javascript - Select / Clone parent of child class - append text to various attributes within parent and appendTo / insertAfter result -
I'm trying to, as the title says, select a basic div by providing a child's class.
Then I need to take all the contents of this parent and
- Add text to the beginning of the "id" attribute of all elements
- Add the text to the beginning All the elements for the "for" attribute of
and then I need to output it either by insertAfter or any other device I attach it to an empty device I would like to have a class or an ID.
So far, I have found a bit of a mess:
$ ('A [class = "maincatlink]]) // To select parent It is used for .parent () / parent class = "div2", but we can not use "div2" as the selector .clone ($ () Attr ('for', + 'helloworld')). ( $ ("Input") address ('id', + 'helloworld')) .inertAfter (". LeftBoxContainer");});
Here are some problems, first of all To apply this ID and not to change the cloned material, the original material is also being cloned. The second thing I do not understand is how to add "helloworld" to the beginning of the id or the result. The result is ending here id = "nan" - OK, the code is just wrong, if someone gives you some hints Thanks so much.
More simple explanation without dipping into my ugly code:
I have parents at $ ('a [class = "maincatlink"]) You must select - Add static text for the beginning of all input ids, at the beginning of all Add static text to label and output in a div elsewhere on the page.
Editing: // More information on HTML
& lt; Div class = "div2" & gt; ;; & Lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; A href = "checkbox 1"; & Lt; Input check = "" class = "catchalk box" id = "checkbox adi" type = "checkbox" & gt; Label class = "main codeal" "" class = "on maincotlin" & gt; Mobile phone & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "div1" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "div2" & gt; & Lt; Input check = "" class = "catcheckbox" id = "checkboxid2" type = "checkbox" & gt; & Lt; Label class = "subcatlabel" = "checkboxid2" & gt; ; / Labels & gt; & Lt; A href = "javascript: zero (0)" style = "cursor: default" square = "on sub-cell" & gt; Epley & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Label & gt; For & lt; Div class = "div2" & gt; Input class = "catcheckbox" id = "checkboxid6" type = "checkbox" & gt; Label class = "subcatlabel" = "checkboxid6" & gt; & Lt; A href = "" class = "off sub link" & gt; Samsung & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;
As the HTML given above, when a category or sub-class is active, it uses the class "on the main portal" and "sub-subclass". If the class is not active (the user is browsing) the class "Off Main Static / Subcategory" is implemented.
The "current" class resonates in all previous categories, which is part of the currently selected sub-category. I want to select all these "on" categories and list them in another div.
$ (function () {var clone = $ ('.on.maincatlabel'). Parent () .clone (); cloned.find ( 'Label') .ech (function (element) {$ (element) .attr ({'id': 'prefix-' + $ (element) .attr ('id'), 'for': 'prefix- '$ (Element) .attr (' for ')})}}; cloned.appendTo (' body '); $ (document) .on (' click ',' label.on ', function (e) {window Location.href = $ (this) .attr ('data-href');});});
Appearing as HTML:
& lt; div c Lass = "div2" & gt; label class = "maincatlabel on" for = "checkboxid1" data- href = " 1 "& gt; & lt; input checked =" "class =" catcheckbox "id =" checkboxid1 "type =" checkbox "/> mobile phone gt; div class =" div1 " "& Gt; & lt; Div class = "div2" & gt; & Lt; Label class = "subcatlabel on" for = "checkboxid2" & gt; & Lt; Input check = "" class = "catchoxbox" id = "checkbox ad2" type = "checkbox" /> Epley & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "div2" & gt; & Lt; Label class = "off subcatlabel" = "checkboxid6" data-href = "" & gt; & Lt; Input class = "catcheckbox" id = "checkboxid6" type = "checkbox" /> Samsung & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;
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