jasper reports - I am getting decimal number in place of whole number -

I get the decimal number on the y-axis of bar chart (0.0, 0.5,1.0,1,5,2.0 and On).

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This is the value axis label Set a mask for & lt; AxisFormat tickLabelMask = "0.0" vertical TickLabels = "false" & gt; & Lt; LabelFont / & gt; & Lt; TickLabelFont / & gt; & Lt; / AxisFormat & gt;

I want the full number of the place (1,2,3, ... and so on) how is it possible ??

Its very simple

Click on your bar chart and property in IReport Go to property expression. Add and paste the Set as a "Property Name" and

  net.sf.jasperreports.chart.range.axis.tick.interval   < P> Click "Value" as (see image below)  

Hope it can help.

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