
Showing posts from February, 2013

ios7 - Can't cast dictionary value to Array -

var mContent: शब्दकोश & lt; स्ट्रिंग, शब्दकोश & lt; स्ट्रिंग, AnyObject & gt; & gt ;; ... lContent = mContent ["tabbar"] के रूप में शब्दकोश & lt; स्ट्रिंग, किसी भी ऑब्जेक्ट & gt;; LTabBarItemsTitles = lContent ["itemTitles"] को ऐरे और लेफ्टिनेंट; स्ट्रिंग & gt;; Xcode दूसरी पंक्ति पर एक संकलन त्रुटि दिखाता है, जो बताता है: 'स्ट्रिंग' शब्द के लिए परिवर्तनीय नहीं है & lt; स्ट्रिंग, किसी भी ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; lContent ["itemTitles"] एक ऐरे एंड लेफ्टिनेंट; स्ट्रिंग & gt; है। Xcode क्यों इस त्रुटि को दिखाता है और उस सरणी से शब्दकोष कैसे ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि सबकुछ में शब्दकोष एक वैकल्पिक देता है: सबस्क्रिप्ट (कुंजी: कीटिप) - & gt ; महत्व का प्रकार? जिसका अर्थ है कि आपको निराकार करने से पहले वैकल्पिक को खोलना होगा: lContent = mContent ["tabbar"]! शब्दकोश के रूप में & lt; स्ट्रिंग, किसी भी ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; LTabBarItemsTitles = lContent ["itemTitles"] दे...

objective c - Other than the apple developer forums, where can I go to get technical answers for stuff in iOS betas? -

I'm curious to find out the resources for APIs related to others and to release other new features in iOS Betas For how have gone gone Dev forums I realize that I can not talk about beta myself, but I have very specific technical questions and I have found that the documents at this level are very limited. What are my other options? On IOS8 there are many questions and answers on Stackoverflowâ I now have 1,651 results as Apple has allowed NDA restrictions Modified so that you can discuss the API. Can you still ??? Write post screenshots, public reviews, or redistribute any pre-release Apple software or services View this link: For more.

c++ - Can we assume any pair of following floating point arithmetic statements always produce identical result? -

Looking at the variables of floating points with arbitrary value, in c / c ++ float a, b, c, d; In the following statements, can we assume any pair of them, produce similar results? Float result_1 = a + b + c + d - c; Float result_2 = a + b + c + (d - c); Float result_3 = a + b + d; In addition, there is no guarantee of the following decisions: a + b - b == a No, you can not accept it. I broke all three of your examples: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; Int main () {Double A = 1, B = 1 e 100, C = 1a 100, D = 1, C2 = 1, D2 = -1, B2 = 1; Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; (A + b2 + c2 + d2 - c2 == a + b2 + c2 + (d2 - c2)) & lt; & Lt; "\ N" & lt; & Lt; (A + b2 + c + d - c == a + b2 + d) & lt; & Lt; "\ N" & lt; & Lt; (A == A + B-B); } Output: 0 == and ! = Always unsafe on floating point types because they have rounding errors.

php - Sort an array by specific values -

Here's the scenario, I have a database and I need data to display in a data that is from four tables Is different. I was having difficulty in involving such questions that would give me the necessary results in the correct order and format, so I asked many questions and pushed the results into more array. So now I have this array and it does a great job till now. I have the data listed in the table to see it and I need to sort the table based on the top. What I need to do next is how some sort of array with a specific value. For example, I have an array in which there is a value ??? ? I want to search the array for specific ??? And then sort the array based on that. So if a type of type contains items in the column such as '' file '', a link ??? Or "quoze" will be described in alphabetical order. Is this possible? Or am I thinking about this in a different way? Can anyone tell me in the right direction? In most cases, you will probably h...

html - how do i format this url so it displays in javascript? -

I have this URL that I will have to give as a JavaScript string I know that I need to avoid characters, But no matter what I do, can not I get it right? var v = "& lt; a href =" "& gt; T = 1847 & lt; / a & gt; "; You are using double quote marks with double quotation marks. Lt; a href = ' / showthread.php? T = 1847' & gt; T = 1847 & lt; / a & gt; "; \ Var v = "& lt; a href = \"\"></ A & gt; "; Change the double quotes outside string for single quotes Var v = '& lt; A href = "" & gt; T = 1847 & lt; / A & gt; ';

database - vertica copy unix epoch into TIMESTAMPTZ -

I want to load the data from HDFS, but the time_stamp value in the data is in the Unix Era format and I want to load it. Vertica in TIMESTAMPTZ in vertical form. In this case, do not know how to use the cast function when flying. COPY search_mmx2 Source Hdfs (url = 'http: // HELOP-Nominal: 50070 / Webhdfs / v1 / tmp / export / 2014/07/15/00 / SEARCHES / part-m- 0000 * .bz2 ', username =' xyz ') Filter BZip () DELIMITER E' \ t '; Or is there any other / better way to do this? You will need to clearly define the column list, use a filler and then Get to change the data type on the load: create table public.test (timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ); Copy public.test (unix_timestamp FILLER VARCHAR (15), from time to time TO_TIMESTAMP (unix_timestamp)) with STDIN; & Gt; & Gt; 1388552400 & gt; & Gt; 13 91230800 & gt; & Gt; \. Choose from * public *; This gives us datetime ------------------------ 2014-02 - 01 00: 00: 00-05 2014-01-0...

java - How to get the inverse of a ComplexDoubleMatrix using jblas -

Actually, I would like to calculate the inverse of a matrix which is related to the ComplexDoubleMatrix class, but I did not find the function Like inverse () or inv (), does any body know how to calculate the inversion of the matrix? Thank you in advance. My goal is to make an eigen decomposition of a matrix using jblas.eigen. Now my current implementation is below the Java Library. To perform similar tasks, I need to calculate winners, this is the reason I want to find an inverse function in Jablet. Public static SimpleEigenDecomposition SimpleEigenDecomposition (double [] [] rates) {matrix rate matrix = new matrix (rates); EigenvalueDecomposition ed = New Eigenvalue Deecomposition (rate matrix); Matrix V = ed.getV (); Matrix D = Ed .getD (); Matrix wins = V.inverse (); Matrix Results Metrics = V.times (D). Times (V.inverse ()); // Check that the results and rates are quite close SimpleMatrix trueMatrix = New SimpleMatrix (rates); Simple matrix calculation metrics = new simple ...

jquery - add css to a cell through client template in a kendo grid -

मेरे cols belwo के रूप में defind हैं x.Bound (y = & gt; y IsStudentIn) .hidden (सही); X.बाउंड (y = & gt; y.Student)। क्लिंटटामप्लेट ("# अगर (इस्स्ट्यूडेंट इन == गलत) {# & lt; span style = \" background-color: red; \ "& gt; & lt; / span & gt; #} # "); यदि IsStudentIn = false है, तो मैं चाहता हूं कि छात्र सेल लाल रंग को चालू करे। उपरोक्त तरीके से कोशिश की, यह काम नहीं कर रहा है इस विशिष्ट टीडी के सीएसएस को कैसे जोड़ें यहाँ जवाब है, मैंने उत्तर पाने के लिए टेलीरीक से संपर्क किया x.bound (y = & gt; y.IsStudentIn)। हइडेन (सच); # (विद्यार्थी = y) और। (क्लाइंटटैम्प्लेट)। Div & gt; "+" #} और {# "+" #: विद्यार्थी # "+" #} # ");;

html - How can I eliminate the space between two divs inside a containing div in Live View? -

I'm having trouble replicating the directional linking so that they sit flush without any white space in between. A div has an image and sits on the other, in which the navigation bar occurs, both divs sit inside a containing div. White space is not more than a few pixels long, it does not appear when coding in DreamWire, only once viewed in the browser or live view is started. My document has a margin of 0 in the body. I have tried to make margin 0 of any division without any luck. Also does not seem to work, try some of the padding was also used with the float, it should be obvious, but I long have been stuck on this .. HTML: & lt; Div id = "header" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "bannner" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / banner.jpg" width = "900px" height = "350px" alt = "banner" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - End of banner div - & gt; & Lt; Div id = "navbar" & gt;...

sql - Convert nvarchar to datetime for date range query -

My GLD (GL Account) table contains both the year and duration columns, the nature type. My aim is to allow a user to select multiple dates in the query, for example, to search ... inpYearBegin: 2013 inpPieriodBegin: 3 inpYearEnd 2014 inpPeriodEnd: 12 But what is going on is that the result is 1 to 2 Will not show duration from 1 to 2. I think the fields need to be changed from time to time, but I'm not sure where to go from my SQL server query so far: select GLD.GLD_EndingBalance , GLD.GLD_AcctNbr, GLD.GLD_Year, GLD.GLD_Period, Year (Cast (as GLD.GLD_Year date time)) GLD from where to year GLD.GLD_AcctNbr = '140000' and GLD.GLD_Year & gt; = 'Request.inpYearBegin ~' and GLD.GLD_Period & gt; = 'Request.inpPeriodBegin ~' and GLD.GLD_Year & lt; = 'Request.inpYearEnd ~' and GLD.GLD_Period & lt; = '@ Request.inpPeriodEnd ~' All you need to do is Where adds a bit to some brackets to control the comparison...

ios - How to perform a segue that is on a UITabBarController from a sub view? -

I have a UITabBarController that leads to my login view. When a user is viewing any of the sub-views, the user can press the log out button, for which the login view should be brought. How can I use segue inside my sub-view from my UTibber Controller, which is a UTIB VIPU controller @armelmar is very clever, so take her cautiously seriously, however, I feel that: [[Self-Tabbric Controller] will display the Yueaddifier: @ "MySagueau" sender: self]; ... Tab Bar should work with any view controller contained by the controller.

python - Why is this way of finding the angle between two points so inaccurate? -

I use one another to try to get a phantom to pierce each other with angles. This function I have used, found online: def findAngle (x, y, x2, y2): deltaX = x2 - x Delta Y = y2 - y math.Tan 2 , Deltaax) However, it is very wrong when two sprites are around the same X, even then they are usually 100-200 pixels away from each other. This is my complete program that you run for yourself. import pygame import math screen_size = screen_width, screen_height = 700,500 screen = pygame.display.set_mode (screen_size) clock = pygame.time.Clock () black = (0, 0, 0) white = (255, 255, 255) red = (255, 0, 0) green = (0, 255, 0) blue = (0, 0, 255) square sprite (pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init __ (self ): Pygame.sprite.Sprite .__ init __ (self) class particle (sprite): def __init __ (self, x, y, size): self.image = pygame.Surface ((size, shape)) self.rect = Pygame.Rect (x, y, shape, size) self.angle = 0 self.speed = 0 def Draw (self): self.rect.x - = math.cos (self.angle) * self.speed...

ASP.NET MVC 4: Rendering a view from another controller after the original view is rendered failed (using ajax post) -

हम कहते हैं कि हमारे पास हैं: लॉगिन कार्रवाई: सार्वजनिक कार्यप्रतिकृति लॉगिन (स्ट्रिंग रिटर्न यूआरएल) {ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl; वापसी देखें (); } पंजीकृत कार्रवाई: सार्वजनिक कार्यवाही रजिस्टर () {वापसी दृश्य (); } लॉगिन दृश्य: & lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; $ (समारोह () {var url = '@ Url.Action ( "लॉगिन", "खाता")'; $ .ajax ({URL: वह URL, टाइप करें: 'POST', डेटा: {username: "user1", पासवर्ड : पासवर्ड 1}, सफलता: फ़ंक्शन () {}, त्रुटि: फ़ंक्शन () {}})}}; & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; @ {ViewBag.Title = "लॉगिन"; } रजिस्टर देखें: @ {ViewBag.Title = "रजिस्टर"; } & Lt; h2 & gt; रजिस्टर & lt; / h2 & gt; ajax पोस्ट संसाधन के लिए, इस लॉगिन के बाद कार्रवाई है [HttpPost] public ActionResult लॉग इन (स्ट्रिंग उपयोगकर्ता नाम, स्ट्रिंग पासवर्ड) {if (WebSecurity.Login (उपयोगकर्ता नाम, पासवर्ड) == सच) {वापसी RedirectToAction ("रजिस्टर"); Else {this.ControllerConte... - Converting Date to hours in VB -

How do I calculate the date for hours? For example, I want to decide how many hours remaining during the current time (July 25 in our country) from July 23. Output this way: Total hours past: 48 hours I suspect that there is more secret below how do you get dates in your code just like the surface. If a date comes out from another country, then you have to keep this in mind. It's hard to be clear without the code. Date given as date = # 2/10/2010 # Date as date = Date # 10/21/2013 # Dim TS1 timespan = that date. This date) 'or' 'Temppen as Demat TS1 = That date - The Daydate Console.light line ("{0} days or {1} hours have passed", ts1 totes, ts1, totalhors) Output: 1349 days or 32376 hours have passed

javascript - Browserify command not found -

त्वरित प्रश्न, जब मैं मैक टर्मिनल से ब्राउज़र अनुक्रमणिका index.js -o app.js चलाता हूं, मुझे कमांड नहीं मिला। मैंने एनपीएम इंस्टॉल किया है -जी ब्राउजर ब्राउन लेकिन अभी भी कोई भाग्य नहीं है। धन्यवाद यह पेस्ट करने के बजाय मुझे एक सार करने में आसान था: इसे अपने ~ / .bashrc या समकक्ष में जोड़ें: export PATH = $ PATH : ~ / .npm-global / bin / फिर, वास्तव में यह आपके टर्मिनल सत्र में प्रभावी होगा, source ~ / .bashrc निष्पादित करें। इस बिंदु पर आप browserify निष्पादित कर सकते हैं, साथ ही संभावित अन्य कई कमांड भी क्या उपलब्ध हो रहा है यह देखने के लिए ~ / .npm-global / bin / देखें।

ios - How to synchronize another object with a repeating animation? -

I have an animation in which an object bumps with two seconds between two consecutive walls between two seconds The condition of CGPontts is that the code to do this by start and 'positionInd' is very simple and original animation: cbisis animation * animation; TheAnimation = [with CABasic Animation Animation: @ "Status"]; TheAnimation.duration = 1.0; TheAnimation.beginTime = CACurrentMediaTime () + 1; TheAnimation.repeatCount = HUGE_VALF; TheAnimation.autoreverses = yes; TheAnimation.fromValue = [NSValue Value WithCGPoint: positionStart]; TheAnimation.toValue = [NSValue Value withCGPoint: positionEnd]; [Self.pulseLayer addAnimation: theAnimation forKey: @ "animatePosition"]; Now this is the question: I have to code this code, with every "tick" of this clock to send a message to another object; Which is, every time the position of the pulseLayer goes to 'positionStart', I want this part of the code to send a target action message ...

arduino - Can I download code source from board? -

I uploaded the source code on the Arduino mega board using the sketch. After that, I modified the original code. And later I needed the original code which was not modified for the second board, but I did not return it. Is there any way I can download source code from a previously uploaded board? Or is it possible to dump the original code from the board to another? I have heard that there may be a way to use the ISP but I am not sure. First, note that source code is never uploaded, only compiled and linked binary. . This reduces the usefulness of the results of the download. Uses Arduino IDE avrdude to upload compiled code to the board. The exact options that use this depend on the specific board that has been selected. If you have another identical board, you enable "Show Verbose Output during Upload" preference to see if the command line is used for avrdude; Once you have that you can replace "::::" with the ": w:" and the file name that imm...

Javascript page is fully loaded boolean check -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 9 जवाब अंदर एक चर सेट की कमी window.onload का, क्या यह पता लगाने का कोई तरीका है कि पेज लोड हो रहा है या नहीं? मैं एक पृष्ठ में तीसरी पार्टी जेएस का थोड़ा सा इंजेक्शन कर रहा हूं जो हो सकता है या नहीं पूरी तरह भरी हुई हो मैं पृष्ठ को संशोधित नहीं कर सकता मैं JQuery का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता। मैं एक फ़ंक्शन जोड़ सकते हैं और इसे बार-बार मतदान कर सकते हैं जब तक कि वह सही नहीं लौटाता (पृष्ठ पूरी तरह लोड)। आप संपत्ति की जांच कर सकते हैं। MDN से: दस्तावेज लोड हो रहा है, जबकि "लोड हो रहा है" रिटर्न, एक बार "पारस्परिक" पर्सिंग समाप्त होने पर, लेकिन फिर भी उप-संसाधन लोड हो रहा है, और लोड हो जाने के बाद "पूर्ण" ।

Migration(or conversion) path map in R -

I need to map the migration (or conversion) path to R. Example My ID Order State 1 1A1BB3B2 1B2BB2C3B1B32C4 1 A4 B2B1 1C In this data. ID ID 1 - & gt; B - & gt; According to order of B. In the same scenario, the ID has moved to B - & gt; B - & gt; C, id3b- & gt; C, ID4 has A-> B has moved in. Overall, we can do the migration (or conversion) path management as below. In this map, the arrow has the frequency of the path information. And in the circles is the frequency information of the states. Map of this route in R How can i make Is there any package for this? There is a possibility to use the diagram package here. Most of the work here changes the data into a good format. There can be more efficient methods, but it seems to work at least. First of all, I also want to make sure that your data is treated as one factor rather than a numerical value. #sample Input Data DD Now we start the change ss > rownames (tt)...

c# - Clarify two columns of the same name -

मैं इस प्रश्न हैं: का चयन करें CableNumber, CblType, ApprxmtLngth, ME.EquipmentNumber, ME2.EquipmentNumber, CblStatus, InstallMthd, S.PrdtCd CableId से सी अंदरूनी MajorEquipment मुझे शामिल हों पर C.FromLoc = ME.MEId अंदरूनी शामिल हों MajorEquipment ME2 पर C.ToLoc = ME2.MEId अंदरूनी शामिल हों SupplierInfo एस पर C.SupplierId = S.SupplierId कहां (@CblType शून्य है या CblType तरह @CblType) और (@CblStatus शून्य है या CblStatus तरह @CblStatus) और (@FromLoc शून्य है या ME.EquipmentNumber तरह @FromLoc) और (@ToLoc नल या ME2.EquipmentNumber की तरह है @ ToLoc); जब मैं परिणाम को एक मॉडल में पास करता हूँ, तो मैं यह कैसे परिभाषित करूंगा कि कौन सा EquipmentNumber उस चर में जाता है? जबकि ( mySqlReader.Read ()) {CableID_Controller.CList.Add (नई CableID_Model {CableNumber = Convert.ToString (mySqlReader [ "CableNumber"]), CableType = Convert.ToString (mySqlReader [ "CblType"]), SupplierPart = Convert.ToString ( mySqlReader [ "PrdtCd"]), CableLength = Convert....

ios - Subview Not responding to the taps/touch; -

I have created a tabbar and used the second view controller given below to get a subview like this. . I was successfully loaded the view, but I was unable to interact with Viewcontroller.view loaded inside the view. Complete. M and .h file code can be seen - (zero) tabbar: (UITabBar *) Tabber selected: (UITabBarItem *) Item {[_InnerContentView removeFromSuperview]; _InnerContentView = Zero; _InnerContentView = [[UIView alloc] init]; // UIView Inside as the Main View; Used to add other views as sub-view vc = nil; // UIViewController; Switch (itemt) {Case 10: VC = [[Indropoget visual controller alloc] initWithNibName: @ "IndoProject Visual Controller" bundle: zero]; Self.navigationItem.title = @ "" project "; Vc.view.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, _InnerContentView.frame.size.width, _InnerContentView.frame.size.height-self.tabBar.frame.size.height) ; [_InnerContentView addSubview: vc.view]; [Self.view addSubview: _InnerContentView]; break; case 11: VC = [[[In...

linux - Should bash scripts use sudo, or assume sudo? -

कौन से पैटर्न को प्राथमिकता है: #! / Bin / bash echo blah apt- संस्थापित करें- i blah ... जो कि रूट पार्म के बिना चलाए जाने पर विफल हो जाएगा, या: #! / Bin / bash echo blah sudo अधिष्ठापन एपटी-मिल इंस्टाल -इ ब्लमा ... जो तब तक सफल होगा जब उपयोगकर्ता के पास एसडो एक्सेस है। मैंने दूसरे पैटर्न का इस्तेमाल करने की आदत रखी है, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि दुर्लभ है, इसलिए मैं पूछ रहा हूं कि इसके नुकसान क्या हैं। मैंने जो लाभ देखे हैं वह हैं: यह स्पष्ट है कि कमांडों को चलाने के लिए सुपरयुसर अनुमति की आवश्यकता होती है (उपयोगी यदि पाठक स्क्रिप्ट को अलग करना चाहता है) कुछ कीस्ट्रोक्स को बचाता है उपयोगकर्ता। मुझे लगता है कि डाउनसाइड्स में शामिल हैं कि रूट अनुमतियों का उपयोग आश्चर्यजनक हो सकता है ("मैंने sudo टाइप नहीं किया है, इसलिए मैंने कुछ भी उम्मीद नहीं की थी जैसे कि एपटी-होट को चलाने के लिए .... ")। और क्या? दूसरा विकल्प सही विकल्प है जरूरी आदेश जो रूट एक्सेस की आवश्यकता नहीं है, सिर्फ अपनी स्क्रिप्ट को आसान बनाने के लिए रूट के रूप में नहीं चलना चाहिए। कमां...

Using Python, how do you remove files given a filespec such as "*.obj" on Windows? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 9 जवाब आप दिए गए फ़ाइलों को कैसे हटा सकते हैं Windows पर "* .obj" जैसी एक फाइलपेक? मैं इस समय विंडोज 7 और 8.1 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। स्पष्ट रूप से ओ.रेवल फाइलपेक्स ("फाइलपेक" नहीं लेती है, जिसमें वाइल्डकार्ड जैसे ".txt" को ".txt" के साथ समाप्त होने वाली सभी फाइलों के लिए वाइल्डकार्ड सहित क्रूड नियमित अभिव्यक्ति होती है)। अजगर ग्लोब मॉड्यूल वाइल्डकार्ड फ़ाइल मिलान प्रदान करता है। तो glob.glob ("*। Obj") के लिए आयात करें glob आयात ओएस: os.remove (f)

How to get device type in Ripple emulator? -

I have applied the automated topic to use the feature to guess device type. This property is given to a user-agent of my desktop browser while running in a rapel emulator. Does the ripple allow the device to determine the current device? This link can help you identify the device if you are using PhoneGrap

oracle - Sort SQL results by column titles? -

How do I solve SQL results from the column headings? Yes, horizontally and each single column name manually id, name, foreman, department - & gt; What can the PL / SQL return group of departments, foreman, id, name or prices? Like: Select GetAllColumnsSortedByName (1) by the name of the table (I can imagine this is a strange question, but this I will help, I have many columns in the every table, sorry, but how about the PL / SQL aspect?) > Choose T.COLUMN_NAME from all_tab_columns where t TABLE_NAME =? And T.OWNER =? 1 command I think That's the multistate operator you need. It is related to the collection, but I doubt that it can be done in 8i, even then, the MB Will help

c# - Authorize attribute and changed database -

I have coded the C # MVC 5 internet application and a question about the authorize attribute is. / P> Is this controller better protection for this feature? Here's the situation that I have ... If a user enters a user name and password, and then logs in with the user name and password, then the user will be able to access the attribute could reach. If I change the name of the database, as if a new database is created, the index view loads, the view still thinks that the user is logged in, and authorizing the attribute, You can use. Is there any way to stop this? Should I have a quick check to see if the user name and password are correct for the current database or is there any easier / better way? The question is, do you really have this problem? If you change the name of your database name, then you should restart your MVC application or full webserver. The other way of logging out all users described in is

How to slipt a date which is already stored in a database using php -

I have created a database table using mysql.there. I store the date using the date picker. If I want to assign that archive date to three variables named $ Year, $ month and $ day, how can I differentiate using php? Table name ----> Vehicle Meters Table Field ---- & gt; Date, Vehicle_, Meters, Status Question ---- & gt; $ Selectdate = mysql_query ("Choose date from vehicle meter where position = '1'"); $ R = mysql_fetch_array ($ Selectdate); $ Date = $ r ['date']; If $ $ is excluded from the named variable, then 2006-08-21 I want to separate it as three variables. Must be in 2006, $ month 08 and $ day 21. How can I do this? Please help ... your $ date , and use, such as: list ($ year, $ month, $ day) = explosion ("-", $ date); Echo every year "& Lt; br />".$month."<br/>".$day;

r - How to dynamically switch a `ggroup` from `horizontal=TRUE` to `horizontal=FALSE`? -

मैं ggroup से horizontal = TRUE से क्षैतिज = FALSE एक gWidgets2 जीयूआई में जो पहले से ही दिख रहा है? निम्नलिखित पर विचार करें: w & lt; - gwindow ("बॉक्स कंटेनर") जी & lt; - ggroup (क्षैतिज = TRUE, cont = w) gbutton ("एक", cont = g); Gbutton ("दो", cont = g) अगर मैं अब निष्पादित करता हूं: जी फिर जीयूआई बाहर खाली है। इसके बजाय, मैं जी कंटेनर को horizontal = FALSE बनने के लिए और अनुलंब बटनों के लिए खड़ी व्यवस्था करने की उम्मीद कर रहा था। बाद में कैसे प्राप्त किया जा सकता है? यह क्रॉस प्लेटफॉर्म काम नहीं कर सकता है, लेकिन जीटीके के साथ यह करता है:

php - Numeric array: add value of previous element to current element -

For each element in the array, I have to add the value of the current element. Example: Hey ([0] = & gt; 460 [1] => 25 [2] => 25 [3] => 25 [4] => 25 [5 ] = & Gt; 25 [6] => 25) How can I get the following: Array ([0 ] = & Gt; 460 [1] => 485 [2] => 510 [3] = 535 [4] = 560 [5] => 585 [6] = > 610) Any thoughts? This is a quick solution compared to the rest: foreach ($ A as $ i = & gt; $ val) {// Make sure the current item is not the first / / because if there is a base number first ($ i & gt; 0) {// update is running $ i ( Index) // adding the previous value ($ a [$ i-1]) with the current value $ Val) $ a [$ i] = $ a [$ i - 1] + $ val; }} As 0 is the first value, we can not increase before that) therefore if Statement And here's a demo: This does not matter if looping method you use How do you implement it? Look, here's exactly the exact same thing done for for loop ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; co...

javascript - jQuery attr() method to create a data dash attribute -

I am trying to understand why attribute for adding data-attributes (let's say an image) Name is required in quote I know that it needs to be done, but if a student asked me why I would not have the correct answer then take two examples below. 1.) I am exploring an explanation why dash is a problem. 2.) Is there a way to avoid it, so you do not need to put it in quotation marks? / P> This does not work: $ ("img"). Attr ({alt: "picture of my cat", data -item: "pet", data-color: "orange",}); This works $ ("img"). Attr ({alt: "photo of my cat", 'data-object': "pet", 'data-color': "orange",}); 3) The argument passed to the ARR () method is the true meaning of an object? 4. Is this object just a rule in the literal syntax which is not allowed to have a dash? 1). In object literals, the - symbol is not allowed as an identifier because it has zero operator in J...

Tar subdirectories separately -

I have to avoid a bunch of files, in fact ~ 600 million are ordered in the directory in the year / month / day. There are ~ 700 files every day, if there is a "clean" way of throwing daily directories for the first time, then they should be placed monthly in the dark diamond and finally put them in the annual directory? Of course I will try and write a script to do this, but I thought that maybe there is something "out" or an inbuilt function that I can use for this task. OK, it is not good to answer your question, even though I have a command line I am using: / Mypath / Then it is not so difficult to tire in monthly or annual tar files. Any other, more elegant solution is always welcome.

git - Separate repository for each branch - GitHub -

मैं Git और GitHub के लिए अपेक्षाकृत नया हूं। मेरे पास निम्न .git / config फ़ाइल के साथ एक रिपॉजिटरी (रेपो 1 कहना है) है [कोर] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = सच नंगे = false logallrefupdates = सच ignorecase = सच precomposeunicode = false [दूरदराज के "मूल"] url = Git @ GitHub-उपयोगकर्ता नाम: USERNAME / repo1.git इस रेपो में 3 शाखाएं हैं: - रिफ / रीमोट / मूल / * मैं उन सभी को करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध करने में सक्षम हूँ और एक और भंडार (माना repo2) निम्नलिखित के साथ .git / config :। कोर ] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = सच नंगे = false logallrefupdates = सच ignorecase = सच [दूरदराज के "मूल"] url = Git @ GitHub-उपयोगकर्ता नाम: uSERNAME / repo2.git लाने = + refs / सिर / *: refs / रिमोट / मूल / * [दूरस्थ "विकास"] url = Git @ GitHub-उपयोगकर्ता नाम: uSERNAME / repo2_development.git लाने = + refs / सिर / *: refs / रिमोट / विकास / * [दूरस्थ "देव-epub"] url = Git @ github- उपयोगकर्ता नाम: uSERNAME / repo2_dev-epub.git लाने = ...

javascript - How can I identify users of my API when they call it in JS? -

I have created an API that people get JavaScript (client-side, node. I should know that my API's If I have an API key in the API key, then in my API call, anyone can see their API key and can use it. If I call my JS How do I identify the users of my APIs Rum? $. Ajax (function () {url: "", // Anyone can view my API key Data: {some statistics}}) Generally, we use a combination of public and private key encryption for API access. Private key is known only for APIs, and you can create a hash based on both public and private key, and they check the match on server-side Can do Next, it is a good idea to limit the key to the specific domain in PHP. You can easily use the $ _ SERVER ['HTTP_ORIGIN'] super-global Where can the request come from? The following pseudo code should give you some pointers: $ domain = basename ($ _ server ['HTTP_ORIGIN']); $ ApiKey = $ _REQUEST ['api_key']...

c# - Reduce code duplicates -

Currently I have a lot of squares (5) who have only 2 properties but different names for different purposes Are: public class class 1 {public class 1 () {} public string id {get; Set; } Public string value {get; Set; }} Public class class 2 {public class 2 () {} public string id {get; Set; } Public string value {get; Set; }} ........ public class class 5 {public class 5 () {} public string id {get; Set; } Public string value {get; Set; }} Then I have a method for each class that is going to list & lt; Class & gt; . Public Stable List & lt; Class 1 & gt; GetClass1 () {Dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; S = GetSomeResults1 (); & Lt; Class1 & gt; _s = new list & lt; Class 1 & gt; (); Foreign (in different items) {Class 1C = New Class 1 (); C. IID = Item. KA; C.value = item.Value; _s.Add (c); } Return _s; } Public static list & lt; Class2 & gt; GetClass2 () {dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; S = GetSomeResults2 ()...

sockets - Open MPI and Boost MPI using too many file handles -

I am running a project using Boost MPI (1.55) on open MPI (1.6.1) on a compute cluster . Our cluster has nodes in which there are 64 CPUs and we create a single MPI process on each of our most of the communication between individual processes, each has a series of irecv () requests ( For different tags) and sends are blocked from the use of sending. Our problem is that after a short time of processing (usually within 10 minutes), we are getting this error which ends the program: [Btl_tcp_component.c: 1114: mca_btl_tcp_component_accept_handler] Accepted () failed: too many open files in the system (23). Near debugging shows that this network sockets are taking these files, and we're killing our OS range of 65536 files, most of these conditions are in "TIME_WAIT" Which is apparently TCP (usually to hold any late packet) for 60 seconds after the closure of a socket (usually). I was under the impression that the Open MPI did not close the sockets and kept N ^ 2 ...

C# writing to a text file issue -

I have a simple enough class that is logging text into .txt file. I file does not exist Show me the code An exception will be received at the point I got. Then the text file appears in the text file after the file crashes. If I run the program, while the log.txt file exists, it works correctly. code: class logger {public string source; // public logger () // {//} public logger (string source) {checkexists (source); This.source = source + "log.txt"; } Private Zero CheckExists (string source) {if File! Exists (source + "log.txt")) {File.Create (source + "log.txt"); }} Public Zero WriteToLog {String Output} {Try {StreamWriter sw = file.AppendText (this.source)} {sw.WriteLine (Output); Sw.Close (); }} Hold (exception e) {// dot on which the code breaks; }}}} The garbage collector runs, as long as the file opens FileStream which you want to close because it is open, you may be getting a sharing violation while trying to share it. A better way...

sql - Group multiple result set by count -

I have a query that gives an edge to some data and returns the count if true, even though the number due to the loop Only counting that result, so you only return 1,1,1,1 etc .. Instead 4. WHILE (@I & lt; = @RowCount) announcement announcement @forename VARCHAR (50) Announcement @surname VARCHAR (50) Select @DOB = #mytemp Previous Name Where = @I Selection @forename = #mytemp Previous Name Where Line = @I + 1 Select @surname = #mytemp from the previous name Select the line = @I + 2 COUNT (*) from [FPTDB] .dbo .clients where the former name = @forename and nickname = @surname and date of birth = @DOB set @I = @I + 3 end I think that to calculate the results Need to group a result, but I Not sure how. I recommend leaving WHILE and you can do this (Last selection has not been tested): DECLARE @ mytemp TABLE (forename VARCHAR (100)) INSERT INTO @mytemp Select 'Tom' to enter @mytemp 'Bob' Select to enter @mytemp 'Smith' INSERT INTO @mytemp Cho...

mysql - php curl post with originators ip -

leave your email to me have added a form where the client mailing list and access to the site is. I would like to create a php script to a form script that adds an email to Maisjhl table with a Jesd password. The password is then emailed to the customer. I would like to receive an auto Risponsr, Awaibr or want to re-post the same kind of data do, however, want to protect the IP address am that I sign the customer. As if they sign up directly at Eweber's form Is it possible that for example curls or all my posts are my server IPs? You IP address header Try to cheat: $ ipAddress = $ _SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ Headers = array ("REMOTE_ADDR:". $ IpAddress, "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR:". $ IpAddress); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $ headers); The results may vary. With Unfortunately, curl, you can not really "an IP address" cheating if you need to deceive any IP address, so you'll need to use sockets. - How to save a checkbox checked state as a boolean? -

How to save the checkbox status as a boolean? asp.NET & lt; Asp: checkbox id = "cb" runat = "server" /> VB slow CB like Boolean = CB Checked The above code produces the following error: 'Check' is not a member of the bullion How can the checked status of the check box be changed in a Boolean result? checked property already provides a boolean , then your question is somewhat misleading. However, the name of your checkbox is cb , you have used your boolean variable name then you cb.Checked wants boolean not checkbox . If it is already at the top of the page, you can reference it directly: is slow box checked Boolean = CB Checked 'There is no need to search references'. - RegEx to match tokens and keep delimiter -

I want to match all the tokens of these strokes and the delimiter (to keep separate capturing groups) this RegEx (vb .net): ([^ ~ \ + \:] *) ([~ \ + \:]) Text1 + Text2:: Text4 :: Text6 ~ Text1 + Text2: Text3 + Text4 ~ Output: Text1 + Text2 :: Text4 :: Text6 ~ Text1 + Text2: Text3 + text4 ~ As the escape addimeter I ? How can I get it with (strange number of ? )? Text1 + Text2 ?: Text3 ~ The result of Text1 + Text2 ?: Text3 ~ Thank you for your help Try it out: ((?: \?. | | | [^ ~ +:]) *) ([~ +:]) It will not necessarily be ? A in a or ?? Avoid in , then you will need to post something - even without processing, a ? will effectively escape the next character if: ?: will not be a delimiter, ??: will be a delimiter, ???: there will be no limit. / P> Explanation: (Capture group for text # is started) (?: (? # Non-capture for repeat changes Start the group) \? (? # Match? Is actually being followed by any character - to avoi...

xaml - visibility of 2 buttons with similar style WPF -

I use a custom style WPF button with following style [Objective button is content (a star image) on mouseover Is visible only) & lt; Style x: key = "seebookmark highbootstyle" target type = "{x: type button}" & gt; & Lt; Style.Resources & gt; & Lt; Storyboard x: key = "mouseover animation" & gt; & Lt; Double animation duration = "0: 0: 1" from "=" 1 "storyboard. Target = "opacity" /> & Lt; / Storyboard & gt; & Lt; Storyboard x: key = "mouseauton animation" & gt; & Lt; Double animation duration = "0: 0: 1" to = "0" storyboard. Target = "opacity" /> & Lt; / Storyboard & gt; & Lt; /Style.Resources> & Lt; Setter Property = "Opacity" value = "1" & gt; & Lt; / Setter & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "margin" value = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / Setter & ...

Ruby resolv library how to exclude non-IPv4 addresses -

I want to use the library to resolve hostnames with 'localhost' but this non-IPv4 address is also listed Does. I want to find the first IPv4 address. Looked at the library, but there was no way to do this. Does anyone know a way to do this, or should we go for other gems such as NET: DNS or DNSRUB? If I think that you are correct Resolv :: IPv4 :: Regexp And you can use the Resolv :: IPv6 :: Regexp example: = & gt; Expected 'resolv' = & gt; P Resolv.getaddress "" # & gt; "" = & gt; Ip = "" = & gt; IP = ~ Rise: IPv4 :: Regex # & gt; 0 = & gt; Ip = ~ Resolv :: IPv6 :: Regex # & gt; Zero = & gt; Case ip = & gt; When Resolv :: IPv4 :: Regex = & gt; Say "This is a valid IPv4 address." = & Gt; When Resolv :: IPv6 :: Regex = & gt; Say "This is a valid IPv6 address." = & Gt; Else = & gt; "This is not a vali...

jquery - How to continuous animation in Tweenmax ? -

I'm constantly trying to animate an image left to right and I want to repeat it Repeat (from left to right only). I wrote this way. & lt; Script & gt; (". Image", 40, {left: '960px', Completed: function () {$ (".movie"). CSS ({"left": "- 50px"}); TwinMX.T.To ".image", 40, {repeat: -1,}}}}) & lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div class = "image" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; You can use a simple function definition to do this; & lt; Script & gt; Function animateImage () {$ (".movie"). CSS ({"left": "- 50px"}); (". Image", 40, {left: '960px', complete: animateImage}); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div class = "image" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;

javascript - CKEDITOR Support for Bootstrap Table -

I want to add support for CKEDITOR v4.0 for bootstrap tables. But it can also come under a more general styling position. I have enabled tables in the Ceciditor and want to assign a custom class to any table generated in the editor. For example: & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; ... should be created: & lt; Table class = "table" & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; ... How can I go about doing this with tables in CKEDITOR? I have tried to use the data processor found in documents, although they do not work for table elements. CKEDITOR.replace (myElement, {... on: {loaded: function (e) {var rule = {element: {table: function (element) {// Add bootstrap table class to ckeditor table $ (element) AddClass ('table');}}}; e.editor.dataProcessor.dataFilter.addRules (rules); e.editor.dataProcessor HtmlFilter.addRules (rule );}}}); if you want You can add the styles.js file to...

python - How to read GML file with OGR library (GDAL\OGR)? -

I am trying to read the GML file (version 3.2.1) using OGR 1.6 in Dragon 2.6. I am getting the following error: * Error 1: Unable to create Xerces C ++ based GML reader, Xerces support is not configured in GDAL / OGR Error 1 : File D: \ cp.gml appears to be GML but the GML reader can not be made instantaneously, because the axis support was not configured. * My question is: Am I missing some libraries? Is it possible to work with GDL \ OGR and Python with GDL files? New version of GDAL / OGR (1.11) as suggested by Mike T. helps me unfortunately. do not know why.

java - How to type into a iframe in selenium RC? -

html पृष्ठ की संरचना नीचे दी गई है: & lt; html & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; iframe id = "iframe-id" & gt; #document & lt; html & gt; & Lt; body contenteditable = "true" & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; & Lt; / iframe & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; मैं कंटेंटेटेबल बॉडी में कुछ टेक्स्ट टाइप करना चाहता हूं। मैं इसे नीचे कोड के साथ आज़माता हूं, लेकिन यह संपादन योग्य क्षेत्र को भरने में विफल रहा है। selenium.selectFrame ( "// * [@ id = 'iframe-आईडी']"); Selenium.type ("// [@ contenteditable = 'true']", "कुछ पाठ"); सेलेनियम आर सी कई साल पहले नापसंद कर दिया गया है यह सलाह दी जाती है कि आप सेलेनियम वेब ड्रिवर का उपयोग करने के लिए स्विच करें कृपया ध्यान दें कि सेलेनियम 2 के पास दोनों एपीआई उपलब्ध हैं, और इसलिए, नीचे की संगतता के विचारों के लिए, आपको मिश्रण और मिलान करने में सक्षम हैं यदि आपको इसकी आवश्यकता...

google apps script - GAS Help - e-mailing cells from a range -

I am sending an automated e-mail based on a border in a spreadsheet, though I have a problem with a lot of users Does not look favorable - when e-mail is sent, values ​​are different from commas only, I would like to show them on different lines. var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet (); Var vJOresponses = ss.getSheetByName ("feedback"); Var vCodesDay = ss.getSheetByName ("Codes") var vLength = vJOresponses.getRange ("C2"). GetValue (); Var vResults = vJOresponses.getRange ("D2"). GetValue (); Var vemailAddresses = vJOresponses.getRange ("B2"). GetValue (); Var versubject = "These are your Wi-Fi codes!"; Var Detorense Dual = vCodesDay.getSheetValues ​​(1, 1, vResults, 1); Can anyone help? > dozens of such code samples Examples are for achieving that outcome on the SO, do a quick search on "Send mail" with Google-Apps-Script tags ... One of them helps to create an HTML table That looks better...

VB.NET - NullReferenceError was Unhandled when I use text from a different form -

I am trying to create a program where people can upload text to the database. I am using a weboborzer to accomplish this, when the code tries to use text in another way, it creates a null reference when I try to run the code in debug. This is my current code when uploading in the form: Public class form 2 private sub form 2_load (Systems like System, Object, Adventurer) mbabes Load Webborder 1. Navigate ("http: /") WebBrowser1.AllowNavigation = True End Sub Handle Personal Button1_Click (as System.Object, E. System.EventArgs) Handle Button1.Click WebBrowser1.Document. GetElementById ("name"). SetAttribute ("Value", TextBox1.Text) WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById ("Passed") setAttribute (. "Value", TextBox2.Text) WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById ("Edit-Presented - 2".) InvokeMember ("Clicks ") Threading.Thread.Sleep (1000) WebBrowser1.AllowNavigation = True WebBrowser1.Navigate (...

java - SWT table with custom editors gets messed up on resizing -

I use a table to display 5 columns. 3 and 5th include custom widgets and the fourth one is editable. The window looks fine on the first look: However, if I change a bit of window size, the widgets inside the table are in the wrong place. View the table again For it is enough to set the focus. Here is a MCVE that reproduces this problem: import java.util.ArrayList; Import org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow; Import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; Import org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableEditor; Import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout; Import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem; Public...

linux - Command to copy code from one file to another -

I would like to know if there is any command to copy files from file A. Or SVN for my project, so I would like to know if it is possible to synchronize these 2 files. It would be great to know about a command, which strips the lines from the file A to A, which is not present in the file. Note: Developers of my client will directly code on the site, from where I will copy the code from my local site to my site. So I can not use the SCP or MV command to replicate my local copy on the live site. I think the bottom fgrep -vxf file2 file1 & Gt; & Gt; File 2 or you can use Assume that we have a file called "version 1" then you copy it to another location , And make some edits call this "version 2a" then copy it to another location, and make a few different edits Call this "version 2b". Now, the easy way to merge the changes of 2A to 2B is to find the difference between 1 and 2A, and apply it to 2b. diff -u version 1 version 2a ...

javascript - JQuery won't select appended hidden element -

मैं गतिशील रूप से तत्व जोड़ रहा हूं: $। Ajax ({type: "POST" , Url: url, सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {$ ('# trNew')। पहले (डेटा);}}); और डेटा : & lt; tr id = "val1" & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; ... & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt; a id = "e1" href = "#" onclick = "वापसी संपादित करेंरॉ ('ई 1')" & gt; संपादित करें & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; div class = "hide" id = "popup1" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "पाठ" & gt; & LT; बटन & gt; सहेजें & lt; / बटन & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; को उचित स्थान पर डाला जाता है। हालांकि, जब मैं $ ("# popup18") या $ ("# popup18: hidden") का चयन करने का प्रयास करता हूं, तो editRow () में (जो ठीक से लागू हो जाता है) ) , कुछ भी नहीं चुना जाता है document.getElementById ("popup1") भी अनिर्धारित देत...

json - i just want to print several images that fetched from a method named repaint and to all these images seperatly on custom cells of table in ios -

// कस्टम प्रतिनिधि जो पुनर्प्राप्त डेटा एरे में मूल्य लेता है :: - (शून्य) दोबारा रंग देना: (NSMutableArray *) पुनर्प्राप्त डेटा {यदि (पुनर्प्राप्त डेटाटाउन & gt; 0) {userObj = [पुनर्प्राप्त डेटा ऑब्जेक्टअटइंडएक्स: 0]; url_Img1 = @ ""; url_Img2 = userObj.event_dpURL; Url_Img_FULL = [url_Img1 स्ट्रिंगबैपैडिंगपाथकंपोनेंट: url_Img2]; [टेबलडेटा addObjectsFromArray: पुनःप्राप्तडेटा]; [तालिका पुनः लोडडेटा]; }} यह कोड कई बार एक छवि को छपाई कर रहा है। [[सेल छविदृश्य] सेट छवि: [UIImage imageWithData: [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: url_Img_FULL]]]]; यह शायद यह रेखा है, जहां आप हमेशा पहले ऑब्जेक्ट को सरणी से लेते हैं: / P> userObj = [पुनर्प्राप्त डेटा वस्तुऐटइंडेक्स: 0]; // ^ इसके बजाय का उपयोग करें: - (शून्य) दोबारा रंग देना: (NSMutableArray *) पुनर्प्राप्त डेटा {के लिए ( WhateverType * userObj में पुनर्प्राप्त डेटा) {url_Img1 = ""

android - Sony SW2 RegistrationInformation -

I am trying to register a new app that is developed by me but it displays on the smartwatch 2 tablet app Does not happen. I'm sure the app tries to register because it is part of the public contentValues ​​getExtensionRegistrationConfiguration () code but I do not know what the problem is. This is my code: @override public contentwales Extension Registration Configuration () {String Extension Icon = Extension Utilities. Utrostring (MCTXX, RDRAY.x_actation); String icon hostspace = extensionaufault GetuRstring (mContext, R.drawable.icon); String Extension Icon48 = ExtensionUtils.getUriString (mContext, R.drawable.icon_extension48); String Configuration Text = mContext.getString (R.string.configuration_text); String extensionName = mContext.getString (R.string.extension_name); Material values ​​= new material value (); Values.put (registration. Extension column. CONFIGURATION_ACTIVITY, Tangent CommunicationActivities.clash.gatName ()); Values.put (Registration Extension Co...

ms word - Starting page number from 1 after an odd section break -

I am using Opanaksmel SDK to create a report, and I try to try to make the manual before Word document layout I would apply it as Programmatik do these reports would contain sections which can be started on a new page, and that one should be a page number for each new section. If you edit the page strange to start with number 1 field after the break funny section, since the odd section break page may be a page. That means downloads that you test document to see it: and the page number to start with page number 1 Edit it. Page 3 Page 2 will be created. So I finally need to create a separate wired for it found that it and Page Setup Also the footer is enabled:

How can I replace a javascript for loop with a forEach and get access to the index for each iteration? -

मुझे यह जावास्क्रिप्ट है: factory.remove = function (arr, property, num) ) {For (var i = arr.length - 1; i> gt; = 0; -i) {यदि (एआरई [i] [प्रॉपर्टी] === संख्या) arr.splice (i, 1); }}; क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि मैं कैसे लूप के लिए एक का उपयोग कर सकता हूं। इसके बजाय इसके लिए हर जगह? मैं किस बारे में निश्चित नहीं हूँ, किस प्रकार के बारे में है, मैं किसके लिए i का उपयोग कर सकता हूं? इसके अलावा अगर मैं प्रत्येक का उपयोग करता हूं तो क्या मैं उस सरणी का एक टुकड़ा कर सकता हूं या यह संभव नहीं है? इस तरह से लिखा जा सकता है arr.forEach (फ़ंक्शन (elem, index) {if (elem [property] === num) arr .splice (सूचकांक, 1);})

html - A simple jQuery accordion not working, help needed -

My skills in JavaScript in JQuery only extend to "Cut and Paste" -coding, and I appreciate some help with A. When any H3 is clicked to expand the corresponding division with text, then all those are opened. Of course I would like to open them one at a time. Here is the non-functional codepad: HTML: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div class = "workposts" & gt; & Lt; H3 class = "toggle-trigger" & gt; 2014-06-05 & lt; Span & gt; Title A & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Div class = "toggle-content" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; This website has been automatically translated. For a small farm, click here & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / D...