Awk Record separations and loops -
Here I have the following data in a file to keep some minded information:
with Confusion Removed to avoid
The between separator (for example, using the date) and a column amount, to put data in I On the top row, I have a date: NAME -delim: with variable 2014, I can use Trying to say: "????" Read this file, when you get a sample data ???? Just go through those lines, and type in column 7a My guess is (to convert it to no byte), I Loop through them, MBS to store them, take them together, take GBS in the store, and add them too. Any sign? Wish Thinking: ---- Edit I have tried Here's the more accurate data that I'm working on (sorry, but I'm trying to reduce the data exposure here): This is the right data set that works for the code Sampled revised This worked against the set. Apart from this, the importance is also the following, if you notice, then after the date, the variables are different. I have: Disks, and data ... I do not need it / there is a summary of both examples. I would like to be able to say: "Look for the variable disk, and see all of you." Do not go into the data network This solution uses a GNU awk extension, the contents of the capturing brackets To store for the same data, it prints
awk -RS ???? Line Line -F: A ???? I have an estimate / sample data / '{sum = = $ 2} END {print sum}' filename.txt
awk 'BEGIN {2014 = ""} {if ($ 8 == one [0-9] GB ") Size = amount + = $ 8 "GB"; and a ?? | Blah Blah Blah [0- 9] MB} a
July 2014: Data disks - 0: sample 0: 0: maps: on Quote: 0: Size 40GB15k: 20.00 GB: Segment: 3: Location ::: DA0000000000000000: 1: 1: Empty: 1: No: 0 1: Sample_1: 0: Maps: Online: 0: Size 40GB15 Key: 20.00 GB: Segment: 4: Location ::: DA 2000000000000031: 1: 1: Empty: 1: No: 0 2: Sample_2: 0: Maps: Online: 0: Size 40 GB 15K: 20.00 GB: Segment: 5: Location: : DA 2000000000000000032: 1: 1: Empty: 1: No: July 2014: Data Network - Border: 0: Sample_3: 0: Maps: Online: 0: Size 60 GB 15K: 10.00 GB: Segment: 3: Location: :: DA 200000000000000030: 1: 1: Empty: 1: No: 0 1: sample_4: 0: maps: online: 0: ax R 60 GB 15K: 10.00GB: Segment: 4: Location ::: DA 20000000000000 00031: 1: 1: Empty: 1: No: 0 2: Sample_4: 0: Maps: Online: 0: Size 60GB15k: 10.00 GB: Segment: 5: Location ::: DA 200000000000000032: 1: 1: Empty: 1: No: 0
gawk -F: '$ 1 ~ / ~ [[:: alpha:] [+: Points:]] + $ / {if amount (sum) printf "% S ", $ 0 sum = 0} / ^ [[blank:]] * $ / {next} {match ($ nf, / ([[digits:].] +) (| GB | TB) /, A ) If (a [2] == "GB") {sum + = a [1] * 1000} and if (a [2] == "TB") {sum + = a [1] * 1000 * 1000} And {sum + = a [1]}} end {print amount} '& lt; & Lt; END July 2014: Sample Data -Delim: 0: Sample 0: 0: Sample X: Online: 0: 2.00 TB 1: Sample 1: 0: Sample X: Online: 0: 2.00 TB 2: Sample 2: 0: Sample X : Online: 0: 2.00 TB July 2014: Other Data -Delim: 0: Sample 0: 0: 00: 1: Sample 1: 0: Sample X: Online: 0: 4.00 GB 2: Sample 2: 0: Sample X: Online: 0: 5.00 GB July 2014: Even more data -Delimal: 0: Sample 0: 0: Sample X: Online: 0: 9.00 GB 1: Sample 1: 0: Sample X: Online: 0: 10.00 TB 2: Sample 2: 0: Sample X: Online: July 2014: Sample data -Delim: 6000000 July 2014: Other data -Delim: 9003 July 2014: More data-yet: 1000 9 011 < / Code>
gawk -F: '$ 1 ~ / ^ [[: alpha:]] + [[: points:]] + $ / {If (($ 8, / $) / $ [{: blank:]] * $ / {next} do_sum {match ($ 8 / /) ([[digits:].) +) (| GB | TB) /, A) If (a [2] == "GB") {sum + = a [1] * 1000} and if (a [2] == "TB") {sum + = a [1] ] * 1000 * 1000} and {sum + = a [1]}} end {if (do_sum) print amount} '
July 2014: Data Disk-Dilem: 60000
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