r - Sharing a Legend between two combined ggplots -

I am currently trying to present the series twice using two ggplot2, both with very different scales, Using two ggplots. By using grid.arrange , I've added two separate ggplots on top of each other. For visualization support, I want to make each row a different color, and this story is given below under the joint conspiracy.

Because it can be relevant, I am currently working in the range of creating a shining section of an R mark document. Therefore grid.arrange . Renderplate wrapper around;

The following is the code I have.

  testdata = data.frame (Var1 = seq (0, 10, = 1), var2 = runif (11), var3 = runif (11, min = 100, max = 500)) Render plot ({grid.arrange (ggplot (data = test data, ace (x = var1, y = var2)) + geom_line (color = "blue") + xlab (null), ggplot (data = testdata, aes (x = Var1, y = var3)) + geom_line (color = "red")}}   

Is there a suggestion about creating a shared lion? Thanks for your help.

ggplot2 < / P>

Method 1: When the scales are the same

facet_grid By using or just the color parameter in combination with the reshape2 package, you can easily add multiple plots with the same legend. The values ​​of your variable have the same order of magnitude, so this is ideal.

using color & reshape2 :

  Library ('reshape2') data_melt & lt; -melt (data = testdata, value.name = 'value', id.vars = 'var1') ggplot (data_melt) + geom_line (aes (x = var1, y = value, color = variable))  < / Pre> 

High difference in magnitude leads to a poor conspiracy, but the result of the same scales is in a good conspiracy <Code> color </ code> by using </ p> <p> <em>, <code> facet_grid </ code> & amp; <Code> reshape2 </ code>: </ em> </ p> <pre> <code> Library ('reshape2') data_melt & lt; -melt (data = testdata, value.name = 'value', id.vars = 'var1') ggplot (data_melt) + geom_line (aes (x = var1, y = value, color = variable)) + facet_grid (~ variable ) </ Code> </ pre> <p> <img src =

Method 2: When the scales are wildly vulnerable

 Price vs. ID plot: Combine

As you can see, the last plot is great! You need to create a conspiracy to keep your legend; Pass it as a custom function created in custom parameters.

  testdata = data.frame (var1 = seq (0, 10, by = 1), var2 = runif (11), var3 = runif (11, min = 100, max = 500) ) Library ('reshape2') data_melt & lt; -melt (data = test data, value.name = 'value', id.vars = 'var1') p1 = ggplot (data = testdata) + geom_line (aes (x = var1, y = var2, color = 'blue') ) P2 = ggplot (data = testdata) + geom_line (aes (x = var1, y = var3, color = 'red')) p3 = ggplot (data_melt) + geom_line (aes (x = var1, y = value, color = Variable)) grid.arrange (P1, P2, Nrow = 2, main = 'line plot') g_legend & lt; Function (a.gplot) {tmp & lt; - ggplot_gtable (ggplot_build (a.gplot)) leg & lt; - who (sapply (tmp $ grobs, function (x) $ name) == "guide-box") Legend & lt; - TMP $ grobs [[Legs]] Return (legend)} Legend & lt; - g_legend (p3) lwidth & lt; - Zodiac (Legend $ width) # # # Use of grid for feature # can also manually organize the viewports grid. ArrangeGrob (p1 + theme (legend.position = "none"), P2 + theme (legend.position = "none"), main = "variable name", left = "val Ue"), legend, width = unit Unit (1, "NPC") - Elvideth, LWDith), NRO = 1)    


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