Inserting array of nodes into Neo4j using Cypher's FOREACH getting slower as data is added -
I am using cipher on REST API to create unique nodes and relationships in relatively large groups.
My data model is simple: I have a list of IDs which I am following Node 1, which I put in a map and feed as a parameter. Using cipher query (mostly with support from here): This works if it uses an existing node for node 2 or makes one necessary and Creates a new connection but in my DB, more nodes are gradually slowing down. 00, which takes about 20 seconds, when I first started it was almost immediately.DB currently has approximately 16k account nodes. Is there a more efficient way to do this? ? I'm very new with Neo4j, so I'm not sure if good performance is supposed to be what I'm looking for better performance (this is running on an old Intel Mac tower) or these massive inserts Luggage It takes a little while. I detected the problem. I recently decided to make my labels' naming convention a little more consistent. When I removed old labels and added new ones, I did not find that I would need to re-index and barriers. When I saw a schema in NEO 4J-Shell, I saw my barriers and indexes on my old label. Originally I was working on an I appreciate Proud to take a second look at the indexed. (node 1: account {id: xx}) - [: low) - & gt; (Node 2: account {id: yy})
Where account: id is a unique parameter (not neo-generated) and there is a hindrance in it.
params = {nodes: {{"Id": id}, {" Id ": id} ..]} MATCH (node 1: account {id: 12345} FOREACH (n {nodes} | MERGE (node2: account {id:}) Merge (node 1) - [R: FOLLOWS ] -> (node2) SET node1.lastFetch = timestamp ()
: account (id) was not doing me any better.
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