
Showing posts from May, 2012

sql - Sum of Quantities by Member -

There was a custom field "member_name" created for the SQL statement for Word, which was created in order 3 in key = member_name Goes under. I need to create a report that shows the amount of SM (according to key = "_qty") according to member number when the tables: Order1 - order1_id, order3_id order2 - order2_id, key, value order3 - order3_id, key, value example: order1 order1_id - order3_id 2 - 292 3 - 292 4 - 281 order2 order2_id - key - value 2 - '_qty' - 1 to 3 - '_qty' - 2 4 - '_qty' - 1 order3 order3_id - key - value 292 - 'MEMBER_NAME' - John 292 - 'MEMBER_NAME' - John 281 - 'MEMBER_NAME' - Bill Desired results: P> John 3 Bill 2 I am working with: SELECT order3 .value, a.member_count (from order3 intermediate order3 (select value, sum (*) in value Order3.order3_id = order1.order1_id a) From order 2. Order3_id = order1.order1_id a) From order 2. Order2.value = '_ quantity...

javascript - Issue on Drawing Points(Circles) Along a Specific Line -

Can you please take a look at this example and tell me how I can get point value from an existing array Display this example as data [] and point as the dot on top of each row? Then I have 5 element array: var data = [200, 20820, 32, 99 99955, 7580]; There are 5 lines in the form of and Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4, and Line5 , therefore the value for Line1 = 200 and the value of Line5 would be 7850. I know there are some things that are out of this thing like Highcharges. Jays but since I have a large number of units from Decimal for each line, I have to do a new rebirth. $ (function () {var c = document.getElementById ("myCanvas"); var ctx = c.getContext ("2d"); var data = [200, 20820, 32, 99 9955, 7580]; ctx.beginPath (); ctx.moveTo (200, 200); ctx.lineTo (200, 50); ctx.moveTo (200, 200); ctx.lineTo (342, 154); ctx. MoveTo (200, 200); ctx.lineTo (288, 321); ctx.moveTo (200, 200); ctx.lineTo (112, 321); ctx.moveTo (200, 200); ctx.lineTo (59, 154) C...

How to use Entity Framework code-first to generate a clustered primary key? -

We have something in the SQL statement, some names have been omitted to save some space: CREATE TABLE [dbo] [Payment] ([PaymentId] [uniqueidentifier] No NULL, [Itemid] [int] zero, ... barrier [PK_Payment] with primary key cluster ([PaymentId] ASC) (PAD_INDEX = closed, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = closed, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = I can probably not say just this [primary] TEXTIMAGE_ON [Primary] on [primary]) on ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS =, on the ALLOW_PROVOLOKKS =, HasKey (P = & gt; p.PaymentId) What is the correct way to generate this complicated code? Handicap is the section outline of the code in the code first? I can not duplicate your problem Adjustment & gt; () .hasKey (a => a.Id) Protected Override Zero OnModelCreating (DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) {modelBuilder.Entity & lt: When I use the following code / Ex> Generate looks like SQL:. CREATE TABLE [dbo] [adjust]] ([id] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, // Exclude removed from additional unrelated areas [PK_dbo ...

python - Process stuck within SQS calls -

I have a python script that only checks messages on SQS in a loop and then closes a cron The script is restarted by the job every few minutes, if it is not running #startdef main (): ------ I from 1 to 100 : ------------- Check the SQ for a new message [Install connection with SQLX] # Long voting was not used, message Set Rticsha time 0. ------------- If new job was found: ---------------------- ProcessIt () #and I think that after a few days of running the script on the EC2 example, the script becomes stale and it does not check for any new messages from SQS When I process the pid For lsof run, grepping only for SQS connections, I am at all connections for SQSCLOSE_WAIT. Fix for my problem is to kill and restart the script process manually. It seems that the cron is not able to resume the script because it is already running and the SQS is stuck in the call: ip-10-xyz : ~ # LSOFP 9018 | Grep "72.21" ld-linux 9018 Route 7u IPv4 47469 9 439 0 T. TPP IP-10-X-Y-Z...

security - iOS network issue. TLS Session cache loophole -

I am facing a security problem for my iOS application. I am using HTTPS for all my network calls and the public certificate used is from a reliable authority, which has been bundled in the application to stop the main (REC) in the main attack. I am doing SSL pinning (confirming the certificate from the server before / before every network call) in Android, it works well in iOS, but there is a TLS session cache which validates the validity of the certificate after the network call Cache. The certificate verification section works fine for the first network call, for 2 calls, the cache is used by OS and I am unable to confirm the certificate. My QA team can easily attack and get all data from network call for 2 more consecutive network calls. There is a reference to here: There seems to be no way to refresh the cash program. Changing query parameters does not help, I've already tried, please provide iOS specific solutions. I can not encrypt my data for business reasons. Ed...

haskell - The reverse state monad in OCaml -

How do you implement in OCaml ? (Since it relies heavily on laziness, I think someone has to use lazy modules from the standard library). I put one. This is a bit difficult: type 'sl =' s Lazy.t type ('A, s) 'S - & gt; ('A') SL (Bond) (MX: ('A' s) St.) (F: ('A - A' (B, S) St.)) (S: SL): ('B') * 'SL ) = (* Conceptually, we want that RE (lazy (y, s' ')) = lazy (mx)' and (lazy (z, s')) = lazy (fis) (js in force, s' '), But that is not legal, so we take away the lazy couple types (' A * '), and we freely prepare pieces that we need. *) Remember' lazy ' MX (Alcittels) ( Vaccines (Force) () (lazy force (lazy force), as I mentioned in the comment, it is somewhat difficult that you do not want to accidentally apply the state calculation too soon. Unfortunately for getting mutual recursive rights, if you are forced to temporarily slip the answer to the calculation (which are moving) th...

Xcode pop up menu in build settings, how do I get there? -

I'm following the tutorial here to grab my project: And it tells me to add some categories to the top of the search paths. However, I can not seem to get that screen after they click that everything that I can do. What am I missing? Double click where it says & lt; Multiple Values ​​& gt; .

html - Can I run different versions of my website based on detection of mode -

I want to create a website. This website will behave differently if I see it on a specific event through a kiosk. Kiosk will be just an iPad. I believe that I can understand how to lock IOP to work like a kiosk and my website is based on it But what I am asking is in the code, Is there a way to find out that I am in 'kiosk' mode and show different pages? For example, if you are at home (or anywhere that is not an event) you should be able to hit my website to know about your company and to view your current profile. You should be able to see this same page on the 'Kiosk' (an iPad in an event), but you can now see additional pages like specific pages related to event and payment pages. On the contrary, you can see additional pages on the website, while you will not be able to see in 'kiosk' mode. I do not know that the solution device / language is dependent as we have not yet settled on all the devices / languages ​​/ frameworks, we will use the site to ...

ruby - How do I populate an array with random numbers? -

I'm trying to populate an array of four elements with an integer less than 9. Here is my code: generated_number = (4) #create 4 array_number.each empty size. Random | # Random numbers for each condition in the array make Random = RAND (10) The generated_number I do not know what I'm missing. you rand () can pass a limit (4) {rand (1 ... 9)}

itextsharp - Set AcroField Text Size to Auto -

By using itextsharp , I try to set the font size of the text field of my form I am auto . I am currently doing something like this: object d = 0.0; PDF Reader Reader = New PDF Reader (Path); Byte [] pdf; (Var MS = Using new memorystream ()) {PDFstamper stammer = new PDFStamer (Reader, MS); AcroFields Field = stamper.AcroFields; Forchcha (field in field. Field .qins) {fields.SetFieldProperty (f, "textsize", d, null); }} But I'm getting the following error: System. Unauthorized Cast Option: The specified cast is not valid. ITextSharp.text.pdf.AcroFields.SetFieldProperty (string field, string name, object value, int32 [] inst) How can I fix it? using 0f instead of call d By calling SetFieldProperty I can change the font size to Auto .

windows - Webapp Logback Logging Does Not Work Using Tomee Plus 1.6.0 on Linux -

I am able to work on Lomibeback logging using Tommy on my development environment (Windows) ; However, whenever I try to employ WebAP on my Tome server on Linux, it will never load the "" file specified in the logback.exml configuration file inside the web-INF / Works directory of the webpage. Does not make / P> Using Maven, I have included logback-core-1.1.1 in the web-nanf / lib directory of the web-log-in-classic -1.1.2 and webback. I am checking permissions for the directory that I want to write (CATALINA_BASE / log), but it is set to RW for all users, so I doubt that the problem is. There is no problem with my efforts, pushing all my logs to Catalina.out, can anyone solve the mystery, why logging in with log-ins (on the development environment) Works correctly, but not Linux? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> It is revealed that we are separating our EJB into another directory And adding that directory to tomee.xml a...

javascript - How to produce a float from a string with only zeros after decimal place -

How do you generate 69.00 (float) to "69.00" (String)? I have tried: parsflot ("69.00") / / 69 parsflat ("69.00"). Tofix (2) // "69.00" unless you actually have a value after the decimal point, float does not have a value "

ip blocking by country Error code 0x80070021 iis 7 -

There is no way to restrict access to some countries by checking the IP address in ASP.NET. So far, I changed the web. Configured file I collect IP addresses from the third party API, though this error gives me that I've added a screen shot to it. Any help would be great thanks in advance Here my web is configured; & lt; System.webServer & gt; & Lt; Security & gt; & Lt; IpSecurity allowUnlisted = "true" & gt; & Lt; Clear /> & Lt; Add ipAddress = "" subnetMask = "" /> & Lt; Add ipAddress = "" subnetMask = "" /> & Lt; Add ipAddress = "" subnetMask = "" /> & Lt; Add ipAddress = "" subnetMask = "" /> & Lt; Add ipAddress = "" subnetMask = "" /> & Lt; Add ipAddress = "

html - Javascript Focus lost -

I have created a very simple test page below. When I open it in Internet Explorer and start tabbing through it, it first taps through all the links, though it does not tab through it for the second time, this address bar, This is the reason that the Javascript file is being included to snare.js but we need it on our page. Can anyone recommend some way to overcome it? Note - The problem is only happening in Internet Explorer. & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; HEAD & gt; & Lt; TITLE & gt; Test title & lt; / TITLE & gt; & Lt; Script type = 'text / javascript' language = 'javascript' src = 'https: //'> & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / HEAD> & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Test & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Test 2 & lt; / A & gt; & L...

vba - Excel Macro using the replace function between sheets -

I have a list of numbers on sheet 1 (TBPRT), the numbers are in the range of A2: A3900. I have a list of those numbers on sheet 2 (sheet 1) with the respective manufacturers, Category A2: 1390 (Construction of names) and B2: 1390 (Manufacturer numbers). I need to change the number of tblparts with the names of manufacturers from sheet 1. I I am getting a "run-time error 424":. Required on object line 10 sub macro1 () I dim the integer as the dim findstr string as the dim repstr as string 1390 i = 2 for findstr = sheet1.Range (" B. "in & amp; i) .Value RepStr = Sheet1.Range ('A' in & amp; i) .Value tblParts.Range (" One: One ") cells. Change what: = findstr, Replacement: = RepStr Next I end the sub What is defined in the macro is what is tblParts and you have to set it by using set , because it is a complex object and is not a primitive. For example, assuming the following should work tblParts is defined and set to ...

Django-haystack: how do I select which index to use in a SearchQuerySet? -

I'm looking through Haystack documentation, but I do not understand exactly how I can use it . The main model in this example is proposal . I have to index two searches that return a list of proposals: the one who searches only for the proposals themselves, and one who searches in proposals with his comments, I set Like this: class ProposalIndexBase (indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable) title = indexes.CharField (model_attr = "title", boost = 1.1) text = indexes.NgramField (document = true) , Use_template = true) date = indexes.DateTimeField (model_attr = 'createdAt') def get_model (self): Return proposal class ProposalIndex (ProposalI NdexBase): Comment = indexes.MultiValueField () Def prepare_comments (self, object): comment [edit] comment for the comment in object.comments.all ()] Class SimilarProposalIndex (ProposalIndexBase): passed Here is my search in code> : DIF search (request): if request.method == ...

oracle - Is there a way to resolve Parallel from Serial in SQL? -

I have problems with a query that I wrote that we do not accept the data warehouse we use There is a part in which there is parallel with serial or S-> P, when I explain the plan, I have a trivial error, even when I remove the query from errors. Any idea would be useful. query SELECT / * + use_hash (doi, seg) * / doi.ORDER_ID as "PO", Doi.DISTRIBUTOR_ID as the "vendor ID", doi.ISBN aS "ASIN", as doi.QUANTITY_ORDERED the "volume went confirmed" D_DISTRIBUTOR_ORDER_ITEMS doi (SELECT / * + use_hash PRODUCT_SEGMENT_MEMBERSHIP psm from * / psm.ASIN WHERE psm.SEGMENT_ID = 784885) Seg ON doi.ISBN = seg.ASIN WHERE doi.ORDER_DAY = '2009/04/06 seg.ASIN by command This should be done in the same form as your query. doi.ORDER_ID selection as "PO", doi.DISTRIBUTOR_ID as "Vendor ID", doi.ISBN as "ASIN", D_DISTRIBUTOR_ORDER_ITEMS as doi.QUANTITY_ORDERED doi "the confirmed volume" Join PRODUCT_SE...

java - Why is math.pow not natively able to deal with ints? (floor/ceil, too) -

I know that in Java (and possibly in other languages), Math.pow is defined on doubles and one Double returns, I'm thinking that the people who wrote java on Earth did not even write an intern-returning method, which is a brainstorming programmer from mathematicians (though it is obviously easy to read Fixable)) I can not help defaults but it seems that CS Is based on Iltaon cause some behind the scenes who do not know me, because otherwise ... huh? On the subject, the boundary and flooring by definition Returns integers, how do they return ints? Thank you everyone for helping me understand this. It is completely mild, but has been annoying me for many years. java.lang.Math is just a port of what the math library does. For C, I think it comes down to the fact that the CPU has special instructions for the floating point number (but not for integers) for MOT POW. Of course, the language can still add an int implementation is one in BigIntega, in fact this makes se... - Why does my code run 2 different ways with the exact same code? -

I have an application that I have developed that relay all the messages to all the clients connected to the webcuter server from the monitor websocket The messages have been received from the server for this app. Problem When I run my program (I start the hit in Visual Studio), it is completely ready and starts, and Most of the functionality does the same as everyone, however, I have a code that will not run uniformly. Below is a small snippet of code. msg = "Set monitor" sent message 2 (socket, msg, msg. msg) "set monitor 1" sand message 2 (socket, msg, msg). I know that two calls are always executed on SendMessage2 because the Visual Studio Debug we send the SendMessage2 sub Finally, we are at the end of the SendMessage2 sub, we are after our second SendMessage2 function I also know that when it is implemented correctly because my web server server Either one of the two blocks will output the output runs correctly Client 4h Dr. conne...

Finding most similar arrays of integers in elasticsearch -

rewrite: I have images in my project. Each image in the range [1, 10] There are 5 tags I used to upload these tags using elastic shirr: I have these documents loaded in elastic search in the index with "my_project" type "img": curl -XPUT 'http: // localhost: 9 0000 / my_project / img / 1' -d '{"tag": [1,4,6,7,9]}' Other example documents that I upload {"Tag": [2,3,5,6]} {"tag": [1, 2,3, 8]} In my application, vectors are very high, but with a certain number of fixed elements. And I have 20 M of these documents. Now I have to find similar documents for the given vector. Vectors are more common when they have more general tags, so for example I want to find the most similar document for integer vector [1,2,3,7] . The last example of the best match should be document {"tags": [1,2,3,8]} , because they share 3 common values ​​in their tags, [1, 2,3] , more common values ​​than any other vector...

select - inner-join in MYSQL with UPDATE not working -

Syntax does not work and returns an error on error # 1064 @ RT: = ... I do not know the variable to replace Please let it work. UPDATE table @rt: = @ RT + volume; INNER JOIN (SELECT @rt: = 0) as INIT 1 on 1 = 1 SET status = '1' Where's the value A working table with selection same The method is: UPDATE `Table` SET status = 1 'where price & lt; 10th boundary 22; To limit the number of rows you do not need the variable, it will update those 22 rows where the value meets the condition in the where section My best estimate is what you want to do. Edit: Oh, you're trying to get the amount of the quantity, maybe it will do the work you want: UPDATE `table` cross join (SELECT @rt: = 0) vars SET status = if ((rt: = @rt + volume) & lt; = 22, '1', position) Where value & Lt; 10; The SQL is bedded.

android - Can't figure out how to hook fling using ImageViewTouch -

I am using the library () but I have a problem trying to remove the fling I have read other answers But they do not use the actual code while tilting the events. I have tilted the events like this: mImage SetOnTouchListener (new on-tailiston () {@ Override Public Boolean on Touch (see V, Motion Event Event ) {Return gesture detector.ToehEvent (Event);}}); Gesture detector = new gesture detector (this, new MyGestureDetector (getApplicationContext (), this)); MyGestureDetector Extends SimpleOnGestureListener I then override the OFFLING method. The problem with this approach is that it disables 1 touch and therefore the pan functionality I'm sure is a better way to hook into fling events (so I can change the images), but I'm not sure how -Nub: ( What I see is the way to hook it is similar to other hooks provided by ImageViewZoom. In this way: mImage = (ImageViewTouch) view.findViewById (; mImage.setOnClickListener (this); // Set DI Log on to the defau...

Regex in D capturing too much -

I am writing a function that is designed to take a text like this: %% HEADER foo bar baz %% BODY foo baz baz and return an array like this: {"foo bar baz" Keeping this in mind, I wrote the following: string [2] different hedgehog (string input) {string [2] different; auto header = matchfirst (input , Regedx (r "%% header \ n ((| | | \ n) *) \ n %% body", "g"); if (header.mpt) {new parserer expiation ("no Found %% header. ");} Different from Else {[0] = header.front (); Auto BD = MatchFirst (Input, Reggae (R" %% body \ n ((| | \ n) *) "," G ")); If (bdy.empty ()) {New Parser throwing exception (" No% BDI found. ");} And (separate [1] = bdy.front ();}} Returns in;} However, when I try to experiment with the following input: "%% HEADER \ nfoo bar game \ N% body body \ nfoo first capture "%% HEADER \ nfoo barfish \ n %% body \ , which is obviously very high. Am I using > Std.regex W... - Cannot get the specific XML node -

I want to update the XML node and searched this site for example. Although I have not been set on an object reference for an object instance. Will someone show me how to get a node thanks in advance This is my vb code: Import System.Xml Import System.IO partial class test2 inherited System Web.UI.Page protected sub Page_Load (ByVal string as the object, as ByVal e System.EventArgs) handles as Me.Load dim xmlFileNamae string = "Vancouver.xml" dim xmlFilePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ( " XMLFolder ") & amp; xmlFileNamae so File.Exists (xmlFilePath) then dim docXML as XmlDocument = new XmlDocument docXML.Load (xmlFilePath) Dim ID string = "1" Dim node XmlNode = docXML.SelectSingleNode (as as "/ Order / Order [@ id = ' "& amp; ID & amp;"'] / date ") node.InnerText = Date.Now node = docXML.SelectSingleNode (" / order / order [@ id = '' & amp; ID & amp; " '] / country "...

Gulp Yaml Front Matter to JSON add File Name -

I'm not sure what the best way to go about it. I would like to add a yaml front case to the json from a markdown file by adding a file name to a single array Jason file. Example files and , --- title: Ban Type: yellow Calculation: - 1 - 2 - - # My Markdown file Apple MD : --- Title: Apple Type: Red Count: - 3 - 4 --- # My Markdown File 2 all.json : [["title" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " "," "Type": "yellow", "count": [1,2], "file": "banana"}, {"title": "apple", "type": "red", "count" [3,4], "file": "apple"}] Of course, there will be no return because it will be compact. Let me know something like Gulppass Plugins have been found but do not seem to have them No one really wants what I want, even not even joint, a...

linux - File permissions for Django: Gunicorn, Nginx, and Static Files -

I have a standard Ubuntu 14.04 machine. I use it daily under user mh00h . I'm interested in using this machine as a production server. How can I manage file permissions for Django and Nginx? Nginx is currently configured to run under www-data: www-data . This reduces the risk of the rest of a machine. Django / gunicorn should be similarly run under a user other than mh00h . But what under the user can actually run Gunocorn? Any , right? Next: I am storing all my web development files under / home / mh00h / development . Owned by mh00h / home / mh00h / development / project1 (all directories / files but / media and / static) ? Owned by mh00h I do the best practice of the two-pick of the Django to create a project directory with stable files inside it. Of course, now NGX will now have / home / mh00h / development / project1 / project1 / Static because all of those root directories are mh00h , not Www-data ( . / Static Is owned by www-data ). To make this ca...

lru - how to determine a page(or file) is least to determine calculate method,which is about Least Recently Used -

I know about the LRU algorithm, but determining how to calculate is a critical point. If the space is not enough, then I want to find the weight of some files which are below, then remove them and put them in the weight of some files which are high loads. Has this ever happened? Here are some implementations: 1) 2) 3)

ember.js - How to get data back from emberjs controller -

I have a list of routes () - & Gt; About '@source' '@Source' User ', - & gt; @source 'repositories', path: '/: user_name / repositories' @route 'show', path: '/: user_name' shows a template in my users I also have a view {{# view.Repositories View Login = Login}} & lt; Div class = "show_repos_control" & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Show Rape & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; {{#if reposWasQuery}} {{repo_name}} {{/ each}} {{/ if}} {{/ view}} class with view app. See Repositories = Amber View. Expansion ({click: function (evt) {this.get ('controller'). Send ('showRepos', this.get ('login'));}}); Code code in UsersShowController See class code processing in App.UsersShowController = Ember.ObjectController.extend ({reposWasQuery: incorrect, verbs: {showRepos: Function (user name) {this.set ('reposWasQuery', true); this.set ...

amazon s3 - Rails carrierwave S3 get url with Content-Disposition header -

We are using Carrier Says + AAS S3 to upload the file, and to provide us a download function the wanted. For 1 solution, we use it: = link_to "download", file.doc.url, download: file.original_name And it does not work, under IE8, click on the link, this file will open. According to , I should add the content-break header, then I have a AOS S3 document, me the feedback-content-nature to file.doc.url , Is there a way I can do in a carrier, or I can use other methods ? Thanks for your help. found it, for fu = , we use it Can: fu.url (query: {"response-content-disposition" => "attachment;"}) read Many tons of document and source code.

ios - Upload files from dropbox/box account to my server using an iphone app -

I have an API for uploading files to my server, let me move files from my app to dropbox on my server. Need to create an app for My question is do I need to download iFile from the Dropbox / Box account and then my API? Can I skip the part of downloading files on the device and uploading directly from dropbox / box account to my custom server? Or alternatively, you can only keep some files in sync between iFile and Dropbox, and upload a local copy of the file to your server? Or is there any other way to do this? Thanks in advance. If the user has authorized the Dropbox API app on the iPhone app, and therefore the dropbox API There is an access token, an iPhone App to make an API call (in the official dropbox iOS Core SDK, it is loadStreamableURLForFile ) for a solution. This will return a temporary direct link in the file contents. Then you can pass that link to your server and download it there.

c# - Reading line by line from textfile -

I have a function in the C # class that is reading a text file in the streamfile. Here is the C # function. public readFile (string filename, long startPosition = 0) {// open file as file _fileStream = new file stream (filename, filemod. Open,, fileshare.readwrite ); _reader = New Stream Reader (_fileStream); // Set Start position _fileStream. Composition = startposition; } And I am trying to call this function in another category and read the file line by line. Private AddContentReader _freader; Protected override zero (string [] Args) {_freader = New Added Content Reader (File); } So my question is how to read text file by row in the calling function Please help me .. is a method called readLine in the streamrider category. sample string line; While ((line = _reader.ReadLine ()) = null) {console.light line (line); } More info

xslt 1.0 - navigating to a particular block in xsl upon certain conditions -

I have a condition in XSL where I have to read the data if the sert name is gfrt and its value is TTT Please advise that Xls: if it will be tagged for. I went this way ... & lt; Xsl: if test = "./@name = $ gfrt" & gt; & Lt; / XSL: If & gt; try it & lt; Xsl: template match = "sert" & gt; & Lt; Xsl: if test = "@name = 'gfrt' and. = 'TTT'" & gt; Do something here ... & lt; / Xsl: if & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt; or & lt; Xsl: template match = "abcData" & gt; & Lt; Xsl: each-select = "cert" & gt; & Lt; Xsl: if test = "@name = 'gfrt' and. = 'TTT'" & gt; Do something here ... & lt; / Xsl: if & gt; & Lt; / XSL: for-each & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt; It depends on the context in which context you are in.

imageview - Android Bounding Rectangles -

I am trying to create a boundary rectangle around an image view to detect conflicts. Unfortunately, I can not only search for the code for sprites and not ImageViews. Is there a way to make a rectangle that goes out of the image for an image? One of the imageview runs through an animation, while the other still remains. Using images for moving animation is not a good idea, although there are too many resources in it, You can set the width and height to WRAP_CONTENT and use the image size as a bounding rectangle Setting your xml layout in Android: layout_height and android: Layout_width "wrapping content" of your ImageView And when you need to force the boundaries of image views: ... int [] l = new int [2]; ImageView.getLocationOnScreen (L); Int x = l [0]; Int y = l [1]; Int w = imageView.getWidth (); Int h = imageView.getHeight (); ... x, y, w, h ??? Bounding rect is required in screen coordinates

php - Default value for subdomain in Routing.yml Symfony2 -

The following is my routing.yml which includes all the routes from the controller: Parameters.yml domain: testmultidb.hrd routing.iml vi_company: resource: "@ViCompanyBundle / Controller /" Type: Annotation Prefix: / Host: "Administrator. {Company}.% Domain%" Default: # Company: # There is no way to get the name of the subdomain here Now, Anything like {company} can be company1, company2, companyn ... , so the issue URL answers Happens all the time in various me it Company parameters & lt; A href = "{{path (" vi_company_dashboard ", {company: subdomainName}}}}> dashboard and lieutenant must pass; / a & gt; This is to eliminate this {company: subdomain name} . Therefore it will get "company1" from admin.company1.testmultidb.hrd, from "company2" to admin.company2.testmultidb.hrd There is also to ban any subdomain: vi_company: Resource: "ViCompanyBundle / Controller /" Type: Anno...

background music on magento website -

I searched a lot but I can not find the right way to do this: I have a background music on my Magenta website, And I would also like to have a play / mute command, because sometimes the music can disturb anyone ... Any advice about how to achieve this? Thanks in advance F. For magmato part, you need to add the player with the pause / play button where you have the layout And want on the page using the template. For the music part, you can choose the player you want, and keep the file in the media folder, I would recommend you to create a music folder under it. Since Magazine has reloaded the whole page with the entire navigation step, it should be a player, where to go to refresh the page. I want you to think twice before putting music on the website because I am not sure it will improve your sales. I think that should be the opposite. Personally, if I tell music, then I go to the previous page.

sockets - Getting Malformed reply from SOCKS server Exception -

itemprop = "text"> getting sock server exception to the following socket . I'm not using any SOCKS server & amp; And this is just a stand-alone program, this is the starting line & amp; The exception is getting here only. I am using the reflection API too. Public static string tcpSend (string IP, int port, integer timeout, string content) {try {clientSocket = new socket (IP, port); .....} Calling by another method as follows: SendReceiveCanMessage.tcpSend ("localhost", 8000, 5000, "Start"); The folling is complete stacketrace on the distorted responses from the SOCKS server (unknown source) at (unknown source) at (unknown source) (unknown Source) on (unknown source) .net.Socket sun.reflect on SunkreflectkNativeMethodAccessorImplk...

java - Program getting executed indefinetly after comparing with system time -

स्पष्टीकरण - स्टार्टटाइम को एक मेज से प्राप्त किया जा रहा है (EX- 2014-07-25 12:00:00) स्टार्टवर्क () सम्मिलन समारोह करें {लंबे समय = startTime.getTime () + (((59 * 60) + 59) * 1000); तिथि का समयटाईम = नया दिनांक (समय); System.out.println ("जानकारी: कॉलिंग स्टार्टवर्क (" + स्टार्टटाइम + "," + एंड-टाइम + ")"); स्टार्टवकर् (स्टार्टटाइम, एंडटाइम); StartTime = नई तिथि (startTime.getTime () + (60 * 60 * 1000)); SystemHour = नया दिनांक (नया तारीख ()। मिलन (), नई तिथि ()। मिलन (), नई तिथि ()। मिलना (), नई तिथि ()। GetHours (), 0, 0); स्ट्रिंग स्ट्रिंगटोओअपडेट लास्टप्रोसेक्टटाइम = "अपडेट मीटर_थ्रेड सेट करें last_processed_time = '" + sdf.format (startTime) + "' जहां नाम = 'गेटवे पार्क अधिग्रहण'"; mysqlStatement.executeUpdate (stringToUpdateLastProcessedTime); } जबकि (startTime.getTime ()! = SystemHour.getTime ()); System.out.println ("जानकारी: लाइव मोड में स्विच करना"); थ्रेड। नींद (1000 * 55 * 60); मुझे जो...

Integrating two sites payment to single payment gateway in nopcommerce -

I have two sites, say and Now has been developed with nopcommerce and has a payment gateway that is integrated by nopcommerce. Now has a payment process. Now I should be able to make payments via from (Payment Gateway) which is manufactured using nopcommerce. has been developed with EF in MFC. Is it possible, if possible, someone can give me some information about getting this thing. Thanks in advance .. In short, I do not think that you You can call nop commerce payment gateway from other apps. But there are some options to consider, The NopCommerce payment plug-in is designed to be plug-in so you pay nopcommerce on your website Plugin can copy the design and use the nopcommerce plugin. The NopCommerce payment plug-in is also an MVC based solution. You can add that plugin code to your app as a part of your website.

c++ - Where cv::adaptiveBilateralFilter has disappeared? -

OpenCV 2.4.9 has a good function cv :: adaptiveBilateralFilter () . It has been documented here All its references have been removed in OpenC3 (GIT). Even the sample code has gone. Can someone explain the reason for removing it? Is there any other way to use it as a cv :: bilateralFilter () optimizer? Due to low quality its been removed from 2.4. ('deleted ABF' for search). But anything could happen because opencv-3 has not been released yet, I think, we have to wait for the official changelog and maybe alternative functionality.

Is it OK to include Java Swing with JSP? -

I swing code try to use the JSP page is. I wonder if it works fine and is fine. But I can not judge if the JSP swing Use fine In fact, I want to show database Some pop-up reports from I was thinking to display a JFrame pop up / applet for the trick. But does a web browser need the extra plugin for it? Or is it ok to do something like this? Any guidance will be helpful. Always remember that you have placed in your JSP every piece Java server-side, so it can be deceitful (This can work in your development local machine, but this is only because server and client side are running on the same box). The proper way would be to write an applet and it will be included in your page - it will download such side browser client and it will go there. You Jeplet () must sub-class, and then you can use Swing components

css - Trouble making height responsive youtube embed with bootstrap -

I am using a BootStrap Grid system to create a responsive site that displays content in containers, anytime It is not more than the height, and the display width using three columns, until it is not seen through a small screen, then 1 column in that position. The problem is that, my YouTube embed is not responsive. I tried to use it 100%, auto using several bootstrap classes, switching from embed to iFrame and trying out many ideas. Nothing is working, I end up with a small stable height of about 100px, no width Here's my HTML & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-4" & gt; & Lt; Center & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Once upon a lifetime & lt; / H1> & Lt; P & gt; Far far away, the words are located behind the mountain, away from Wokianya and Consonantia countries, in the dark texts live on the banks of the semantics, directly into a large language ocean, in the bookmarkgrow, a small river named Duden f...

javascript - JQuery Method affecting the Direct children only -

Please find the link below for the bella I created. This is a simple Jquery animation when the mouse enters the "yellow color diva", then the zooming effect from the "red div" scales. But since DJ is made of single squares in CSS, hovering on a div affects all other devices. Now I should be on the div on which the mouse does not affect others. Please guide and tell me that it is possible without repeating the code for all 3 divisions. What have I done so far: // Image Scale Up Animation Box. AddClass ("scale");}); // Image Scale Down Animation Box.musleave (function () {$ ('frame') ($ ('.frame') ($ ('.frame') AddClass ("normal");}); You need to find the element .frame inside the hovered div you should use: box.mouseenter (function () {$ (this). FindClass ("frame"). AddClass ("scale");}) // Image Scale Down Animation Box.musleave (function () ($ (this) .find ('frame' ). Re...

javascript - AngularJS: Execute controller function from a nested directive -

मेरे पास एक निर्देश (एक नियंत्रक के अंदर परिभाषित) एक कार्यान्वयन के बारे में एक सवाल है, लेकिन इन दोनों के बीच एक अन्य निर्देश के साथ ( इसलिए यह निर्देश सिर्फ फ़ंक्शन को आगे बढ़ाता है)। मैंने एक त्वरित काम किया है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि यह मेरी समस्या का सबसे अच्छा समाधान नहीं है: यहां कोड है: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; html ng-app = "plunker" & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; मेटा वर्णसेट = "यूटीएफ -8" / & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; अंगुल्य जेएस प्लंकर & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; दस्तावेज़.लिखित ('& lt; base href =' '+ document.location +' "/ & gt; '); & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; link rel = "स्टाइलशीट" href = "style.css" / & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट डेटा -रूपी = "angular.js@1.0.x" src = "" डेटा-सेवर = " 1.0.8 "& gt; औ...

r - Sharing a Legend between two combined ggplots -

I am currently trying to present the series twice using two ggplot2, both with very different scales, Using two ggplots. By using grid.arrange , I've added two separate ggplots on top of each other. For visualization support, I want to make each row a different color, and this story is given below under the joint conspiracy. Because it can be relevant, I am currently working in the range of creating a shining section of an R mark document. Therefore grid.arrange . Renderplate wrapper around; The following is the code I have. testdata = data.frame (Var1 = seq (0, 10, = 1), var2 = runif (11), var3 = runif (11, min = 100, max = 500)) Render plot ({grid.arrange (ggplot (data = test data, ace (x = var1, y = var2)) + geom_line (color = "blue") + xlab (null), ggplot (data = testdata, aes (x = Var1, y = var3)) + geom_line (color = "red")}} Is there a suggestion about creating a shared lion? Thanks for your help. ggplot2 Method 1: When the scale...

windows 8.1 - How to draw a curve in XAML? -

I am developing an app that shows this kind of curve color and its length can change (in code) I am not, but I do not know how to do this, someone can help me: Thank you! Posted by Jerry Nixon and on making this exact control. It builds on the past.

html - How can I achive equal responsive padding for navigation elements? -

I am trying to create a horizontal navigation bar, which fills the screen or parent container and the same for it Horizontal padding will be the element, which will be evenly reduced on the width of the small window. Using the Display: Table-Cell I have found that it reduces well but not equal. Longer titles have more padding. I am open to any work solution, ideal CSS but if this is not possible, it will work without any speed. What can I see here so far ul {list-style: none; Padding: 0; Width: 100%; Display: Table; Border-top: 1px solid; Border bottom: 1px solid; Border-left: 1 px solid} {boundary-right: 1 px solid; Margin: 0; Exhibit: Table Cell; Status: Relative; Text-align: center} & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Some title & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Some tall titles & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Some title & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; solve it (and learned a lot) Basic ideas Run through all th...

sql - Backup database from C# -

"itemprop =" text "> I have a stored procedure that works fine when using Windows authentication when I have to run it. If I run it as a standard website user, then I guess it was a matter of permission. So I'm trying to add a script that allows me to connect to the database from C # and run the backup using Windows Certification. public bool BackUpDataBase () {string connString = _country == country. England? _connectionStringSiteDbEngland: _connectionStringSiteDbScotland; Try ({SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection (connString)} {conn.Open (); SqlCommand cmd = New SqlCommand ("BackupDB", conn); Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Cmd.Parameters.Add (new SqlParameter ("@Basalocation", _serverBackupLocation)); Cmd.Parameters.Add (new SqlParameter ("BackupType", _backupType)); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); Back true; }} Hold (exception e) {// :( returning unreal;}} I get a code error at cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (). The sam...

python - Mayavi Mlab : Drawing octahedrons -

I can not find any way to attract the axes, is there anybody who can paint me at least the triangular (transclucent) surfaces Can I tell in a class? only has some basic shapes. is an example of using: forms of import In the form of np import elusive ML verve as MLA = [(1, -1,0), (1,1,0), (-1,1,0), (-1, -1,0), (0 , 0,1), (0,0, -1)] x, y, z = zip (* werch) # There is a 3-tuple index of each triangle index. Index of `whites' are Radius = [(i, ( I + 1)% 4, j) For range (4) in J (4,5)] colorval = z ML.triangular_mesh (x, y, z, triangle, scalars = colorval, opacity = 0.75) ml .show ()

Create a pdf with dimensions 1700pixels*2200pixels in java using pdfBox -

I have an application that opens a PDF file with dimension 1700 pixels * 2200 pixels I get it on a PDF Dimension of drawn rectangle will be found. When I'm trying to make the same rectangle on a PDF, I am using PDF, which creates a PDF page with dimensions. System.out.println (page .getMediaBox (). GetHeight ()); Println (page.getMediaBox () getWidth ().); Results in : 612 792 PDF coordinates 1700 * 2200 to 612 * 792? your output 612 792 of System.out.println (page .getMediaBox (.) GetHeight ()); Println (page.getMediaBox () getWidth ().); It seems that you make that PDPage by using the default constructor, i.e. using new PDPage () Set the Constructor Page size in the US Letter page format. If you want a page in a different format, then you should use the constructor PDPage (PDRectangle) , such as: PDRectangle rec = New PDRactengel (1700, 2200); PDDocument document = new PDDocument (); PDFs = new PDFs (REC); Document.addPage (page); Thi...

commit - is there a bug in my rollback system? -

I have a set of unassigned variables and I want to assign the right values ​​to divide and promote the branches. . When the promotion fails, I will return the branch and I will undo the promotion. To undo the spread, I use a comma / rollback system, where multiple rollbacks will break through multiple hacks. I am a bug, am I thinking that I commit to the right time and call rollback? Promotion (), Commit () and Rollback () will not interfere with the assignment array. i = 0; While (i> = 0 & amp; amp;; & lt; var.length) {if (assignment [var [i]] == "unassigned") {commit (); Assignment [var [i]] = 1; If (publicity ()) {i ++; } to continue; } If (assignment [var [i]] == 1) {rollback (); Assignment [var [i]] = 0; If (publicity ()) {i ++; } to continue; } // Assignment [var [i]] == 0 assignment [var [i]] = "assigned"; I--; } Anyhow, I think this should work, but on the other hand the bug should be somewhere. The code above is correct. I got a bug s...

activerecord - How to track WHEN a model attribute changes using Rails 4? -

I have to find a way to track specific moments in which a model feature has changed from state to state, for example Suppose I have a list model with a feature called voting_status , which can be true Code> or False . That attribute can be changed by the owner of the list of true to the false button pressed , so that other users can start voting on it. . On receiving the first user vote, voting_status turns back and other users can no longer vote, even if they did not get the chance to vote in the first place. That's why I want to say a if that it checks that the user has voted between the moment at which the owner clicked the button and now another model I have called the vote , which votes to that user and voted for. Pseudo-code will look something like this: Vote = Vote. FINDB (User_ID: 4) list = list.find (5) if voted. Sequenced_it-bitine list.vitting_status_cheid? Unfortunately, I do not have any when the method is not found, or something that... - Timeout set in web config not working -

In web config I have set the session time even if my session is reset after 10-15 minutes & lt; SessionState mode = "InProc" cookieless = "UseCookies" timeout = "525600" /> & Lt; Authentication mode = "form" & gt; & Lt; Forms names = "external firms" loginUrl = "~ / login.aspx" defaultUrl = "Default.aspx" timeout = "525599" cookieless = "UseCookies" /> & Lt; / Authentication & gt; It is that I have set up in web.config. Now the value stored in the session is approved after 10-15 minutes but the user does not log out. Sorry, if I'm feeling stupid, but I am new to ... is it dependent on any other thing? I I am using NAT version Check your IIS ideal time setting. By default this is 20 minutes. You need to increase this value.

adding more options to DataTables -

मेरे पास यह है: & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {$ ('# example')। डेटाटेबल ({"iDisplayLength": 50, "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "आइसोर्टिंग": [[6, 'asc']]} ) .columnfilter ({aoColumns: [{type: "select", values: ['La Noscea', 'Black Shroud', 'Thanalan', 'Coerthas', 'Mor Dhona']}, {प्रकार: "चयन", मूल्य: ['पश्चिमी ला नोसिया', 'मध्य ला नोसेसी', 'पूर्वी ला नोसिया', 'लोअर ला नोसिया', 'ऊपरी ला नोसिया', 'बाहरी ला नोसिया', 'पूर्वी श्राउड', 'दक्षिण श्राउड', ' सेंट्रल श्राउड ',' नॉर्थ श्राउट ',' वेस्टर्न थानलाण ',' ईस्टर्न थानलाण ',' साउथर्न थानलाण ',' उत्तरी थानलाण ',' सेंट्रल थानलाण ',' कोरथस सेंट्रल हाइलैंड्स ',' मोर ढोना ']}, {प्रकार: "पाठ"}, {प्रकार: "...