javascript - Find out which individual item changed in an Ember ArrayController -
In a Here I'm testing each After the This makes you with the same pattern as the Amber Sourceal Mixin Ember.ArrayController , I have a function that is
.observes () A property on the entire array of models for a property change
on FoosController = Ember.ArrayController.extend (Ember.Evented, {observesEachFooBar:. Function () {var less important Things = this.get ('model'); foos.forEach (function (foo) {// test, if this foo has changed, do something}}.}.} () .observes ('.model @ '),});
Foo in my model manually. How can I avoid this, and only that person has given one (or something) that has changed?
foreach (sortProperties, function (sortProperty) {addObserver (item, sortProperty, this 'contentItemSortPropertyDidChange');}, this). ; }, this); } Come back. Super (array, idx, deleted quote, added number); }, InsertItemSorted: function (item) {var arrangedContent = get (this, 'arrangedContent'); Var length = get (systematic content, 'length'); Var idx = this._binary search (item, 0, length); ArrangedContent.insertAt (idx, item); }, ContentItemSortPropertyDidChange: function (item) {var arrangedContent = (it, 'arrangedContent'), oldIndex = arrangedContent.indexOf (items), leftItem = arrangedContent.objectAt (oldIndex - 1), rightItem = arrangedContent.objectAt (oldIndex + 1) , Left side = left item & amp; Amp; This.orderBy (item, leftItem), rightResult = rightItem & amp; Amp; This.orderBy (item, rightItem); If (Baanprkriya & lt; 0 || rightResult & gt; 0) {arrangedContent.removeObject (item); This.insertItemSorted (item); }},
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