ViewDidLoad] - ViewController-932D04AFE18818B5.o में "[ViewController दृश्यडिडलोड]", से संदर्भित: - [ViewController ViewDidLoad] ViewController -C29511237FC0C9C8.o में - [ViewController ViewDidLoad] ViewController- 932D04AFE18818B5.o "_AVSampleRateKey", से संदर्भित: - ViewController -C29511237FC0C9C8.o में [ViewController ViewDidLoad] - ViewController-932D04AFE18818B5.o में [ViewController ViewDidLoad] "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ AVAudioP परत ", से संद...

exception - Dealing with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" error -

Recently I went to this error in my web application: java.lang .OutOfMemoryError: Perm Gain Space It is a special hibernate / JAPA + IceFAS / JSF application running on Tomcat 6 and JDK 1.6. Apparently this may happen once again for some time after re-deployment. What else can be done to avoid it? How do I fix this problem? The solution was to add these flags to the JVM command line when it was a tomcat: -XX: + CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX: + CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled You can do this by closing the Tomcat service, then the Tomcat / bin directory and the running tomcat6w. Exe Under the "Java" tab, add a log in the "Java Options" box. Click "OK" and then restart the service. If you get an error The specified service does not exist as an installed service You should run: tomcat6w // ES / Servicename where sovereignname is the name of the server viewed as services. MSc Source: Ork's comment.

jquery - Font size % wise change -

I want to change the font size of the texts according to the size of the browser, first using CSS to do this , But% was not working Someone suggested me to use jquery but did not know the true solution If you use% for the font, this will be the percentage of the parent font, rather the percentage of the window height or width. Example jquery use Example: 5% font size of page width var my_font = ($ (window) .width () * 0.05); // page width $ (document.body) .css 5% font ("font-size", my_font + "px"); Or if you want to design responsive, then use CSS media queries

websocket - wss tornado connection issues -

तूफान सर्वर ssl_options = { "certfile": "server.crt" " keyfile ":" server.key "} आवेदन = आवेदन () सर्वर = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer (आवेदन, xheaders = सच, ssl_options = ssl_options) server.listen (tornado.options.options.port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop। । उदाहरण () शुरू () जे एस WebSocket WebSocket = नए WebSocket ( "WSS: //" + location.hostname + ": 8888 / सॉकेट "); कनेक्शन करता है खुला नहीं, और खुले () विधि कहा जाता है, और वहाँ कोई त्रुटि या तो है। जब जे एस से एक असुरक्षित सॉकेट कनेक्शन के साथ की कोशिश कर रहा webSocket = नया वेबसॉकेट ("ws: //" + location.hostname + ": 8888 / सॉकेट"); मैं निम्नलिखित त्रुटियाँ मिलती है: तूफान: [डब्ल्यू 140,725 11:35:35 iostream: 845] पर 11 SSL त्रुटि ( ' ', 54554): [Errno 1] _ssl.c: 504: त्रुटि: 1407609C: SSL दिनचर्या: SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO: HTTP अनुरोध जेएस:' ws: वेबमास्टर कनेक्शन के लिए: 1 9 8888 / सॉकेट ...

java - is there any way to fetch n number of record start form x row? -

I want to get 50 records from the table, which has millions of records without limits I did the following MySQLConnection () creates a private zero throws SQLException {CachedRowSet crs = new CachedRowSetImpl (); Connection Conn = Null; Description stmt = null; Try {class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / mydb", "root", "root"); Conn.setAutoCommit (wrong); Crs.setPageSize (100); Crs.setUsername ("root"); Crs.setPassword ("Glass4 # 21"); Crs.setCommand ("Select * trn_22_gouk_final_attendance"); Crs.absolute (10); Crs.setFetchSize (10); Crs.execute (Conn); While ( ()) {System.out.println (crs.getObject (1)); }} Hold (from eclipsection) {se.printStackTrace (); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); } Finally {crs.close (); }} but it does not work ... any suggestions thanks in advance JDBC does not have an API for pa...

regex - HTACCESS, not on a certain page -

I would like to verify that a user enters a website through one of the following URLs (n | nl | fray | d | s | pl | sv | it | cs | l | fi | hu] / (home | business | product | contact | faack | gallery | video | locator] And, I want to redirect the user to a 404 page. I tried to do this: RewriteRule! ^ ((En | nl) 404) $ / 404 [L, R = But this gives me a routing loop. Any ideas on how to solve it? Use this: rewrite the line% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! ^ 404 | (?: CSS | JS | JPG | GIF | PNG) $ [NC] RERET IR! ^ (N | nl | FR | DOS | PL | SV | IT | CS | L | Fi | HU) / (Home | Business | Products | Contact | Fake | Gallery | Video | Locator) - [L, R = 404]

javascript - Unknown Runtime Error in IE 8 with AngularJS -

मैंने एक साधारण एंगल्यूल एचटीएमएल आधारित HTML लिखा है। इसमें पूर्वनिर्धारित वस्तुओं की एक सरणी है और जोड़ें और हटाएं बटन सूची से आइटम जोड़ने या निकालने के लिए दिए गए हैं। हटाएं बटन एक कस्टम निर्देश है नीचे कोड नमूना है: ( & lt; delete-button & gt; एक कस्टम निर्देश है) HTML आइटम & lt; p & gt; & LT; लेबल & gt; मूल्य & lt; / लेबल & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" एनजी-मॉडल = "मूल्य" / & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & Lt; बटन वर्ग = "बीटीएन बीटीएन-सफलता" एनजी-क्लिक = "ऐड इटम्स ()" & gt; जोड़ें & lt; / बटन & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt; तालिका वर्ग = "तालिका तालिका-स्ट्राइप किया गया टेबल-होवर" & gt; & Lt; th & gt; आइटम का नाम & lt; / th & gt; & Lt; th & gt; आइटम मूल्य & lt; / th & gt; & LT; वें & gt; कार्रवाई & lt; / वें & gt; & Lt; tr ng- दोहराने = "आइटम में आइटम: फ़िल्टर:...

What is difference in terms of security of WCF & ASMX service -

I'm a Starter for WCF so I want to write well that explains in detail that the WCF & amp; What is the difference in the case; How can we provide security for ASMX and AMBX like ASMX service? WCF and what kind of security can be given to WCF but not possible in ASMX. If anyone knows, share knowledge with me or redirect me to the right article on it. Thanks WCF offers a lot of security and binding options, but when you compare WCF with ASCX Interested in, I'm guessing that you are looking at security options related only to web services. WCF's security features are very binding to compare, to compare with ASMX, we should look at basic HTBeding, which is designed to interoperate with ASMX services. It supports almost all security features of ASMX service - transport security, basic authentication, WS-security policies. However, in order to take advantage of other security features of WCF, we should take a look at WSHttpBinding, which uses WSHttpSecurity featur...

css - Having a link right after inline list with a fixed HTML structure -

Everyone, I have this HTML structure that I can not change: pre & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; 1 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; 2 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; 3 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; 4 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; ... & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; More & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Link is the idea of ​​the link after the last "li" without using javascript. What I want to do here: And here it is. This is working fine 3 ... Hope this helps!

windows - C++ access DLL load -

I have a DLL plugin to connect two separate external applications. The long story short calls to my plugin via application A highlighted function, so my plugin calls the application b (also by exFold functions) and returns B to A. In AA there is a config file in which I have to specify a path for my DLL plugin then it loads the DLL and calls it. Unfortunately there is no qualification to load more than one DLL in one. Is it possible to write a custom code inside the plug-in, when some additional DLLs will be loaded? In other words, I always want to load the Application B DLL when my plugins are loaded with any process. Other solutions should be added to the list of folders in the directory of B, in which the main process would be searching for DLL, but I do not even know how to do it. For now I have added the App B directory in the system path env variable but it is an unacceptable solution. Thank you I think you need to modify it. To do this, use SetDllDirectory or ...

c - GDB prints incorrect parameter value in kernel -

I'm debugging the Linux kernel with GDB, the breakpoint works fine. But when the GDB breaks, the parameter values ​​passed incorrectly. Breakpoint 4 on XX.c, XXX (A = 0xb008, b = 1, c = 1, d = 0x0, e = 0): YY Yes, all these values ​​are wrong I Some of the colonels added some printers to the function, and confirmed that it was wrong. (This was not a data format problem) I have tested with GCC-4.6 and GCC-4.9 with the same result. I modified the CFLAGS_KERNEL have not done it. Probably a GDB problem? I am using version 7.7.1 , I have also tried with several kernel source codes, 3.12.8, 3.4.0 2.6.32 etc. No change. There is not enough information here to know what the problem is, though it may be a GDB problem From the details I would say that this is a debug info problem. But there is no easy way to tell, the information about the debug, the assembly emitted by the compiler, and the GDB source code, where the bug is contained, must plunge to decide.

python - How to explain the 'weird' results about __getattribute__, __getattr__? -

वर्ग बी (वस्तु): "" "नई शैली वर्ग" "def __getattribute __ (स्वयं, नाम): प्रिंट 'नामक __getattr__' डीईएफ़ __setattr __ (स्वयं, नाम, मूल्य):: प्रिंट 'नामक __setattr__' अगर में [नाम 'प्रिंट वापसी सुपर (बी, आत्म) डीईएफ़ __getattr __ (स्वयं, नाम)' नामक __getattribute__ '.__ getAttribute __ (नाम) एट्रिब्यूट एंटर ('एट्रिब्यूट नाम अमान्य!') और: वापसी सुपर (बी, सेल्फ) .__ सेटैट्र __ (नाम, मान) बी क्लास के रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है: इसके बाद, मैं __ getattr __, __ getattribute __ : b = B () सेटैट्र (बी, 'परीक्षण', 100) प्रिंट बी के बारे में कुछ परीक्षण करने की कोशिश करता हूं। अंत में परिणाम है कि है प्रिंट pre> __ getattribute__ { 'परीक्षण': 100} कहा जाता __getattribute__ __getattribute__ बुलाया { 'परीक्षण': 100} कहा जाता __getattribute__ बुलाया __getattr__ कोई नहीं __getattribute__ { 'परीक्षण': 100} कहा जाता है कहा जाता है यहाँ मेरे प्रश्न आते हैं: 1. प्रिंट b .__ getattribu...

c# - How to remove Whitespce from stringArray formed based on whitespace -

I have a string that contains values. 90 524 000 1234567890 2207 1926 00: 34 02:40 s Now I have broken the string in the string based on white space. Now I want to create another string array in such a way that all white spaces are removed and only have real values ​​in it. Also, I want to get the position of the string array element from the original string array, which is created by removing the white space from the new string array based on the selection. Please enter you via StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries From String.Split . var value = input.Split (new [] {''}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); : Return value does not include array elements that contain an empty string when the split method is given After coping with the white white spot, it will return an empty string. Using StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries will remove the empty string and give you only the value you want. You can also find LINQ var values ​​= in...

sql server - Using stored procedures of another database -

I have database1 There are some procedures in the I / code> statement. The tables I want to fill in are in database2 . How can I write a question with EXEC procedures to fill those tables? I do not want to add stored procedures in the same database of tables ( database2 ) This is one of the procedures stored in DB1 USE [database1] Go SET ANSI_NULLS Go set to go change process QUOTED_IDENTIFIER [dbo] [Subject] ([code], [credit], [hour] value (@medical code) [subject ] [Subject] ([code], [credit], [code], @ credits, @horse] @@ identity and here is where I execute the stored procedure I: EXEC @ subid = [database1]. [DBO]. [Add topic] @icicode = '1234', @ credit = 2, @ hours = 50 and it gives me an error: Message 208 , Level 16, State 1, Process AddSubject, Line 14 Invalid Object Name 'database2.dbo.Subject' You can reference SQL Server tables with one: server.database.schema.table A different database You only need the last thr...

objective c - iOS Global menu with photo and gallery buttons -

I told my down menu AppDelegate: - (minus) addBottomMenu {BottomMenu * Down Menu = [[Menu Elock Down] InitVithframe: CGRactMake (0, [ScreenHaller Whiteoffscreen] - 70, 320, 70)]; Down menu.laget = self; [[[UIApplication shared application] Rep] window] AddSaewviewview: Below the menu]; } I have 2 buttons in the menu to take photos from the gallery and take a picture for the camera. I want this button will do the navigating take will work globally (for each controller) it should work this gallery (or camera) and the user (or select) image on the same controller and image. The controller I would add these lines of code: - (minus) photoButtonTapped {UIImagePickerController * picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; Picker.delegate = self; Picker.allowsEditing = Yes; Picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera; [Self present ViewController: animated picker: yes complete: zero]; } #pragma mark image picker representatives - imagePickerController (zero): ...

oracle - Create New User in SQL Developer -

I have already installed Oracle Database 11.2 release. And even Odyssey for Visual Studio. After everything, I try to make a user in SQL Developer, but always saying that Failure - Trust Fail: ORA-01017: Invalid Username / Password; Logon denied I want to know what is the problem with it and how do I solve it? Your user may not have any permissions to connect or you have forgotten your user's password. If so, In your database Connect as Administrator Type Change user & lt; YOUR_USER_HERE & gt; 123 Try adding to password 123. If you can not connect then your listener is low or your database is unavailable To know if your audience is assigned from your database If used, use the command line tool lsnrctl. Execute user SQL * plus to mount your database: startup force PS: Do you lose your problem Have tried? I got after 5 seconds, I started searching.

symfony - How to print HTML source code TWIG view's -

In my project I have to display a piece of HTML source code of a TUIG view (mainshort What can I see with 'Ctrl + U' ) and this piece of source code should be displayed in another TWIG view (Hence from other controller action). I am working with Symphony 2, is it possible and if so, how can I do this? Thank you in advance for your help :) Do you have a separate template Trying to present the output HTML code from a controller? If so, you can use the render function with escape filters. {{render (controller ('aquilblundle: comment: getcomment', {'id':})). Escape}} // | E This will present the controller feedback in an escaped string so that all the codes are visible to the end user.