css - mobile-safari ignoring media query -

My almost finished website.

The following media query has been ignored by the browser of my iPad Mini?

  @ Media all and (max-width: 800px) {# trigger {display: none;} #telephone_leaf {display: none;} #number_leaf {opacity: 1;}}   

(style.css, line 974)

It works on resizing desktop browsers!

Actually, this is part of another problem. I can not get a telephone-hover / click-leaf image to work on my iPad. For this reason, I am just trying to fall in the display of God-damn telephone number from the beginning in a certain browser width. But even @ M not working !! go insane.

Make sure all your code prefixes!
@ Media is still new to CSS3, so make sure it's all prefix!

So your code should be:

  @ - WebKit-media all and (max-width: 800px) { #trigger {display: none;} #telephone_leaf {display: none;} #number_leaf {opacity: 1;}}    


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