Generating Android build with Gitlab CI -

I have just installed Geethalab as a repository for my projects and I want to take advantage of their Gitlab CI system . After each commit I want to automatically debug and debug. I googled but I did not get anything as tutorials or similar cases. If someone can guide me in some way, then it will be good.

Thank you!

I just wrote a blog post.

The fastest way can be with .gitlab-ci.yml with the following content: image: openjdk: 8-jdk variable: ANDROID_TARGET_SDK: "24" ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS: "24.0.0" ANDROID_SDK_TOOLS: "24.4.1" before_script: - apt-get- - Some updates - yes - apt-get --quiet Install --yes wget tar unzip lib32stdc ++ 6 lib32z1 - wget --quiet --output-document = android-sdk.tgz / android / android-sdk_r $ {ANDROID_SDK_TOOLS} -linux. Tgz - tar --extract --gzip --file = android-sdk.tgz - echo wi | Android-sdk-linux / tools / android -silent update sdk --no-ui --all --filter android - $ {ANDROID_TARGET_SDK} - echo wi | Android-SDK-Linux / Tools / Android-Cylind Update SDK --NO-UI -all -filter Platform-Tools - Echo Y | Android-SDK-Linux / Tools / Android -Synt Update sdk --no-ui -all -filter build-tools-$ {ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS} - Echo Y | Android-SDK-Linux / Tools / Android - Cilant Update SDK - No-U - Servo - Filters Extra Android - M2 Scoposphere - Echo Y | Android-SDK-Linux / Tools / Android - Cilant Update SDK - No-Uu - Servo --Filter Extra- google-google_play_services - Echo Y | Android-SDK-Linux / Tools / Android -Synt Update sdk --no-ui -all -filter Extra- google-m2repository- Export ANDROID_HOME = $ PWD / Android-SDK-Linux - Chamom + X / Gradleve Build: Script: - Combine the ./gradlew Debug Artifacts: Path: - App / Build / Output /

This stops using the Java 8 Docker Image, then Before downloading and installing the necessary bits for this, my post of Android SDK also explains in detail how you can create it in the Docker Image and host it on Gitlab.

Hope this helps!

UPDATE - 4/10 / 2017

I wrote canonical blog post for the official Gitlab blog for the installation of Android at Gitlab CI back in November 16 There were ways to run tests in it and, as well, information is included here.


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