How to remove console in masm assembly? -

I am new to the assembly and every program I run opens a console (like CMD) in the background anyway Is it annoying to fix this? '

I am using mess assembly, although I am not sure what that means.

  .386 Model flat, stdcall option Kesap: None included \ masm32 \ include \ windows .inc include \ masm32 \ include \ \ masm32 \ \ includelib \ masm32 \ lib \ user32.lib includelib \ masm32 \ lib \ kernel32.lib .data boxcap db "Close to a simple box", 0 contains the message database & lt; 3 Muddy "from" between 0 db "abortion", starting 0 .code: MessageBox, zero, addr message addr boxcap, MB_ICONERROR or MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE If eax invoke == IDABORT, MessageBox call zero, addr & Abort, addr & Abort, MB_OK .ELSEIF eax == IDRETRY invoke MessageBox, a close to zero, addr between Close to switch to, addr between, MB_OK .ELSEIF eax == IDCANCEL .ENDIF invoke ExitProcess, zero finally start   

It is sorry for the code, not posting before < / Div>

You need to pass the / subsystem:. Windows

/ subsystem to use the options for the window linker to the end of your command line Option: You can link to the ML command There are / links / subsystems to add. If you do not have / ENTRY option, Microsoft linker to select the default entry point is a little complicated, but if you were using mainCRTStartup before That you may need to change that WinMainCRTStartup .

Oh, and stands for MASM Macro Assembler, its full name is used as the Microsoft Macro Assembler is ASM that do not support the message Koodal.


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